Everyone loves to celebrate broad Maslenitsa-from young to old. And not only for the opportunity to eat pancakes for a year ahead. The same Russian folk flavor is created by traditional games and fun, which have always accompanied this holiday for centuries. How did they have fun on Shrovetide in the old days? What fun has reached today? And what interesting things are planned this year? We study the main folk entertainments together with the trademark “House in the village”.
Here someone has rolled down the hill
In the old days, riding downhill on Shrovetide was by no means considered fun for children and young people. Adults and even old people indulged in it with great pleasure. It was believed that this kind of rite awakens vital currents. And after them, the land slumbering under the snow comes to life and begins to call for the long-awaited spring.
In large cities, ice slides were built right on the squares. Traditionally, they were based on a tall, massive wooden structure, from which a long rolling track with sides went steeply down. The structure was filled with earth and straw, tightly packed with snow and several times filled with water. They did this until a fairly dense, glass-smooth ice crust was formed.
Perhaps the most famous in the XIX century were the ice slides of the merchant Sannikov in St. Petersburg. They were built on the Neva River, opposite the Senate building and reached a height of 26 meters. They rode them a lot: on “stagecoaches” — large sleds with high backs for six seats, heads-small sleds in the form of boats or ordinary sleds. And there were also pieces of matting, flattened frozen baskets and ice cubes hollowed out of wood. The most fearless reckless drivers could easily ride with the wind on skates or “bare” soles.
Games for real men
The capture of the snow town is a special kind of Carnival fun, which invariably attracted crowds of spectators. It is not for nothing that Vasily Surikov captured it so vividly and reliably on his famous canvas.
Big snow games were preceded by big preparations. The so-called fortress was carefully built out of snow and ice in the center of the main city square, and in the villages — right in the middle of a frozen river or lake. This structure necessarily provided for reliable thickened walls, high towers, as well as gates with straight crossbars or arches.
Before the start of the game, the participants were divided into two groups: defenders of the fortress and attackers. The assailants were allowed to use horses, while the besieged repelled attacks with twigs, sticks and shovels, in every possible way scared off the “cavalry” and bombarded the enemy with snowballs. The battle stopped as soon as the fortress was destroyed. The winner was the one who was the first to break into it solemnly. After that, the hero was waiting for another test-swimming in an ice hole. And only after that, he and his “army” could get a well-deserved treat.
According to the old Russian tradition
Fist fights, widely known as “wall to wall”, have gained no less loud fame. By tradition, they were held on the last day of Maslenitsa. In the old days, there was even a popular joke: “Fist fights knock out pancakes.”
They were arranged in an open area, right on the snow, often near some reservoir. The participants of the fun lined up opposite each other in two rows and rushed to the “melee” on command. It may seem that such games were not much different from merciless bloody fights without rules. However, the regulations of fist fights still existed. According to its provisions, blows to the back of the head, to the stomach and below the waist were not allowed. It was also forbidden to use any improvised items. Only one-on-one fights were allowed, and group beatings were immediately stopped. In addition, the rule “lying down is not beaten” was strictly observed.
It is noteworthy that fist fights were held in gloves and to the fervent musical accompaniment of balalaika and accordion. It is also symbolic that they were arranged on Forgiveness Sunday. Therefore, immediately after a mass brawl, regardless of the outcome, the recent rivals reconciled, asked for forgiveness and embraced each other in a brotherly embrace.
Old joys in a new way
Many folk amusements of the past have been preserved in one form or another and are held on Shrovetide today. Among them is a spectacular sports entertainment called “Shrovetide pole” or “Ice Column”. The essence of it is probably familiar to you. A massive wooden pole several meters high is installed in the center of the square, and a trophy is fixed on its top. In the old days, it could be a fried rooster or a piglet. Today, the value of the prize depends on the generosity of the organizers. Sometimes the task is complicated by greasing the pole with fat or pouring water over it so that it freezes in the cold.
Modern Maslenitsa is able to surprise with more advanced entertainment. For example, an outlandish team game of brumball, or hockey on broomsticks. Clubs here, no matter how difficult it is to guess, replace brooms, and instead of a puck, a small rubber ball is used. Skates are also not useful, because you will have to rush around the field in sneakers. Otherwise, the essence of the game is quite predictable — to hit the opponent’s goal often and accurately.
The fist fights were replaced by bloodless well-done fun, which, however, also allow you to feel like a fearless warrior. Especially popular are the fights on logs with pillows and improvised military battles with wooden swords and shields. Do you prefer more peaceful entertainment? Then you will surely enjoy such competitions as throwing a felt boot, jumping in bags, running on brooms or eating pancakes at speed.
Pancake secrets from the first mouth

Without pancake entertainment, Maslenitsa will lose all its charm and enthusiasm. It is not surprising that they always cause an incredible stir and collect a record number of participants. This is exactly the kind of culinary fun that the “House in the Village” has prepared this year.
The popular TV presenter and chef Konstantin Ivlev will hold two exclusive festive master classes. The recognized pancake maker promises to reveal the professional secrets of cooking the main Pancake delicacy and share author’s recipes using the products “House in the village”. The most courageous participants will be able to test themselves and bake pancakes with their own hands under the guidance of an experienced mentor.
Master classes will be held on February 9 and 14 in the studio of Yulia Healthy Food Near Me at the address Moscow, Pravdy str., 21, p. 1. You can also take part in them. To do this, post a post on your personal page in any of the social networks with a description of your corporate secret of making pancakes. Attach to it a photo with ready-made pancakes or a video that describes the entire cooking process. A mandatory condition is to use any of the products of the “House in the Village”brand in the recipe. Don’t forget to add the hashtag #domikvderevnemaslenitsa to the post. The winners will be determined by random selection. Carefully follow the details on the website of the “House in the village” and the culinary portal “We Eat at Home” , as well as in social groups.
Entertainment on Shrovetide can not be compared with any other. There is a real atmosphere of a national holiday here, the most incredible things happen, and the fun goes over the edge. And most importantly — you can take part in traditional games and fun with the whole family. Meet this Carnival together with the “House in the village” bright, unusual and on a positive wave. And let the coming spring be exactly the same!