Real stories of people who have achieved success through their work and perseverance

Hello! My attention was attracted by people who have achieved success with their work. In the article «Real success stories of big business with a worldwide reputation and how they started» I have already talked a little about some of the world’s corporations. And now the turn has come to share information about those who were at the helm of these famous companies today. How these great people were able to achieve the desired result and how they overcame difficulties.

My list includes businessmen who have been able to achieve global success by revealing their full potential. What they have in common is that everyone started without capital, connections and thanks to their activity, perseverance in making money and faith in their idea. You can also discover and develop these inner qualities in yourself. I recommend reading my article “Best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself”, where I described in detail how this can be done. So, are you ready?

Top 10 people who have achieved worldwide success


1. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs grew up in a foster family who promised his biological parents at the time of adoption that they could provide him with a good education. He started earning money early, while still in college, working for Hewlett-Packard. There he met Stephen Wozniak, with whom he subsequently created the first Apple personal computer. By the way, they assembled the first boards in the garage of Uncle Jobs, having no money for an office.

He dropped out of college after his first semester and went to India to seek enlightenment. The joint projects of both Stephens were successful, over time they were able to attract large investors. In 1984, Steve Jobs, in collaboration with Xerox, released the Macintosh (Mac), a modern personal PC that anyone could already control, even without programming skills. He had a bad temper, and in 1980 he was «kicked out» from his own created company.

But by 1996, the corporation had suffered a loss of $700 million, forcing the board to bring Stephen back. He staged a revolution by reducing the number of planned projects, and later introduced the iMac, then the iPod. Thanks to his efforts, the iPhone and the thinnest laptop on the planet were created. He died in October 2011 from pancreatic cancer.

Before his death, despite the illness, in March of the same year, he himself presents the iPad2 tablet at the presentation, proving that he can fight to the last, not even giving in to a terrible diagnosis.

2.Bill Gates

Born in a wealthy family, and despite the fact that he studied at the most privileged school, he did not pull out some subjects, paying attention only to mathematics. His behavior alarmed his parents so much that they considered taking him to a psychiatrist. Over time, programming became his only hobby, he spent all his time in the classroom with computers, sitting up until night.

Surprisingly, he was expelled from Harvard after two years of study due to underachievement. Not despairing, he began to pore over the creation of software, eventually founding the Microsoft Corporation. Since 1996, he was officially considered the richest man on the planet. Received the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for charity, he actively fought against world poverty. Bill Gates earns almost $7 a minute.

3. Amancio Ortega

Amancio’s family lived so poorly that he had to work since childhood. He never managed to finish school, so he got a job as a delivery boy for a tailor. From whom he learned cutting and sewing, delving into the features of creating clothes. At the age of fourteen, he already sewed for the haberdashery La Maja. Over time, he created his own business, selling his product to wholesalers. But one day he was let down by canceling the order of a large batch.

Amancio Ortega was in danger of ruin, but decided to create his own store, with affordable prices and quality material. Thus, the first grain appeared in the creation of a huge network of the famous Zara brand. Amancio Ortega has launched his own clothing brands: Stradivarius, Pull & Bear, Bershka and Massimo Dutti. Today, its products are popular in more than 70 countries around the world. Amancio, relying only on his own strength, managed to break out, as they say, from rags to riches.

4. Ingvar Kamprad

Ingvar’s grandfather owned a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and, unable to cope with the difficulties, he committed suicide. Grandmother managed to save the business by teaching Ingvar not to be afraid of difficulties and to show determination. Therefore, since his school years, he sold everything that he could buy in bulk, saving money for his own business. And already at the age of 17 he opened the first IKEA store, which, due to his age, had to be registered to his father.

Wanting to win competition with other furniture companies, Ingvar Kamprad comes up with names for each type of furniture, treats visitors to a cup of coffee and a fresh roll. This further contributed to the idea to create a fast food cafe at each chain store. He released a catalog of goods, opening a new service — to take orders by mail, organizing home delivery.

Once he bought an old factory in Switzerland, which made it possible to produce furniture even cheaper. Competitors boycotted him, so domestic loggers stopped cooperation. But even here Ingvar did not give up, deciding to purchase material from foreign suppliers. Introduced a new type of sale in stores — customers could serve themselves, and over time, also assemble their own purchased furniture according to simple attached instructions.

He was able to achieve the successful realization of his goals, becoming the richest man in Europe. You can read more about this person here.

5. Carlos Slim Elu

Carlos Slim Elu worked for his father from childhood, saving money for stock investing, which he became interested in from the first grade. And thanks to his diligence and acquired knowledge, at the age of seventeen he was able to get his first million. Most of which was invested in the development of insurance. In 1982, after the default in Mexico, Carlos bought many different and promising companies very cheaply.

Over time, political assets also ended up in his hands. In this way, he became close with high-ranking officials in Mexico, as well as with the president of the country. The founder of the Carso Group in 2010, according to Forbes magazine, was considered the richest in the world. Born into a Libyan immigrant family, learning the basics of entrepreneurship from childhood and working for his father’s firm, he became the pride of his country.

6. Roman Abramovich

Russian businessmen also became able to win the championship and become famous all over the world. Roman Abramovich became an orphan when he was only four years old and was taken in by his relatives. He grew up ambitious, sometimes too much, for which he suffered from the ridicule of classmates. In high school, he worked part-time selling cigarettes, jeans and chocolates. Later he worked at a children’s toy factory, but this was not enough for the intended purposes.

Having met Boris Berezovsky, he organizes the Sibneft company, and after selling it, he buys the Chelsea football club. Then he is elected to the post of governor of Chukotka, which he was able to bring out of the crisis and develop in seven years of work. And already in 2010, Abramovich was one of the five richest people on the planet.

7.Jack Ma

Born into a very poor family, he decided to make every effort to succeed. Realizing that development and education are most important, he, as a child, ran to the park, where he offered foreigners a free lecture-excursion, wanting to learn English perfectly. But he entered the university only on the third attempt, having flunked the exams the first two times. No one hired him, he was refused over a dozen times.

In the end, I was able to get a job as an English teacher. One day he gathered his friends and offered to invest in his project called «Alibaba». This marketplace soon released the well-known Taobao project, the Chinese equivalent of eBay. In addition to the fact that Jack Ma has become the richest man in China, and is one of the most influential people in the world, many entrepreneurs are grateful to him, who, with the help of his platforms, have the opportunity to develop their small businesses.

8. Moed Altrad

Surprisingly, this person not only started from scratch, but did the impossible. He was born into a Bedouin family, lost his mother at the age of four and was raised by his grandmother. She did not let him go to school, and Moed had to secretly gain knowledge. Childhood in the desert was difficult, he ate only once a day and still does not know the date of his birth. His studies were excellent, he even eventually entered a university in France.

At about 46, he moves to France permanently, without even having money for food. Survived thanks to internships in oil and technology companies. Over time, he was able to open a business related to the construction of the Altrad Group. Today it is the largest cement company in the world, and Moed’s fortune is over $1 billion.

9. Sheldon Adelson

Sheldon grew up in a very poor family, he had to sleep on the floor, because there was only one bed for the whole family. Therefore, from the age of ten he earned a living by selling newspapers, and after graduating from school he sold toiletries for hotels. He had a lot of ideas that he constantly implemented with his friends. His uncle was making money from the Wheel of Fortune at the fair, and he really liked the idea of ​​​​such an easy income.

He created many different companies, but it was Comdex (the organization of computer exhibitions) that brought him his first millions. Over time, he was not interested in this and he bought a casino in Las Vegas. And then he built the Venetian motel-casino. Today, many countries of the world compete with each other for the right to get on their territory the same analogue as in Las Vegas, and the winner is determined by Sheldon himself, a billionaire who started his business from scratch.

10. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah was raised by her grandmother, and until the first grade, due to poverty, she did not even have shoes and a dress. At two and a half years old, she already knew how to read and write, and from that moment she did not part with books. At the age of nine, she was raped by her cousin, receiving ice cream for her silence. Adolescence was very difficult, she wandered, stole, cheated, and at the age of fourteen she already gave birth to a child who died shortly after childbirth.

At the same time, she had oratory skills, thanks to which she got to study at the University of Tenne. Having worked a lot on various television programs, being both a host and a commentator, she opens her own program, The Oprah Winfrey Show, which brought in over $ 120 million in a year.


By virtue of their perseverance, desire to change the world and escape from poverty, these people have done a tremendous job. Did you notice how they started? Some did not even have money for food, and now the most powerful people in the world. Believe in yourself and be persistent.

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