Reasonable prevention: varicose veins will not work!
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Health is a modern trend. Being healthy is not only fashionable, but also infinitely important; without health, it is difficult to keep up with the pace of life in the XNUMXst century, and it is even more difficult to achieve success in life. Therefore, a modern person, who understands the value of health, tries to prevent diseases, and not waste time, effort and money on their treatment. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that it is easier to prevent any disease than to cure! Even varicose veins …
Varicose veins, or varicose veins, is an ailment in which the venous wall loses its elasticity, stretches during stagnation of blood, forming nodes translucent through the skin. The nodes, increasing in size, become painful, the person suffers from heaviness in the legs, and his light gait is gradually transformed into a “duck” waddling gait. According to modern medical statistics? at least every second inhabitant of the planet is faced with varicose veins.
All the reasons for the development of varicose veins can be divided into changeable and unchangeable. The unchanged ones include upright walking (not a single animal in the world suffers from varicose veins, a person acquired this disease when he got to his feet) and age. Natural age-related changes in the human body, in other words, aging processes lead to a decrease in the elasticity of all tissues, from the skin to the venous wall – this process can be delayed, but cannot be canceled. Modifiable causes of varicose veins are associated with the lifestyle of each individual person. So, the risk of facing this ailment increases in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are engaged in “sedentary” work (accountants, office workers). In this case, stagnation of blood in the small pelvis leads to impaired venous outflow from the legs, which predisposes to the development of varicose veins. The risk group also includes people working on their legs, constantly doing hard physical work, as well as those who suffer from excess weight (it puts additional stress on the legs). In women, pregnancy is a risk factor, in which the body of one person works for two, or even for three.
How to prevent the development of varicose veins
As in any serious matter, an integrated approach is important in the prevention of varicose veins. Firstly, is it a change in lifestyle, and secondly? prevention with the help of specially designed medications.
Weight normalization is important. This requires a review of the diet, reducing the amount of animal fats and replacing them with vegetable fats, eating 5-6 times a day in small portions, without overeating, with a light dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime. The normalization of physical activity is also necessary – with “sedentary” work, these can be short breaks for a five-minute warm-up and walking, and with heavy physical work, it is recommended to set aside time (albeit the smallest) for rest with the opportunity to lie down.
Drug prophylaxis includes a course of taking venotonic drugs twice a year, which solve the main problems of varicose veins – strengthen the venous wall and normalize blood flow in peripheral vessels. An example of such a drug is