Real Life Stories of People: Antique Ring

😉 Greetings to my dear readers and visitors of the site! The article “Stories from Real Life of People: An Ancient Ring” is a story from real life. Hope you find it interesting.

Pawnshop ring

Once over a cup of tea, a colleague at work Nikita told me about his misfortune. The fact is that his wife Maya, a very loving and caring woman, suddenly began to behave in a strange way. From a cheerful, sociable laugh, she turned into an angry and withdrawn fury.

She became very moody, taciturn, ceased to be interested in household chores and abandoned her children. On top of that, she lost a lot of weight.

Nikita became seriously afraid for his wife’s life. The young man set himself the goal of getting to the bottom of the truth at all costs: why did his beloved wife change so suddenly?

It seems that it all started from the day when a man received a bonus at work equal to two salaries. On the eve of the eighth of March, I decided to buy my wife some expensive gift. On the way home, he stopped by the nearest pawnshop. Sometimes interesting things are put up there for sale, the owners of which could not redeem them.

The pawnshop employee asked what the client wants – rent or purchase? The man replied that he wanted to give his wife an unusual ring with a very beautiful and expensive stone.

– Perfectly! We have what you need, – said the girl and led Nikita to a display case with jewelry.

The man immediately liked the proposed ring and the size turned out to be suitable. It was an old-cut gold ring with a large ruby. Having made the purchase, Nikita hurried home, he already imagined how his wife would be delighted with this gift.


Entering the apartment and not having time to undress, he called Maya, asked her to close her eyes and give him a hand. Seeing the chic ring on her finger, Maya screamed with delight. In the evening Nikita told his wife about the prize he had received, told where and for how much he bought this ring. Maya went to sleep with a ring on her finger – she liked the gift so much.

In the morning, the woman complained to Nikita about a terribly difficult sleep. She could not recall the details, but she remembered very accurately how a young girl was raped and killed there.

Heavy forebodings crept into the woman’s soul and, leaving for work, she took off the ring, placing it in a jewelry box. Family chores, work, upcoming vacation – Maya is completely spinning. She remembered about the ring only in the summer, when the whole family went on vacation to the sea.

Maya put on the ring and did not part with it on vacation. Gradually Nikita began to notice that his wife was behaving somehow strangely. She did not get enough sleep at all, began to withdraw into herself, she broke down on her husband over trifles.

Nikita, being a persistent guy, arranged an interrogation for his wife. And she reluctantly revealed that she had the same nightmare every night. After which she feels tired, apathy and hatred for the male sex.


In a dream, Maya saw herself as a young girl, in luxurious clothes. After breakfast on the veranda, she was getting ready for a walk. In the courtyard of the house, the courtiers and a horse-drawn carriage were already waiting for her. At that moment, a noise arose in the street. A gang of armed soldiers broke into their estate. They brutally beat the guards and courtiers, after which they broke into the house.

The girl’s parents demanded that the criminals get out immediately. In response, the soldiers beat them with rifle butts in front of Maya and then shot them. The villains threw the girl to the floor and tore off her clothes …

The bastards lined up. Having had enough fun, the unfortunate woman was shot. One of the criminals saw an expensive ring on the girl’s finger. Taking a knife from his pocket, he cut off the finger along with the ring.

Every night, the girl experienced the brutal murder of her parents, rape and her own death. Her morale was poor. When she woke up, she examined her hands, checking to see if all of her fingers were in place.

Nikita didn’t believe in anything like that and decided that the matter was in the change of time zones and the environment. Well, nothing, soon they will return home and everything will be the same.

For advice to the priest

Returning home, Maya plunged into domestic life, took off the ring and hid it in the box again. The nightmares did not bother her anymore, which she told Nikita about.

After some consultation, the couple came to the conclusion that the whole thing is in this unfortunate ring, which revealed the fate of its former mistress. Had to decide what to do with the ring now? Throwing it away is not an option, because a lot of money has been spent. To hand over back to the pawnshop – to provide the new owner with a hectic life.

The couple decided to seek advice from a priest. He listened to the story and advised to consecrate the ring, and then melt it into another piece of jewelry, this will solve the problem. And so they did. Since then, the wife stopped tormenting nightmares and life gradually improved.

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