Rating of cider brands in the world and Russia

Classic cider is a low-alcohol drink made from certain varieties of apples, obtained by slow fermentation. Requirements for its manufacture differ in different countries. In the UK, dry varieties are preferred, in France and Spain they love sweet ciders. Recently, drinks in a special style are in great demand, for which non-traditional raw materials are used: strawberries, currants, cherries and cranberries. Producers compete in separate competitions, where each year judges choose the best brands of cider.

International Cider Challenge

The first ICC competitions were held in the UK at the initiative of Drinks International. In 2019, the Sxollie brand, a craft cider from South Africa, was recognized as the absolute champion. The drink is made from apple varieties Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pink Lady, which are grown for the company by local farmers. The manufacturer adds champagne yeast to apple juice and does not use concentrates, sugar or flavors. The winner of the competition was the tart and refreshing Sxollie Pink Lady cider with an alcohol content of 4,5%.

In 2019, the Trophy medal went to Abavas Apple Wine Apple Pie, a Latvian dry cider with apple, peach and lemon flavors, reminiscent of sparkling wine. The French brand Les Celliers Associés won two awards at once. The company manufactures its products according to old Breton recipes. The judges praised the lemony L’Authentique French Cider Ginger Lemon and the pear Mont Saint Michel Pear with strong natural gas.

In 2018, the Breton brand Loic Raison Doux, a 3% abv light cider with a lively fruity bouquet, won the championship title. Trophy awards were given to the dry Tempted Irish Cider with apple, jasmine and spice aromas, and the British Taunton Original Medium Cider with a mild and slightly astringent taste.

New York International Cider Competition

The competition was held only twice, but already in the first year it was attended by producers from ten countries, who presented more than a hundred brands of cider. In 2020, the competition took place in early February.

The cider rating was topped by Special-style drinks:

  • Black Apple Blueberry from California with hints of blueberry and cinnamon;
  • Wild Cider Peach Agave with an unusual taste of peach and agave;
  • ACE Pineapple Craft Cider made from pineapple juice with no added sugar;
  • L’Authentique French Cider Raspberry with raspberries;
  • Cranberry Crisp Cider with hints of apple, strawberry and ripe mango.

In 2018, the judges gave preference to classic brands, seven manufacturers took away gold medals from the competition. Albemarle CiderWorks was noted for the pleasant refreshing taste that Harrison apples give to the drink, and Angry Orchard Ice Man cider captivated the judges with a rich aroma with hints of kiwi and melon. Arsenal Cider House, known for the unusual design of its drinks in the style of metal rock, received two gold awards at once.

Rating of cider brands in the world and Russia
Cider is not only apple, but also pear, currant, strawberry…

The best brands of cider in Russia

In Russia, cider is much less popular than beer. The production of the drink began relatively recently in the country; in Soviet times, light alcohol from apples was not made at enterprises. Despite low demand, in 2019 the volume of production increased by 11%, and the number of manufacturing companies also increased significantly. Craft ciderries use fresh apples, while large enterprises make drinks based on apple juice concentrate.

The best brands of Russian cider:

  • Anton is an extensive line of craft ciders from the Apple Spas company. The manufacturer uses self-grown raw materials, the gardens are located in ecologically clean areas of the Tula region. The apples are washed with clean water without detergents to preserve the “wild” yeast, then the juice is squeezed out and placed in stainless steel containers for ripening. The St.Anton series includes dry unfiltered and sweet carbonated ciders. An interesting example is pear juice poiret.
  • Varvars is another brand from Apple Spas, it includes two types of dry cider – apple and pear. Natural taste with slight sourness, made from natural raw materials with the addition of wild apples.
  • GloryWood is a cider produced by the Master Product Altai brewery. The company uses British technology, products are made from natural apples and pears without the addition of alcohol or beer. The distillery produces an extensive line of ciders under the brand names Kelvish and GloryWood.
  • “Holy Jack” is a product of the Tokskovskaya brewery. The company produces cider from apples purchased from summer residents and harvested from abandoned orchards. The drink is dry, unfiltered with a pronounced sourness. The alcohol content is up to 6,6% depending on the composition of the raw material.

In Russia, natural ciders are difficult to find in stores, as they are produced in limited quantities. Drinks are served at the bars, where craft beer takes center stage. The cider trend has been gaining popularity over the past five years, experts predict a steady increase in demand for quality brands in the future.

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