
Daughter 13 years old. You look into her room and see that the windows are curtained and she is reading in the dark. “What are you reading in the dark? Sit by the light or turn on the light!” — (By the way, how such an appeal can be made more effective, see …)

— I’m fine, I’m light! (plays dumb)

— Come here. (Wait for her to get up and go.)

— (looking into your eyes) You said that you are fine, that you are light. It’s not, and you know it. Please, if I tell you good things, then react to them properly, seriously. Good?

— Good…

— Well, then kiss dad (turned his cheek, smack) — and let’s go to breakfast, mom made something very tasty there!

— I’m coming! (everything is fun)

There was a negative reinforcement for the reaction of the fool and there was no punishment. By the way, pay attention to the format.

Compare — a possible variant of a conversation with a teenager so that he does his homework, and does not have fun at the computer: «Seryozha wants to relax at the computer.»

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