Rating of vermouths in the world and Russia

Vermouth experienced the peak of popularity in the 1960s and became part of the cocktail culture. At the end of the twentieth century, interest in the drink declined somewhat, but the last decade is considered the time of the revival of vermouth. Experts attribute the growth in sales not only to the fashion for cocktails, but also to the emergence of new craft brands with interesting flavors. Manufacturers annually present the best vermouth to the experts of world competitions.

Vermouth Awards Rating at the World Vermouth Awards

The World Vermouth Awards has been held in London since 2017. The judges evaluate the vermouth in five categories based on sugar content, then choose a world winner. In 2019, the British Sacred English Amber Vermouth, made at a small distillery in London from sixteen herbal ingredients, became the best. The jury noted the rich aroma of the drink with hints of herbs and orange peel, as well as a pleasant taste, where wormwood bitterness is mixed with fruity sweetness.

A year earlier, Belgian 7 Sins Envy became the champion – a semi-dry white vermouth with a fresh citrus aroma and an interesting taste, in which herbal shades are mixed with spices and sweet caramel. The unique bouquet is formed by twelve plant components, including silver thistle, lemongrass, jasmine and white tea.

The best dry vermouth in 2019 was recognized as Carpano Dry from the winery that produces flavored wines according to the recipe of their inventor Luigi Carpano. Dry appeared in 2014 as a continuation of the legendary Carpano line, the Cretan oregano is added to the composition, giving the aroma freshness and piquancy to the taste.

In the category of sweet vermouths in 2019, the red Lustau Vermut Rojo with the aroma of nuts, flowers and tropical fruits won. The drink is produced by a Spanish winery according to a special recipe with the addition of Amontillado sherry. A year earlier, Carpano Antica Formula was the best.

Italian vermouth manufacturer Cinzano is a regular participant in the competition. The brand does not receive a championship title, but collects the maximum number of awards – over the past two years, the company has received a total of 16 medals for product quality and design.

Popular brands of vermouth in Russia

In Russia, vermouth is not among the popular drinks, although it finds its fans. The reason for the low interest is the lack of aperitif consumption culture. Flavored wine with an unusual taste does not require an appetizer, so few connoisseurs buy well-known and well-established Italian brands mainly as an ingredient for cocktails.

Martini is the undisputed leader, a family-owned Italian company that has been producing vermouth since 1863 and keeps the blend recipes in strict confidence. The bestseller is Martini Bianco, it is suitable for mixing in cocktails and has a pleasant vanilla-herbal taste.

Rating of vermouths in the world and Russia
In Russia, the Martini brand is not losing ground

The second place is rightfully occupied by the Cinzano brand, the main competitor of Martini in the struggle for the market. The Cinzano line is no less wide, and the composition includes more plant components. A slight difference lies in the taste – it is sharper and richer.

The top three is closed by Delasy, a Russian brand, an inexpensive alternative to Martini. Since 2005, the Stavropol VKZ has been producing drinks from Spanish wine materials, the company’s products have a classic flavor bouquet.

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