Reality horror: six worst child abductions

Reality horror: six worst child abductions

A 12-year-old girl from Orenburg, who was saved only by her own ingenuity, and other stories from which goosebumps run.

Orenburg: I ​​called my mother from the trunk

Nastya Dyakova

This story made mothers in Orenburg put “nannies” on their already grown-up daughters.

It all happened last Tuesday. 12-year-old Anastasia Dyakova was walking in the courtyard of the house when a car drove up to her. An unknown person pushed the schoolgirl into the salon and left … And after a while he forced the girl to climb into the trunk. It was there that Nastya was able to get her mobile phone and call her mother for a few seconds.

The police are sure it saved her life. In the evening, Nastya was found frightened in the area of ​​the local dump. The girl was not hurt, she just trembled with fright.

Soon the suspect was also detained. The man assures that he acted alone, but the motive for the abduction is still unknown.

This story began in the fall of 2000. If not for the investigation and subsequent trial, it would be difficult to believe in her. Still, it looks more like a plot for an American horror film than an incident in life.

It all started when 14-year-old Katya and 17-year-old Lena came to the city center for a holiday. And stayed at the disco. And when the dancing was over, they tried to catch the car. The 54-year-old Victor Mokhov stopped. The girls in the behavior of a benevolent man were not alarmed by anything. Next to him was a sweet 25-year-old girl who, in a friendly way, offered to drink.

The alcohol contained sleeping pills. Katya and Lena woke up almost 100 kilometers from home. In captivity. At Mokhov’s summer cottage there was a garage, in which the maniac equipped a real bunker – a room with a bunk bed, an electric stove, a table with several chairs.

The girls spent 44 months locked up in an area of ​​several meters. Mokhov raped both of them, and when they resisted, he starved them and sprayed tear gas into the bunker. In the third year of captivity, the girls finally stopped resisting. Then the tormentor began to take them out for a walk one by one. And Katya secretly managed to throw a note to the tenant who rented a room from Mokhov:

“Victor is not my uncle. He has been keeping us in the basement since September 2000. He can kill us and you. Take the note to the police, ”wrote the captives.

The girl immediately left for the city and complied with the request. Mokhov confessed everything to the police … The girls spent 3 years, 7 months, 4 days and 15 hours in a concrete bag. During this time, the eldest of the girls gave birth to two children – both boys. Mokhov threw babies into the entrances of apartment buildings. At the time of her release, Lena was pregnant with her third child.

A similar story with the kidnapping and subsequent captivity took place in Austria. On March 2, 1998, a 10-year-old girl from Austria named Natasha Kampusch went to school, but disappeared for 8 years.

Later, a witness was found who said that she saw two men pushing the girl into a white minibus. All subsequent years, the girl lived in an underground closet measuring 5 square meters and without windows, equipped in the basement of the house.

And only in the eighth year the maniac began to allow her to walk in the garden.

“I always thought: I’m unlikely to be released. Maybe I’ll stay locked up and my life will be completely destroyed. I fell into despair at such injustice. I always felt like a pitiful chicken in a hen house, ”she wrote.

No one came to help the girl. She escaped on her own when her tormentor forced her to vacuum the car. Despite the daily torture, Kampusch fully recovered and wrote a book about her abduction, which made her famous throughout the world.

USA: Called the kidnapper dad

Jaycee Lee Dugard is widely known as the author of the bestselling Stolen Life. But hardly anyone guesses what the girl actually went through.

Jaycee was kidnapped when she was 11 years old. The girl was waiting for the school bus when a car pulled up to the side of the road. And an unknown woman pushed her inside.

The kidnappers turned out to be a married couple, Philip and Nancy Garrido. They could not have children of their own, and therefore decided to kidnap Jaycee. The girl lived in their house, surrounded by a large fence. At first, they did not let her go anywhere, and after that she herself began to call Philip father. Only after a couple of years her status in the family changed. Philip raped “daughter”. At the age of 14, the poor thing gave birth to her first child, and three years later – another.

The prisoner’s psyche was broken. She posed as Philip’s daughter, and their children as younger sisters. And, perhaps, Jaycee would not have known a different life if Philip had not gone into religion a couple of years later and had not planned to hold one public event.

It was there that church staff drew attention to the family – they reported the family to law enforcement officers. A couple of days later, both Philip and Jaycee confessed everything. By the time of her release, the girl was already 29 years old! For a long time she could not recover from the injury, she continued to write love letters to Philip. Jaycee took the children with her.

Vladimir region: the father gave the child to his sister

The name of Zhora Nesterov several years ago thundered throughout the country. The boy disappeared from his home in the Vladimir region in 2009 … At first, the abduction looked so ridiculous that it was hard to believe in him. The boy seemed to evaporate.

But later it turned out that the child was secretly stolen from the apartment by the father. He did not take part in the upbringing and was divorced from the boy’s mother.

The next three years of separation from her son passed for the boy’s mother in a fog. And law enforcement officers, including Interpol employees, were powerless. The boy was found three years later at a train station in Ukraine. The police noticed a strange woman with a child, while she did not have any documents with her.

Soon, Zhora Nesterov, who disappeared three years ago, was recognized in the boy. And the strange woman was a distant relative of Zhora’s father and could not have her children. So the man decided to give her a baby.

The boy was returned home in record time. In less than a month, the real mother managed to collect all the documents necessary for this.

Austria: locked daughter in basement for 20 years

Austrian electrician Josef Fritzl did not kidnap other people’s children. For more than 20 years, he held his own youngest daughter captive.

The mentally ill father began to abuse the girl when Elizabeth turned 11. First, the man took out all his anger on her and beat the child, later he began to rape … And, when she turned 18, he was locked in the basement. At the same time, in order to divert all suspicions from himself, Joseph filed a statement with the police about the disappearance of the girl. But later he took him, allegedly she sent him a letter. And the authorities stopped looking for the girl.

During her imprisonment, Elizabeth gave birth to seven children from her father. Three of them never left the basement: daughter Kerstin lived in it for 19 years, son Stefan – 18, son Felix – 5. The rest were raised by Fritzl, posing as a caring grandfather to whom the prodigal daughter throws up children.

In 2008, Elizabeth’s eldest daughter, Kerstin, fell seriously ill. For the operation, doctors insisted on the presence of the mother. Under pressure from the police and the press, Fritzl confessed everything.

And the woman was released after 24 years of slavery.

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