Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

Every fisherman, especially in winter, counts on catching pike perch. After all, mostly small perches are caught, the capture of which brings a lot of pleasure.

One can only guess how much joy the angler will have if he catches a pike perch.

But if you use the appropriate artificial bait, then it is not difficult to catch him: it is enough to stock up on patience and the ability to use the bait. Among artificial lures for zander, it makes sense to note such a bait as rattlin, which is considered the most catchy. Moreover, this bait is all-weather and can be used both in summer and in winter.

Rattlin device. What kind of fish does it catch

Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

Rattlin is an artificial lure that is shaped like a small fish, but flattened on the sides. The lure is quite simple, without unnecessary details, but there is a leash attachment on the back.

When catching fish in winter, for a more active attraction of fish, movements of a different nature are carried out with the bait, depending on the conditions of fishing. This technique also attracts pike perch. This type of bait is in the arsenal of every angler, which indicates its catchability and effectiveness.

The principle of operation of rattlin

Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

This artificial bait has a number of features:

  • In the presence of a smooth winding of the fishing line, this bait is able to stay in the water column on one horizon. This feature significantly distinguishes this type of bait from other types of artificial fish.
  • Plus, the bait is characterized by the presence of a built-in bell, which actively lures pike perch, as it hunts in complete darkness by ear. Therefore, when using rattlins, it is advisable to regularly twitch the tackle so that the bait emits characteristic sound waves.

At what depth can a rattlin be used?

Most rattlins are light in weight, so their diving depth is limited to 5-7 meters. To catch zander at great depths, it is better to purchase models from a Japanese or Chinese manufacturer.

How to fish with rattlins: very simple!

As a rule, deep-sea rattlins are very popular in these countries.

Types of rattlin

Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

Artificial baits are divided according to some criteria:

  • By weight.
  • Type.
  • Depending on the manufacturer.
  • By color.
  • Bell design.
  • By size.

When choosing a rattlin, you should pay attention to these factors. Many argue that zander prefer lures with smooth curves. In fact, this is not the case, and both the shape and size are very important here, as well as the color and design of the bell.

Some zander hunters claim that zander are interested in rattlins that have bright colors and a long nose. Although the other part of the anglers – this opinion refutes. Therefore, it is possible, through personal trial and error, to determine which baits the zander prefer. After all, the fish is unpredictable and you should not count on success every time using the same type of rattlin.

Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

  1. Depending on the depth of the reservoir, a bait of the appropriate weight is selected. Rattlins are mainly used in shallow water areas. If you plan to catch pike perch in deep areas, then the appropriate bait of a Japanese or Chinese company is selected.
  2. The size of the rattlin is selected solely as a result of experimental casts. As mentioned above, fish are unpredictable and each time they may be interested in bait of a different size. Sometimes pike perch is caught on small baits, and sometimes it attacks 8 cm models.
  3. The color of the lure doesn’t really matter., since pike perch hunts in the dark, it is therefore possible to use both artificial and natural colors. Pike perch prefers baits of gray and white colors. In other words, he prefers light models.
  4. Rattlins with bells are used in summer fishing conditions, and low-noise models are more suitable for winter fishing.

Some of the rattlin brands

Lurefans Rattlesnake

Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

A similar model is equipped with bell balls, as well as slots located on the sides of the lures. The slots create a kind of eddy currents during movement in the water column, which makes it more efficient. This type of rattlin is designed to catch zander.

Strike Pro

Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

These are rattlins, which are widely used due to their catchability. The main object of fishing is pike perch. Models are made only from high quality materials, and a huge range of colors allows you to satisfy the preferences of any angler, even a beginner.


Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

These are rattlins, the quality of which is considered the highest among many manufacturers. Yo-Zuri rattlins are used to catch both walleye and pike. They have excellent flight characteristics and are capable of diving to considerable depths.

How and where to buy rattlins

The bait has not yet received wide recognition among Russian spinningists, so there may be problems with the purchase of this type of bait. Although the presence of rattlins is noted in large cities, they have not yet reached the outback. Despite this, in our advanced time, you can always find a way out of this situation if you have the Internet. Online stores always have a wide range of fishing lures and rattlins are no exception. Here you can choose the bait both in shape and size, and in color.

The right choice of rattlin

Ratlins for winter fishing for zander, an overview of the most catchy

When choosing a similar type of bait, you should focus on the following points:

  • For the weight of the bait. For fishing in areas with shallow depth, artificial bait, weighing 13-15 grams, is enough. When fishing at great depths, a rattlin weighing from 20 grams is suitable. Rattlins are equipped with lead weights, which provide a certain balance for the bait, which should not be disturbed in any case.
  • On a bell that can not only lure fish, but also scare them away. In this regard, you should opt for models where the bell is located inside the bait.

Ways to catch pike perch on rattlin

Pike perch prefers slow and even movements, with rare jerks of the bait.

Fishing for ratlin in winter. Pike perch on LV-MAX 500 from Lucky Craft.

Accelerations of movement are carried out every 10-12 revolutions of the coil. If the back hooks are removed from the bait, then there will be much fewer hooks, although its effectiveness will also decrease. After all, the bait is carried out almost at the very bottom, where there are many underwater, and inconspicuous surprises.

Choosing a place and time for catching zander

Pike perch is a night hunter, so the most productive fishing will be at night. The pike perch bites most actively in summer, but with the advent of a cold snap, it ceases to be so active. Despite this, pike perch willingly peck in winter. During this period, it is at a depth and it is not easy to find such places, especially if the reservoir is unfamiliar. But here you can use such an assistant to the fisherman as an echo sounder.

Rattlins are gradually gaining the trust of anglers. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly. As a rule, without proper experience in the use of a particular bait, one should not count on effective fishing.

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