“Real” recipes: colds won’t go away

“Real” recipes: colds won’t go away

Doctors talk about an epidemic of flu and colds, schools are being quarantined … But the artists have no time to get sick, they need to be in great shape all the time. Woman’s Day found out how the actors and the director of the series “Real Boys” save themselves from seasonal diseases.

The actor has no time to get sick: a lot of work!

“The sore and I are incompatible things. I rarely get sick, the immunity is still strong (pah-pah-pah). But if something suddenly – a throat, a runny nose, then I immediately go to the pharmacy and buy what the doctor ordered, or just a drug that I learned about from the advertisement. Traditional methods? Nope, I’m not one of those who is addicted to this and knows everything about them. Tea with raspberry jam will definitely not be in the first place! “

Maria Shekunova-Skornitskaya (Masha)

Masha prefers prevention rather than treatment (pictured with her son)

“Our baby’s immunity is still being formed, but in principle, my immunity is not very strong. And now, having a child, I simply have no right to get sick! For prevention, I will definitely eat honey, despite the fact that I don’t really like it, and my favorite tea is with lemon and raspberries. “

Sport is also prevention! And Valya is always ready to keep company

Zhanna Kadnikova (director of the series)

“Under the wing” of Marina Fedunkiv are not afraid of colds!

“My set: hot tea + lemon + ginger. Well, and effervescent from the pharmacy. It helps me, and that’s enough! “

Le Havre is ready for any weather

Comedy Club resident Gabriel Gordeev joked when asked about a cold: “Do you know why I’m not afraid of an epidemic ?! Because I have not lived in Perm for 10 years! (here the showman broke down and laughed. – Approx. ed.). Peace, health and goodness to all! “

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