At the moment, there is a lull in the real estate market, so experts do not advise selling an apartment or house. But if circumstances force you and you really need to get rid of your apartment, then pay attention to these tips that will help you quickly prepare for the deal.
It will not be superfluous to remind you to check if there is any debt left for you. For example, whether the apartment (house) acted as collateral for the loan; whether you have rented your property for a long-term lease, whether there are utility bills in arrears.
In fact, the last point is easy to cope with – all you need to do is pay off the debt for housing and communal services. But with regard to mortgages or consumer loans, it will take time to resolve these issues.
If at the time of the sale you have not paid, say, your mortgage, then you have two options. Firstly, you can get the consent of the bank, which acts as a creditor, so that it allows you to re-register the obligations to pay the debt to the new owner. Secondly, if the balance on the mortgage loan is small, then you can try to negotiate with the buyer so that part of the amount will go to repay the mortgage and the balance, respectively, to you.
If you have tenants living in your apartment and you have entered into a long-term lease agreement with them, then you must either warn them to look for another home, or by agreement with the buyer, you can safely sell the apartment, and people live there further. But this is in the event that the new owner does not want to urgently move his mother there or move himself.
This paragraph will focus on legal purity, when the property is not encumbered with anything and cannot be taken from the owner. To confirm the cleanliness of an apartment (or house), it is necessary to study in detail all the documents, find out the history of the transfer of ownership from the very first owner of this property, track the entire history of registration (ideally, it is still necessary to determine possible heirs).
Everyone knows that a recently renovated apartment can be sold faster and at a better price. However, in this case, you first need to calculate all the options, because it happens that the cost of expenses will not be covered by the amount from the sale in the end and it turns out that you invested additional funds that did not pay off.
Realtors are advised to first determine the market value of the apartment, calculate the cost of materials and work. But if you understand that the property cannot be sold for such a sum, then you can only make minor cosmetic repairs, which in any case will make a better impression on a potential buyer than shabby walls.
It is better to arrange apartment shows on a sunny day, after airing the apartment, brewing coffee and tuning in a positive mood. After all, it is much more pleasant to communicate with a polite person who confidently answers questions than with a gloomy displeased type.
Also, if you know about any jambs, then it is better to inform about it in advance so that people are prepared and make an informed decision. And do not forget to tell about the infrastructure of the area, the convenient location of the nearest shops, cinemas (schools or kindergartens for couples with children).