
Useful properties and application of snake rauwolfia

Useful properties of rauwolfia


Raulphia is a small shrub, the height of which varies from 20 to 50 cm. Some types of plants can reach 90 cm in height. Elliptical and lanceolate leaves taper into a short petiole. Raulfia flowers are often white, occasionally pink. The diameter of flower umbrellas does not exceed 5 cm. In the wild, such an unusually beautiful plant is found in Peru, Bengal, the Himalayas, as well as Java and Sri Lanka. For medicinal purposes, strongly branching wrinkled roots are dug up and cut into small pieces.

The roots contain a huge amount of alkaloids. Since ancient times, they have been used for the bites of various insects and various snakes. In addition, raulfia is indicated for cholera, diarrhea, and also for getting rid of certain types of worms. Often such a plant is prescribed as a mild sleeping pill. This herb has a calming effect on the human body and perfectly reduces high blood pressure.

We should also mention the powerful antispasmodic effect, due to which raulfia relieves spasms of smooth muscles. In modern medicine, you can find a lot of different drugs based on the components of raulfia, which help to cure various diseases. In combination with other medicinal plants, this herb significantly increases its medicinal properties.

The use of rauwolfia

Such a wonderful plant is prescribed as a sedative for manic behavior, anxiety, epilepsy, and also during chronic insomnia. Along with this, such an anthelmintic is effective for getting rid of many types of parasites. Often, modern doctors prescribe raulfia for various dermatoses of malaria.

Rauwolfia alkaloid

The therapeutic effect of numerous herbal preparations is based on separately isolated alkaloids, such as reserpine and raunatin. As a rule, reserpine is used as an antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic agent, since it not only restores sleep, but also reduces the content of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. With hypertension, such drugs are simply irreplaceable, due to the beneficial effects on the nervous system. With regular intake of raunatin, the number and severity of headaches, irritability and dizziness can be reduced.

Such a wonderful drug as Aymalin, with a significant increase in coronary blood flow, does not have any neuroleptic effect. Modern homeopaths have proven the effectiveness of raulfiya not only for hypertension, but also for depression. Such remedies are used in rather low dilutions for high blood pressure, and also in high dilutions during the treatment of various neuroses.

Rauwolfia serpentine

Rauwolfia serpentine is an unusual evergreen perennial, whose height does not exceed one and a half meters. Such a delightful shrub with a unique milky juice has a long curved root with very large lateral roots. The pointed leaves are arranged in several pieces in a whorled form. Pink flowers are collected in interesting umbellate inflorescences. Red fruits consist of a pair of juicy small drupes. The snake raulfia is very common in Indonesia, Burma and India. It should be noted that it is widely cultivated in Georgia. This herbaceous plant lives on small edges of subtropical forests.

Rauwolfia contraindications

Since this plant contains alkaloids, it has some side effects. Overdose or misuse of rauwolfia can cause serious damage to the important circulatory system, and severe depression is often observed. In quite rare cases, there is a slowdown in movement. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.

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