Rating of the most drinking professions

The results of sociological surveys show that in the minds of Russians, the most drinking professions are associated with low-skilled labor. People’s opinions are determined by stereotypes that were formed back in Soviet times. It is generally accepted that plumbers and loaders drink the most in Russia. However, the data of the conducted statistical studies show that these ideas are fundamentally wrong. A similar analysis has been carried out in recent years by specialists from the United States and Great Britain. The results are different.

The situation in the US and UK

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States named the leaders in alcohol consumption of American military personnel. The reasons for the general drunkenness in the army are considered to be post-traumatic disorders, which are often faced by the military. Many people prone to alcoholism were found among miners and builders. On the other side of the ranking were health and social workers.

In Europe, the situation is different. According to an analysis conducted by the British Medical Association, the leading positions among those suffering from alcoholism are occupied by holders of prestigious professions – doctors, lawyers and teachers. Least of all in the UK drink those who are engaged in hard and low-paid work. Sociologists have concluded that alcohol consumption in the country is directly related to the amount of income.

Rating of the most drinking professions
Lawyers are one of the three most drinking professions in Europe

The middle class is at risk, as it does not experience material difficulties and can afford any alcoholic drinks.

Rating of drinking professions in Russia

In Russia, the top drinking specialties in 2011 were the Association of Psychotherapists of Russia. The analysis was carried out on the basis of data provided by drug treatment clinics. The results came as a surprise – the list did not include professions that Russians called the most drinking.

Among those suffering from alcoholism are in the lead:

  • education workers (teachers and professors);
  • accountants;
  • doctors;
  • law enforcement officers;
  • truckers;
  • middle and lower managers;
  • psychologists;
  • actors;
  • journalists;
  • stock brokers.

Experts believe that the main reason for alcohol abuse is high levels of stress. The work of a teacher is associated with responsibility and psycho-emotional costs in the process of daily communication with students and colleagues. A significant part of the teachers take on additional workload and are engaged in tutoring. There is a temptation to relieve stress with the help of alcohol, which is dangerous by the appearance of addiction.

The financial sector is in a similar situation. Accountants in small companies are often loaded no less than managers, and their mistakes can lead to significant financial losses. Also, the emotional state of economists is negatively affected by the same type of work, which turns into a routine.

Doctors often take on a huge amount of work associated with responsibility for the health of the patient. Night shifts, rigid subordination in the team, low wages – all these factors lead to fatigue and professional burnout.

Chronic alcoholism is a common occurrence among creative people. Young artists have to work hard to achieve fame and become in demand. The absence of roles leads to depression, and any work can cause attacks from critics and viewers, which causes painful experiences. In the acting environment, it is generally customary to drink, so the risk of addiction is very high.

Rating of the most drinking professions
Plumbers are not the most drinking profession in Russia

Hidden alcoholism in Russia

The rating of the Association was based on information about people who themselves applied for treatment. As a rule, in an intelligent environment, alcoholics are rarely found downcast. At an early stage, the dose is limited to a daily portion of alcohol after work. When addiction appears, educated people try to get rid of it, which is why they turn to narcologists for help. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in most cases the treatment is anonymous, and patient data is not recorded.

The majority of addicts prefer not to register with narcological dispensaries, as this entails restrictions on finding a job and obtaining a driver’s license.

Officially, 2 million cases of alcoholism are registered in Russia, but the Ministry of Health believes that the figure is underestimated by at least five times. A third of alcoholics drink a little every day, but at the same time remain able-bodied.

These people never seek help until serious health problems begin. Under such conditions, it is almost impossible to get an objective rating of the most drinking professions.

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