Rating of the best wobblers for trolling

Fishing with spinning brings good trophies, especially when using the right baits. With this method, it is possible to catch fish both from the coastline and from a boat; using a watercraft, you can interest a very large predator in a large body of water. Wobblers for trolling are selected in accordance with certain criteria, we will find out what exactly it is worth starting from.

Features of trolling wobblers

Trolling refers to passive fishing, but this is not entirely true. A correctly selected model will interest potential prey and the angler will only have to correctly display the trophy. For everything to happen exactly like this, you need to know the features of trolling lures, namely wobblers. They are selected according to such characteristic differences:

  • the trolling wobbler has sufficient depth, at least 2,5 m;
  • such baits are also distinguished by size, too small ones will not be able to properly attract the attention of a large predator;
  • acoustic cameras create a lot of controversy around themselves, the majority prefer models with additional noise effects;
  • the game of the product is very important, it is better to give preference to wobblers from a trusted manufacturer that has been tested by more than one fisherman.

The shape and color are selected individually for each reservoir. Depending on the season, the desired trophy and weather conditions, they can be very diverse.

How to choose the right wobblers for trolling

It is rather problematic for a beginner to choose their own products for this method of fishing. It is better to first inquire about which models and which companies are caught in the reservoirs of your region. This can be done both on the forums and in direct conversation with more experienced comrades.

Most trolling enthusiasts share the choice of a wobbler for their favorite activity according to two indicators, each of which will have its own distinctive features.

Depending on the type of fish

Not every predator can react to the same fish, even if her game is excellent. For zander and pike, sometimes completely different wobblers are needed, and perch often will not even respond to most of these lures. It is also necessary to interest the catfish in a special way. To always be with the catch, you need to know the following subtleties:

  • zander and catfish are often offered acid-colored baits with great depth, because these predators often sit in ambush in pits and near rifts;
  • pike responds better to an elongated wobbler, the depth of which should be medium, but the color is chosen depending on the season and the turbidity of the water;
  • it is unlikely that it will be possible to attract a perch with a large wobbler, and a large deepening is not required. But, as more experienced anglers recommend, you should not get hung up on generally accepted rules. Often experiments with baits allow you to catch a trophy predator of an impressive size.
bait characteristicswhich fish will react
bright, acid lures with significant penetrationcatfish, zander, pike
acidic and natural with an elongated body shapepike, catfish, yak
small size with bright color and slight deepeningperch and asp

Depending on the season

Seasonality affects the location of the fish in the water and its gastronomic preferences, this will also dictate its own conditions when choosing a wobbler. Depending on the time of the year, baits are chosen as follows:

  • In spring and summer, before the onset of extreme heat, the predator goes out to bask in relative shallows, therefore the bait should have a depth of no more than 2,5 m. The color depends more on the turbidity of the water, the dirtier it is, the brighter the bait is used, the natural color of the predator can not notice at all.
  • Summer heat drives the fish to deeper places, respectively, and the bait should go there calmly. For such a period, baits with a depth of 3 m or more are more suitable. The coloring is more suitable bright, motley, but it will be caught on natural colors no worse.
  • Autumn for trolling is considered the best time of the year. A wide variety of lures are used, large acid-colored wobblers with a large depth work best.

Wobbler trolling technique

Anyone can do trolling, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. First of all, you need to have all the components:

  • a boat with a motor;
  • equipped spinning;
  • wobbler.

Further, it all depends on the bait and the luck of the angler himself.

Particular attention should be paid to the components of gear, for this they use:

  • spinning rods with dough up to 30-40 g;
  • the reel is taken inertialess with a spool of 3000-4000, but there are also lovers of multipliers;
  • a cord is better suited as a basis, and the breaking load should be from 15 kg or more;
  • fittings are selected of good quality, but the size is minimal.

Further, the bait is attached to the main one through a swivel with a fastener, they throw it in and the watercraft begins to move. Spinning is held in hands, but it is better to pre-install special holders. In one boat, you can use from 1 to 5 rods with different baits and catch a large area of ​​the reservoir at once.

The tip of the spinning rod will help determine the bite, as soon as it bends, it is worth immediately hooking and slowly pulling out the trophy. Here the angler will have to show his ability to work with the friction clutch and other spinning skills.

Top 10 best wobblers for trolling

The fishing industry is now very well developed, in any specialized store even an experienced rod lover can hardly choose everything you need and at a minimum. There are plenty of wobblers now, but not everyone can choose really working options. In order not to waste money, it is worth knowing the rating, which was compiled by more than one generation of trolling fishermen, to acquire really the right baits.

Liberty Deep Runner 800F

An eight-centimeter wobbler is known to many lovers of trolling fishing. With a relatively small size, its weight is 21 g, which is not small for such a bait. It can go deep up to 6 m, it can work best in the middle water column.

The wobbler is made of durable material that remains intact even after aggressive bites of a predator from a reservoir. A feature of the bait is a stable game, which will not be knocked down even by obstacles under water.

Rapala Shad Rap SSR-9

Lures for spinning fishing from this Finnish company are known even to novice anglers. It is this model, 9 cm long, that has a relatively small weight, only 12 g, which allows it to work at shallow depths of up to 2,5 m, as for trolling. disdain.

The game with a wide amplitude is noticeable to fish from afar, this model is of interest to different predators, both from the bottom layers of water and from the middle ones.

Bomber BD7F

This wobbler is known to many fishermen, it is considered one of the best for trolling. The length is 76 cm, and the weight of 21 g with a decent shovel allows you to go deep up to 12 m.

The manufacturer makes a wobbler from high-quality materials, it has good quality and a color coating, so it will serve faithfully for more than one year.

Salmo Perch PH12F

This bait from a well-known brand has a decent size, its length is 12 cm, and its weight is 36 g. But with such indicators, the wobbler sinks only up to 4 m maximum, which makes it possible to effectively attract the attention of a large predator in the middle water column.

Many anglers recommend this particular wobbler among the first baits for any kind of predator.

Rapala Deep Tail Dancer TDD-11

This wobbler, according to experienced fishermen, is the best for catching fish by trolling on rivers. Length 11 cm and weight 23 g with a large shovel will allow you to go deep up to 9 m, will attract the attention of pike, pike perch, catfish.

This model is often used by supporters of fishing on the track. The work of the wobbler is attractive to their inhabitants with any wiring and at any speed of the boat.

Bomber Fat Free Shad

The model is the most attractive for zander, it goes down to 7 meters, but its parameters are relatively small. The length of the wobbler is 7,6 cm, and the weight is 21 g. The lure is of additional interest because of the built-in acoustic system, the sound created will not leave indifferent pike perch nearby. The speed of the boat will not be able to affect the game, the wobbler will work the same way.

Bomber Long B25A

The work of this lure extends to depths of up to 7,5 meters with a length of 11 cm and a weight of 20 g. Most trolling fans know that this wobbler will always catch fish in any body of water in any weather.

Catfish, zander, pike respond well to it.

Megabass Live-X Leviathan

Many consider this particular model to be a secret weapon for catching trophies on the rivers, namely pike perch. The wobbler works at a depth of up to 6 meters, this is quite enough to catch a fanged one.

Length 9 cm, weight 13,5 g will create a good game in the water column, which will attract attention.

Daiwa TP Crank Scouter-F

The bait is considered universal and is used to attract the attention of various predators in the pond. The length of 6 cm and a powerful shovel will allow the model to dive to 6 m and from there to lure pike, pike perch, catfish and even perch.

The downside is that the game is not always stable, so the attention must always be on the tip of the rod.

Duel Hardcore Deep Crank

Initially, the wobbler was developed as a casting lure, but trolling catches just as well. A length of 6 cm, even at a depth of 3,5 m, will attract the attention of any predator that is in the pond. For most anglers, this particular model is the most successful, high-quality material does not wear out for a long time and retains its color well.

Of course, there are other wobblers that can help in catching this or that predator on a single reservoir, but this rating was compiled based on the reviews of fishermen from different regions.

We hope that the information received will help you choose only excellent quality wobblers for trolling, and all of them will be one hundred percent catchy.

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