Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

Russia is a huge country with unique natural and historical sights. Many people try and strive to travel abroad, ignoring their native lands. Maybe this is because they do not know how many amazing, beautiful places you can visit in our country. The ranking lists the best places to stay in Russia.

10 Adygea

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia – these republics, which are part of Russia, are an ideal place for people who love outdoor activities. Most of the territory is occupied by mountain ranges. Not surprisingly, this region is the center of Russian mountaineering. Mount Elbrus attracts thousands of people who want to conquer its peaks. And Mount Cheget is considered one of the most difficult areas for climbers. These republics are famous for a large number of caves and mountain lakes. The most popular places are the Blue Lakes, the Tsar’s Crown waterfall, Tambukan Lake, Honey Falls, the Devil’s Gate Pass, the Guam Gorge and many, many others.

9. Altai

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia Altai not only the most beautiful place in Russia, but also the whole world. This is the land of endless mountain ranges, lakes, glaciers, mountain rivers and caves. All conditions for skiing, water and speleotourism have been created. Among the sights of Altai, the most famous and visited by tourists are: Mount Belukha – the highest peak of Siberia and Altai, Denisova Cave, Golden Mountains of Altai – an area listed as a UNESCO heritage, which includes two reserves (Altai and Katunsky) and the Ukok plateau, Sailyugemsky national park, Lake Teletskoye, one of the 15 deepest lakes on the planet. The city of Belokurikha has been recognized as the best resort in Russia for several years in a row.

8. Karelia

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

Karelia – a place with amazing, pristine nature. There are more than 60 thousand lakes on the territory of the republic. The most famous Onega and Ladoga lakes. Popular places for tourists to visit are the islands of Valaam and Kizhi. Walking tours are organized around Valaam, where you can see the magnificent nature with your own eyes, learn about the life of the small population of the island and the Valaam Monastery. Kizhi is a whole complex of architectural buildings under the protection of UNESCO. The famous Kivach reserve is located on the territory of the republic. Cruises on ships that depart from St. Petersburg to Karelia are very popular among tourists.

7. Kamchatka

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

Kamchatka – This is a place more for extreme and active recreation. Many travelers strive to get into this harsh land of volcanoes. Of the more than 300 volcanoes, 36 are active. The most famous among them and the highest active volcano on the mainland is, of course, the famous Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Kamchatka volcanoes are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kamchatka is also a country of geysers. On an area of ​​3 sq. km there is one of the most breathtaking places in Russia – a geyser field of 200 thermal springs. Only in Kamchatka there are unique acid lakes in the craters of volcanoes. Completely untouched and wild nature can be seen on the Commander Islands, located near Kamchatka. By the way, these four islands are the only thing left in Russia after the sale of Alaska.

6. Kaliningrad region

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

Kaliningrad region. Kaliningrad is an amazing city due to the mixture of Russian and European culture. It is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. Temples, museums, monuments – the city simply abounds with them. The most famous place is the Curonian Spit – a national park. This is a sandy beach, 98 km long. Part belongs to Russia, part belongs to Lithuania. The sandy spit on the coast of the Baltic Sea is a favorite vacation spot for German and Lithuanian tourists. The unique place of the spit is the dancing forest. The trees here grow in the most bizarre way. Trunks begin to squirm right at the base. The answer to this phenomenon has not yet been found.

5. Baikal

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

Baikal (Irkutsk region). The deepest lake on our planet attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world like a magnet. Olkhon Island is considered the most popular place – it is the only inhabited island on the lake. All those who come to Baikal strive to get to the thermal springs of Talai, known for their healing properties. The Small Sea is a part of Lake Baikal separated by Olkhon and one of the most popular places. Ukovsky waterfall impresses even experienced tourists with its appearance. From a height of 50 meters, water falls in a powerful stream into a bottomless gorge. In addition, Baikal has a huge number of picturesque bays and caves.

4. Crimea

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

Crimea. The climate of Crimea is considered by many to be ideal for recreation. After the annexation of the peninsula to Russia, the flow of tourists increased significantly. Beach holidays attract vacationers from May to October, but in the remaining months there is something to see. Everyone knows such resorts as Balaklava, Evpatoria, Yalta. Divers and surfers tend to get to Cape Tarkanhut, and skiers and snowboarders to the famous mountain Ai-Petri, which is the symbol of the peninsula. Mandatory to visit such architectural monuments as the Swallow’s Nest, Massandra Palace, Bakhchisaray Palace, the museum-reserve “Khersonesos”. The peninsula will not leave anyone indifferent.

3. The Republic of Komi

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

The Republic of Komi. Not everyone dares to travel to this harsh region. This vacation is not for everyone. People come to Komi with a craving for the unknown, seeking to test their strength and filled with love for wandering and freedom. Travelers are ready to travel thousands of kilometers to see the mountain of Stone idols. These weathering pillars reach a height of 50 meters. The mystery of the Mansi blockheads, as the pillars are also called, is interesting to both locals and travelers. One of the oldest settlements and the center of ethnographic tourism is the village of Yb. The difficulty of conquering climbers attracts Mount Manaraga, which has the shape of a bear’s paw. It is in this corner of Russia that there is a mysterious and world-famous place – the Dyatlov Pass. Until now, it attracts those who want to solve the mystery of the death of a group of climbers.

2. gold ring of Russia

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

gold ring of Russia – this is not a place, but a route that was created back in Soviet times to acquaint foreigners with historical sights and architectural monuments of central Russia. The direction does not lose its popularity, but rather increases. The Golden Ring included a group of 8 cities, now the number has been increased. The route runs through five regions: Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir. Traveling along the Golden Ring is available all year round.

1. Krasnodar

Rating of the best places to stay in Russia

Krasnodar. One of the most popular holiday destinations in Russia. Here are the most visited resort towns. Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa, Adler. Nearby is Abkhazia, known for its pristine nature, Lake Ritsa. The most important, but the truth is the most expensive resort in the Krasnodar Territory is Sochi. The city has changed a lot since the 2014 Olympics. The city has the largest oceanarium in Russia, tourists and locals love to visit the Riviera amusement park and the arboretum, which is striking in size, almost 50 hectares. In addition to all this, there is a huge number of waterfalls, caves, mountain rivers, dolmens.

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