Reader’s diary grade 2: sample, design, example how to make
For grade 2 students, keeping a reader’s diary is compulsory. But such a cheat sheet does not have to be a heavy duty. On the contrary, if you devote some time to the design of this “cheat sheet”, then it will become a favorite “book” and a source of pride for the kid.
Why you need to keep a diary
The main purpose of the reader’s diary is to remind the student of the readings. Thanks to this “cheat sheet” the child will always be able to remember the plot and the main characters of the story, as well as the impression of what he read.
Keeping a reading diary for grade 2 helps the child memorize works.
In addition, keeping a reader’s diary has a great effect on the development of a student. Thanks to this “cheat sheet”, the child:
- learns connected to express their thoughts;
- develops memory;
- learns to analyze and reflect on what has been read;
- trains reading and writing skills.
In addition, a reader’s diary affects the creative abilities of the child, because the child needs to figure out how to design this “cheat sheet” beautifully.
How to make a reader’s diary
There are no hard and fast rules for keeping a reader’s diary. But for the child to fill it out with pleasure, it is recommended to make the “cheat sheet” bright and colorful. In addition, it is better to choose a thick checkered notebook for a diary, because an ordinary one will quickly lose its attractive appearance.
Pay attention to the diary’s title page. Here you must indicate the name and surname of the reader, the number of the school and class.
Don’t forget to name the cheat sheet. If desired, the title page can be decorated with pictures, illustrations or a photo of the student.
A sample of a finished reading diary is often given by the teacher. But many teachers recommend that children independently figure out how this notebook should look like. An example of the required columns:
- Reading date.
- The author of the work.
- Title.
- The main characters of the story.
- A summary of the works.
Work on the design of each page, because a beautifully designed diary is much more enjoyable to keep. You can highlight the headings with a colored paste, and fill in the rest with a regular one.
After a brief summary of the work, it is advisable to write a review about what you read.
How to keep a reader’s diary
In order for the “cheat sheet” to be useful and enjoyable for the student, it is necessary to constantly fill it out. Diary rules:
- The child should complete the diary immediately after reading the book. Over time, the content of the story may be erased from the student’s memory.
- If the child does not read well yet, then in the “date” column indicate when the child began and finished reading the story or book.
- Fill out your diary carefully. Columns with answers about the content should be designed in a beautiful handwriting, without blots and errors.
- At the end of the summary, the child should write his opinion about what he read.
- If the student liked the work, and he wants to recommend it to friends, then you need to indicate why.
- Don’t forget to do illustrations for your works. Pictures will help the child quickly remember the content, and they will also improve the appearance of the diary. It is advisable that the kid draw illustrations on his own.
- Do not under any circumstances attribute the abbreviated content of the books indicated in the textbook. The student must read the work himself and share his impressions.
- In order for the content and impression of the work to be fixed in the memory of the child, do not forget to periodically look through the diary.
Keeping a reader’s diary is a very useful and interesting activity that has a positive effect on the development of a child. But in order for this task to bring maximum pleasure to the young student, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the design of the “cheat sheet”. Then the diary will become a favorite book for the child.