Read the Ingredients: Fast Food Ingredients That Kill

Read the Ingredients: Fast Food Ingredients That Kill

Together with an expert, we figure out how to find out that you are being fed “chemistry”

Fast food appeared almost a hundred years ago. Doctors have long recognized that instant food is extremely harmful because it contains a large amount of salt, sugar, fat, chemical food additives, flavors and preservatives, negatively affects digestion and contributes to obesity. However, this food remains very popular all over the world. Anna Smirnova, founder of the Dvizhok healthy fast food cafe chain, told how to find out that you are being fed “chemistry”.

Often, for cooking, for example, burger patties, mechanically deboned meat is used, when skin, bones, pieces of meat and offal are crushed under high pressure and turned into a pasty minced meat, which is “stuffed” with flavors and is presented as a natural product.

Modern technology allows you to take products that have nothing to do with meat at all, and make something that will look like it. For this, flavors are used, as well as chemical fillers and preservatives. This technology significantly reduces the cost, but the quality is no longer necessary.

Therefore, manufacturers of high-quality fast food use only natural sausages from fresh farm meat in the same hot dogs – they do not have the obtrusive taste of spices. Therefore, if cutlets or sausages in burgers or hot dogs have a foreign aroma – even if pleasant, then you can be sure that you are being offered not a real product.

Fast food outlets usually do not make their own bread and rolls, but buy ready-made ones. As a result, quality suffers again. First, the bread is frozen for longer storage. Secondly, it is much more profitable to buy dubious bakery products made from cheap products mixed with all kinds of chemical additives and preservatives. Usually such bread is tightly knit, rubbery, stale and tasteless. In case you see that the chef urgently defrosts buns to prepare your order, it is better to look for another cafe.

Fresh buns are soft and porous.

Ideal vegetables are ugly

If vegetables added to a hot dog, burger or other sandwich are equally beautifully cut into perfectly even pieces, then this is a factory cut. They were prepared somewhere in the enterprise for a long time and, most likely, treated with special chemicals to preserve their appearance and extend the shelf life. Obviously, these “perfect” ingredients cannot be beneficial. Vegetables should be the same as in the host’s kitchen: different sizes and thicknesses.

Sauce is a source of harmful substances in fast food, and when combined with questionable meat, it can cause a serious blow to human health. At the same time, it is rather difficult to recognize a liquid seasoning and determine whether it is real or chemical without special examination with the decomposition of the sauce into ingredients. And yet, by indirect indications, this is possible. For example, if after consumption the taste of margarine remains in the mouth, it means that there are too many unhealthy fats in the sauce. An obsessive aftertaste signals that dangerous ingredients have been added to the sauce.

In establishments with high-quality food, sauces are prepared by chefs according to signature recipes. The attitude to the quality of the dish is important here. It is unlikely that a self-respecting institution will allow the chef to bake a fresh bun, put natural sausage and fresh vegetables in it, and then spoil everything with a dubious sauce.

Trans fats are the cause of obesity

In addition to a large number of harmful chemical components, instant food contains a lot of fats, trans fats and sugars, which provoke the development of obesity, type XNUMX diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Any nutritionist will say that proteins and carbohydrates are much better absorbed with fresh vegetables – accordingly, the calorie content of the dish decreases, and its usefulness increases due to vitamins. For example, you can make a tuna roll in which the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will be close to the ideals of a healthy diet, and the calorie content will be only 302 kcal.

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