
Useful properties and application of curly pondweed

Botanical characteristics of pondweed

Rdest refers to aquatic plants, spreads in fresh or slightly brackish water bodies, begins to develop, fixing its roots on the bottom of the reservoir, produces long shoots growing to the very surface of the water. Perennial pondweeds have alternate leaves, sessile, narrowly linear, filiform or broadly elliptical.

There are species in which the shape of the leaves is broadly ovate, whole-cut or with a serrated edge, curly-wavy. On the surface of the leaf there is an arcuate or parallel venation. Inflorescences of pondweed plants are spiky, located on leafless legs, towering above the water. The fruit is a drupe or nut, the seeds are without endosperm, it is completely absorbed by the embryo.

Useful properties of pondweed

The herb pondweed contains the carotenoid rhodo-xanthine. The presence of tannins has an astringent and bactericidal effect. In addition, due to the complex composition of aromatic substances, the herb is endowed with hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. There is a lot of ascorbic acid in pondweed, which helps to strengthen the immune system.

Research supports the herb’s ability to exert anticoagulant effects. Seven types of flavonoids affecting the activity of enzymes have been identified in the plant.

The use of pondweed

Rdest was known back in the days of medieval Arab doctors who practiced the use of plant leaves for gastrointestinal problems. Nowadays, all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Harvesting is carried out in June-August. Herbal preparations are used in the form of compresses for oncological tumors, abscesses, furunculosis and ulcers. Used to relieve itching in some skin diseases. In traditional medicine, an infusion of stems and leaves is taken internally for diarrhea.

Infusion of pondweed leaves: 1 tablespoon of dry grass is infused in 1 cup of boiling water for 2 hours. taking 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

A perennial aquatic plant is useful not only for humans – it is food for aquatic mollusks, insects, and fish. Dead shoots, falling to the bottom of reservoirs, decompose and turn into fertile silt.

Pod floating

With the help of grass, fractures, dislocations, sprains are treated. Apply dressings moistened with a decoction for pain in the joints. The floating pondweed has a cord-like stem, lanceolate leaves with longitudinal stripes. Flowering begins in June-July. It grows in ponds with stagnant or slow-flowing water. Can grow at low temperatures and very low light. Flowers are raised above the water. It can be grown in home landscape conditions, the plant tolerates poor lighting and low temperatures.

Types of pondweed

Ponds include eight genera, 100 species.

The pond is floating. This representative of the genus is very easily recognizable by its branched stems. A plant submerged in water has submerged leaves, when the pond dries up it becomes an aboveground plant with dense, short-leaved leaves. Inflorescences are located above the surface of the water, appear in June. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, collapse, the stems fall to the bottom and take root, forming a new plant.

Curly pondweed. Curly pondweed has a small reddish, tetrahedral stem, alternate sessile lanceolate leaves, strongly curly or wavy, with small teeth along the edges, which fully corresponds to the name of the grass. The flowers are collected in an inflorescence – a few-flowered spike. The plant is completely submerged in water, only cobs with flowers rise above the water and are pollinated by the wind.

The pondweed is pierced. The pierced-leaved pondweed is a rhizome plant with very long, branched stems. The leaves of this species are rounded, translucent, slightly wavy along the edge, with poorly expressed transverse veins. Inflorescence – ear, dense. Broken shoots can take root in water, forming a hotel plant. This plant is one of the most common in both hemispheres of non-tropical latitudes. Its application is the same as that of other pondweeds. The leaves contain lutein, violaxanthin, neoxanthin and carotenes. Dry leaves are made into a powder and used to treat burns, wounds, skin rashes, and fungal diseases.

The pond is brilliant. This species is endowed with large shiny oval leaves. They are slightly wavy, bright green and completely immersed in water along with the stem. The brilliant pondweed spreads in rivers, reservoirs, preferring running water.

Common pondweed. The comb pondweed differs greatly from other species in its branched stems and filiform, very thin leaves. In nature, it grows in the shallow water of ponds, lakes and rivers. The inflorescence is loose, consists of whorls of flowers, blooms in summer.

Contraindications for pondweed

Contraindications for pondweed have not been identified, but individual tolerance should be checked.

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