Raw food: the pros and cons of the diet

😉 Dear readers, I greet you! Gentlemen, in our time, along with vegetarianism, a raw food diet is gaining more and more popularity. In the article “Raw Food Diet: Pros and Cons of the Nutrition System,” we’ll talk about it.

What is raw foods?

This food system provides for a complete rejection of products that were amenable to heat treatment – cooking, frying, smoking. Everything should be consumed exclusively raw.

The father of this diet is considered Gervard Carrington, an American scientist who promoted raw vegetables and fruits in the early XNUMXth century.

Raw food: the pros and cons of the diet

However, raw food without heat treatment has been present in the cuisines of many peoples since ancient times. Dried, pickled and salted fruits saved our ancestors from hunger in winter. But this is due to the fact that people did not know how to preserve fruits in another way.

Types of raw food

  • omnivorous – this species allows all products, including fish and meat, but only raw or dried. Crops germinate before they get on the table;
  • vegetarian – you can eat raw eggs and drink milk, but you cannot eat fish and meat;
  • vegan – this type excludes any animal products. You can only eat raw plant foods;
  • fruitorianism – based on the use of only fruits and berries. Grains and vegetables are excluded from the diet;
  • carnivore – this is the most unusual species, as it allows a large amount of raw meat, fish, eggs, liver. The consumption of vegetables and fruits is limited.

Pros of a raw food diet

Adherents of raw foods are sure that it helps to lose weight quickly, improves well-being, and prevents almost all diseases.

Indeed, fresh vegetables and fruits contain more vitamins and useful elements than thermally processed ones. But nutritionists believe that the disadvantages of such a diet are much more than the advantages.

Cons of a raw food diet

Now think about this list. You don’t have to be a doctor to make the following trivial conclusions:

  • lack or scarcity of animal products leads to energy shortages. The body does not receive all the necessary substances;
  • exclusively raw plant foods can provoke indigestion, disruption of the liver and other organs;
  • Germinated grain is difficult to digest and can cause gastritis or stomach ulcers;
  • due to the lack of heat treatment, many bacteria and microorganisms remain in food. Together with raw fish and meat, the eggs of worms enter the body;
  • lack of vitamin B12, which is found only in animal products, provokes depression, insomnia, nervous overexcitement;
  • Salmonella bacteria may be present in raw eggs;
  • a large amount of fresh fruit can cause various allergic reactions, as well as harm the pancreas.

This is just a short analysis of all the unpleasant consequences that can be acquired with this food system. Of course, fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits and berries are a real storehouse of nutrients. But besides them, the body also needs other products.

The human stomach is more delicate than that of an animal, therefore food that cats, squirrels or birds eat with such pleasure is unacceptable for him. A monotonous diet cannot ensure health and longevity, but it can easily lead to serious illnesses and pathologies.

If you choose such food as a fasting diet, you should definitely consult a dietitian. Only under the supervision of a good specialist can you achieve the desired result without harming your health.

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