Fairy tales are familiar to us since childhood, they captivate with stories and characters, magic that is done easily and seems so accessible. They give a feeling of unity with the characters in which we recognize ourselves. In fairy tales, we see situations that we encounter in life, and if you read carefully, you can find a way out of your scenario, which sometimes seems to be a dead end.
There are always several characters in a fairy tale, and our attitude towards each of them tells us what this fairy tale is about for us, with whom we associate ourselves and what qualities we are showing at the moment. In fairy tales there are heroes similar to us, and their behavior is characteristic of us in certain situations.
The plot of the fairy tale allows you to trace different scenarios of the development of events and find out what the living of the role of each character leads to. For example, manifestations of such a type as Princess Nesmeyana are found in both women and men. Life in illusions, inaction and expectation of a savior who will come and arrange everything so that it becomes fun and carefree.
In one life, you can live several roles and play scenarios of different characters. For example, from Princess Nesmeyana with dissatisfaction, capriciousness and depression, one can become a strong and successful Ivan Tsarevich. You can move into the role of Emelya, whose desires are fulfilled without his participation, into the role of Vasilisa the Wise, and vice versa. The number of roles we play in life helps to see it as a game, to understand it wider and deeper, and with experience comes the understanding that you can choose different roles and manage them, thus forming new scenarios.
Each of us has such monsters inside that we want to hide away.
Playing one role, it is impossible to recognize your different qualities and show your versatility. Switching from one role to another, on the contrary, allows us to recognize ourselves and different sides of ourselves in those situations that we encounter in life. It is not necessary to play Nesmeyana all your life. You can move into different roles, and then a new story will begin to take shape with completely different events.
Each character of a fairy tale can be manifested, because it is present in us with one or another of its qualities. We show some of them constantly, while others can remain in the shadows and be unused. The fairy tale arouses in us an interest in those traits and qualities that can be seen in the characters, but for which there is no internal readiness yet. Through fairy tales, we receive algorithms and scenarios of how to unfold new plots of our lives.
Everyone is familiar with the fairy tale «The Scarlet Flower», in which you can see a terrible story about how an innocent girl from under her father’s wing goes to live with a monster, but this is only one version of the plot. If you read carefully, plunging deep into the tale, then its script will open up brighter and give the keys to understanding what happens when you accept your shadow, unsightly side, your monster, forced into the unconscious.
Each of us has such monsters inside that we want to hide away so as not to meet with them and not recognize them, but this does not stop them from being in us and being present in our lives. Aggression, fear of the manifestation of one’s sexuality, jealousy, envy, revenge, greed, laziness — all this is present in us to one degree or another, and this is exactly what we prefer to hide from ourselves. Without giving a natural, ecological outlet to our emotions and feelings, we thereby feed our monsters, filling them with strength and not giving an outlet.
The longer the inner monsters are rejected, the more powerful they become, and when a situation occurs in life in which their power is needed, they break out beyond our will. These monsters are able to destroy all those beautiful illusions about themselves that they were kept behind. Monsters are the shadows of our pleasant and attractive sides, and therefore they have the right to show themselves, but for this it is necessary to recognize and recognize them, which is what happens in the fairy tale «The Scarlet Flower». The fairy tale teaches how to come to terms with your monster: to recognize him and understand that his manifestations towards us come from love, and in the fairy tale we see the love of the monster for his beauty.
Often the fairy tale ends with a wedding, which symbolizes the need to reconcile and unite its two opposites: the male and female parts. A wedding in a fairy tale is a symbol of the unification of two parties, one of which was initially banned, imprisoned, unaccepted and incomprehensible. The male part is the conscious, creative principle, strength, power, logos, the female part is the emotional, sensual, spiritual principle, creativity and intuition.
In life, the manifestation of the internal conflict between the male and female parts can be observed when dreams and desires remain unfulfilled. The mind argues with the heart, one part of us declares what it wants, and the other part opposes this with sabotage and laziness. Instead of recognizing both of its parts, one of them begins to be rejected, and efforts are directed towards changing oneself, improving, improving. There is an internal struggle. This happens when love for oneself as a whole and already perfect creature is suppressed and, for various reasons, is not manifested. The reasons can be different, from upbringing to generic programs.
Get acquainted with the fairy tale, find clues and clues for your new roles and scenarios in it
You can choose different fairy tales, with different scenarios and characters, it all depends on what is important to know about yourself and how you want to express yourself. You can read fairy tales about the unification of our two parts: male and female, for example, the fairy tale about the Frog Princess. The fairy tales «Geese-Swans» and «Morozko» show how integrity can be found.
The fairy tale “Go there, I don’t know where, find something, I don’t know what” helps to grow up and learn to take responsibility for your life. The tale about the «Wise Maiden» and the tales about the soldier are about how to show your skills. «Sivka-Burka», fairy tales about the Firebird and rejuvenating apples help in creativity and the realization of the destination. “Finist is a clear falcon”, “Emelya” are fairy tales that take you out of the illusory state of dreams and help you start acting. Tales about Ivan Tsarevich are usually tales about initiation, when the one who was a fool at the beginning becomes king.
Each fairy tale gives us clues — clues to the processes that are unfolding in our inner world. Watching scenarios in fairy tales, you can find a way out of different life situations. A fairy tale is a reflection of the inner world, where every hero, every part of the magical world, whether it be a sword-hoarder or a fiery bridge, constitute an integrity and interact with each other.
In the conflicts between the characters of fairy tales, you can find clues to solving internal contradictions by seeing their manifestation in life. In fairy tales, there is always a plot when the hero meets with evil, a problem, a difficult situation, and in the end he wins. To do this, the hero seeks help, turns to other heroes of the tale for advice. He meets and interacts with different characters and objects.
If you carefully read the fairy tale, then you will not find unambiguously evil and good, bad and good characters in it, each of them makes up a single canvas of events from which the hero emerges victorious. At the end of the fairy tale there is always a happy ending: “they lived happily ever after”, “they lived happily ever after”, “they got married and lived happily”, “and he became king in his state”.
Each fairy tale leads the hero to a state of integrity, in which all resources are collected together. Get acquainted with the fairy tale, find clues and clues for your new roles and scenarios. Making sense of storylines and characters adds more meaning, interest, and enjoyment to life.