Reach your goal and lose weight thanks to your psyche – Psychology – Articles |

Difficult challenge

Losing weight is a difficult challenge not only for the body but also for the psyche. It is worth using technikithat will help you feel better during the diet, and thus have a positive impact on achieving success.

Helpful Strategies

– Concentrate on healthydiet and not losing weight. Focusing on the positive goal of taking care of our health makes us try to do something good for ourselves – such a thought evokes positive beliefs about myself, for example, “I like myself, I want to take care of my body and body.” In turn, focusing on losing weight and losing unnecessary kilograms can provoke thoughts of character negative “I am too fat, unattractive, nobody pays attention to me, I will never lose weight.” The latter way of thinking is certainly not conducive to achieving the goal.

Limit it but don’t eliminate food. During the diet, it is important to eat foods that we like. Concentrating on giving up certain foods causes you to appear negative emotionsmakes dieting a difficult sacrifice. So it is important to eat what we like, but in small amounts.

– Take note positive aspects from slimming. One of the most difficult barriers to overcome during a diet is the fact that it takes a long time to see the end results. So it is important to observe beneficial effects diet – it can be, for example, saving money that was previously spent on fast-food or increasing a positive mood associated with starting exercise.

Accept the weaknesses. It is worth remembering that during a diet, critical moments are natural. In this case, the all-or-nothing approach does not work. It is difficult to accept, especially for people characterized by tall perfectionism. When a failure occurs, it is important to re-enter the diet the next day. Focusing on the mistakes made without learning from them for the future is not effective and distances us from achieving our goals.

Change your surroundings. Very often the environment in which we live contributes to unhealthy eating habits. An example would be a kitchen where we collect certain products “In stock” – maybe it is worth making changes, such as not accumulating food that might be tempting while watching TV in the evening.

Make an emergency plan. It is always worth having a background plan in preparation – sometimes it turns out that the diet we planned is too difficult to maintain, we cannot eat as many calories as we assumed. So let’s consider what can be done when we exceed the daily dose of calories. It can be an extra trip to the swimming pool or gym, limiting the next portion of a meal or skipping one dish of the day the next day. Creating a contingency plan will keep us safe unpleasant emotionsthat may arise due to failure.

– Adapt your diet and exercise to yours personality traits. It is recommended that social people choose the types of exercises that will allow them to do them in a group – for example aerobics, martial arts, etc. On the other hand, introverted people will feel better if they exercise alone. So let’s adjust the type of exercise to yourself – it will bring more satisfaction and thus make it easier achieving the goal.

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