Rat and Horse Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

Rat and Horse compatibility is consistently low. These guys can work together and even maintain friendly relations, but not all couples manage to build a family life. These two are too different: a cheeky, unceremonious, loud and peremptory horse next to a quiet, tactful, intelligent and practical Rat! Such partners annoy each other with their every action.

Things are better for couples where the sign of the Horse belongs to a man. Then the relationship develops more harmoniously, because the duties of the spouses more fully correspond to their characters: the homely and economical Rat can concentrate on the house and control over the family budget, and the freedom-loving and selfish Horse has the opportunity to relax the way she likes.

Compatibility: Rat Man and Horse Woman

The compatibility of the male Rat and the female Horse is a dubious thing. In this pair, both need to cherish the relationship very much in order to try to save it. For these relations will fall apart at every step.

At first glance, the compatibility of the male Rat and the female Horse should be very high. After all, both partners are smart, talented, persistent, hardworking. Both want to have a cozy warm home, but at the same time they also love entertainment and communication in society.

The whole problem with this couple is that they absolutely do not know how to negotiate. Rats, as a man, are not ready to make concessions every minute and indulge the whims of their chosen one. Still, he is the head of the family, and it is easier for him to part with such an assertive and wayward lady than to constantly feel guilty and humiliated.

The Horse Woman is too strong to bend under her chosen one. At the same time, she, like a donkey, is stubborn, self-confident and not ready to admit her own wrong.

In this union, everything goes fine, as long as the views on life of the partners completely coincide. But as soon as these two disagree on something, hold on, Universe!

Rat Man – maybe not ideal. Not a knight who will fight a dragon to save his betrothed. He is the hero of a slightly different novel. The Rat Man does not like to resort to physical strength, aggression, volitional pressure. He is too smart to go into open conflict.

The Rat man has a developed intellect, natural intuition, caution, practicality. He usually does not rush to the main role, but even remaining in the second row, he manages to snatch from fate more than the rest. He knows how to get a lot of pleasure from life without spending a lot of money on it. He perfectly saves money, which his companion may not even be aware of.

The Horse Woman is the most obstinate lady in the eastern horoscope. She is independent, proud, cautious, suspicious, persistent in achieving her goals. With all this, she is also very beautiful, graceful, talented and optimistic. The Horse Woman loves to dream, and therefore often looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.

The main problem of the Horse woman is excessive pride, coupled with an unstable mood. When something is not for her, she begins to lift her head, kick, snort. Continue to put pressure on her – she will rear up or even worse – give you a hoof in the ass.

Rat-Horse couples rarely occur, since such partners begin to conflict from the first day they meet. What is there of the day – from the first minutes! The compatibility of the male Rat and the female Horse is critically low in all types of relationships. If the love between these signs is so strong that the partners are determined to maintain the union, they will have to make daily efforts to keep the peace in the house.

Compatibility in love: male Rat and female Horse

As a rule, the male Rat in a panic runs away from the female Horse after the first date. The rat is frightened by her assertiveness, recklessness, focus only on herself.

If the lady turned out to be reasonable and hid her difficult disposition, the Rat man will certainly be fascinated by her external beauty, internal harmony, her talents and eloquence. At this stage, the woman will already have doubts: she will feel in the boyfriend a slight insincerity, detachment, unwillingness to open up. It’s just that the Rat doesn’t like to rush and is always cautious.

If the romance has already begun, conflicts will become a frequent occurrence. The Rat Man counts on a reliable rear, stability and a warm atmosphere in the family nest. The Horse Woman subconsciously wants this too, but she always puts her personal desires in the foreground. And the more the Rat man tries to re-educate the chosen one, the more he puts pressure on her, demands something, the more selfishness and stubbornness wakes up in the Horse woman.

Only the Horse can save the Rat-Horse pair. She, as a woman, should become softer, more accommodating, more grateful, more cunning. She must once and for all leave the desire to defeat the chosen one.

Marriage Compatibility: Rat Man and Horse Woman

The family compatibility of the male Rat and the female Horse is also low. Every domestic problem for this union is a cause for scandal. Everyone considers himself absolutely right and does not want to listen to the point of view of another. construct is not possible.

The best way to minimize conflicts is to clearly delineate scopes and responsibilities. And in no case do not climb into someone else’s field! Even if the Horse woman sees that her husband is doing wrong, she should bite her tongue and be silent. In the same way, the Rat man should not criticize his wife’s homework, give his wife instructions and advice. None! And never!

To increase the compatibility of the Rat man and the Horse woman, it is important for spouses to praise each other more often, make compliments, try to please each other with some pleasant trifle, a gift for no reason. Compliments are especially important for the Horse woman, because she is dependent on the opinions of others, this determines her mood.

Any conversation should be conducted from a position of mutual respect and maximum tact. Perhaps in this case, the partners will really begin to agree on something.

With the right behavior of both, the Rat-Horse pair can be very happy. The Rat Man becomes a caring family man, breadwinner, attentive husband and father. The Horse Woman turns into a strong-willed, but outwardly soft, calm, beautiful wife who always looks great and knows how to present herself in society.

Despite the fact that the Horse woman is not tied to comfort and life, for the sake of her beloved husband, she will learn to maintain beauty in the house. And the guests will definitely always be treated with warmth and care.

Compatibility in bed: male Rat and female Horse

Perhaps the sexual compatibility of the Rat man and the Horse woman is the best that this couple can have. On the physical plane, the partners are not very suitable for each other. Even here both show their egos. They seek pleasure and fight for the top position even in sex.

Well, this behavior is good for this couple. Since both constantly want to prove something to each other, they try hard to please each other and get no less high back. So the nightlife of these eccentrics is amazing and varied.

Over time, the Rat man begins to understand that in moments of intimacy he does not get everything he would like. Somewhere the emotional overtones, spiritual unity are leaving. This encourages a man to be more romantic, to create a special atmosphere in the bedroom. He can even arrange unusual romantic evenings for the chosen one. It would be nice if the Horse woman appreciated his efforts and learned to open up more to her husband in the heart.

The sexual compatibility of a male Rat and a female Horse can be high, but, as a rule, it does not imply deep spiritual unity. The couple needs to do everything possible so that intimate contacts lead to strong emotional intimacy.

Friendship Compatibility: Rat Man and Horse Woman

Only great love keeps the Rat and the Horse next to each other. If there is no love, no mutual benefit, there will never be a simple friendship between them.

The low friendly compatibility of the Rat man and the Horse woman is again based on mutual selfishness and unwillingness to take the position of the other. In addition, both signs are incorrigible liars. Only the Rat wriggles for material gain, and the Horse lies in order to be better thought of. Both smell this lie from each other a mile away and try not to contact at all.

The Rat and the Horse will definitely not be friends. Being nearby, they will certainly begin to conflict, find fault, denounce each other, and exert pressure.

Compatibility at work: male Rat and female Horse

If the male Rat and the female Horse do not compete, they have a very high working compatibility. In this bundle, they are successfully moving towards a common goal, easily solving any issues. But it is better if one of the pair is higher in position. Then his word will always be the last and decisive.

If the Rat and the Horse are on the same level, someone else will be needed who will stop their disputes, direct the bickering in the right direction and choose the appropriate option from the proposed solutions. Because they will never agree.

Sometimes the Rat and the Horse manage to create a successful partnership, but for this both must make it a rule never to deceive each other. To strengthen contact, it is useful for them to practice joint entertainment.

Tips and Tricks for Building Good Relationships

No matter how the Rat man wants to maintain a relationship with the Horse woman, he will never cope with it alone. Most of the work still has to be done by the Horse.

To increase the compatibility of a male rat and a female Horse, it is the partner who should think about it. She should take a close look at her life and decide what she really wants. Remaining strong, she is doomed either to always be alone, or to connect her future with someone who wants to completely obey her, that is, with a rag.

If a Horse woman wants to have a caring husband and feel calm under his protection, she should not break his character, bend the chosen one under her. On the contrary, she should elevate a man, praise him, give him the opportunity to make his own decisions and not try to impose his opinion on him. Softness and only softness will save this marriage.

In such a pair, partners must respect each other’s feelings and desires. Everyone should have their own area of ​​responsibility and their own space of freedom. No need to interfere with the hobbies of the chosen one, the development of his talents.

To enhance family compatibility, it is useful for a Rat man and a Horse woman to travel, visit, and look for common ground. In short, focus on what unites them, and not argue over trifles. The married life of such a couple should be very rich, interesting, juicy. Otherwise, any petty everyday problem will swell to the size of an elephant.

Compatibility: Horse Man and Rat Woman

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman in the Chinese horoscope is considered difficult. Representatives of these signs have common interests and similar character traits, but it is not easy for these guys to build relationships.

The Horse Man is an attractive and proud personality who knows how to create a trusting and relaxed atmosphere around him. This is a man who stands out from the crowd. As a rule, with a sports figure and a light, confident gait. The horse knows how to present itself. He is beautiful both in clothes and in manners. The horse skillfully makes compliments to other people and willingly accepts praise in his address. Such a man is smart, energetic, eloquent. He does not recognize second roles. However, at the same time, he is quite vulnerable and dependent on the opinions of others. The horse does not tolerate criticism, and even accidentally meets an unfriendly glance perceives at its own expense.

In his personal life, the Horse man is as impatient as in everyday life. He is amorous and tends to make hasty decisions. In every woman for whom he has sympathy, such a Casanova sees his fate, so he is often disappointed and changes partners. Building a relationship with such a companion is not easy. He is hot, impulsive and straightforward to the point of tactlessness. At the same time, the Horse man is ready for a lot to please the chosen one, and constantly arouse her admiration.

The Rat Woman is an attractive, sexy beauty with her own style and strong character. She is an ardent careerist who immediately sees her benefits and quickly achieves success. She rarely goes ahead, because she knows how to achieve the goal in detours. The Rat Woman communicates a lot, but talks little about herself. She is distrustful and keeps her secrets deep within herself. But other people’s secrets do not linger in it. The Rat is sensitive to criticism, but she herself criticizes, teaches and instructs others with pleasure.

Marital status does not affect the activity of the Rat woman. She becomes an ideal hostess, continuing her career growth. It is important for her to be realized not only in the family, but also to have weight in society. The rat does not start short-term novels – she, as a rule, immediately sets herself the goal of marriage and is not afraid to voice this to boyfriends. The Rat Woman does not idealize the chosen one, but initially soberly assesses his capabilities. She needs someone strong and reliable. The Rat family is doomed to prosperity, since such a woman herself earns well, chooses a wealthy man for herself, and in addition knows how to save money when it does not concern clothes.

According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman is low, although these guys often end up in the same company. Both love to have fun, communicate, spend time in companies.

Initially, the Horse and the Rat cannot but like each other. The stallion is all so strong, smart, successful, and even shares the Rat’s passion for entertainment. And the Rat is beautiful, graceful and educated, so the look of the Horse man will surely fall on her. These two share common interests.

At the same time, the Rat and the Horse share some fundamental things. For example, a male Horse Rat sometimes seems to be an indifferent self-lover because she is prudent and thinks more about herself than about helping other people. Also, the Stallion is annoyed by the pettiness of a friend and her inability to succumb to spiritual impulses. And the Rat does not understand why the Horse acts so thoughtlessly.

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman is also reduced because both of these signs do not like to compromise. In a quarrel, each considers himself right and expects concessions from the other. Both are cunning, bustle, looking for their own benefit. Each is more focused on himself and is not ready to give the other as much attention as he needs.

According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the male Horse and female Rat is rarely high. Despite the fact that these guys have a lot in common, they also have too many points of contact, which means that quarrels between them arise at every turn. In addition, these two have different views on some things, so it can be difficult for the Horse and the Rat to understand each other.

Compatibility in love: male Horse and female Rat

The love compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman in the early days of the novel is high. Both lovers are happy. The stallion goes headlong into emotions and gives the chosen one all his attention. He can give her expensive gifts, constantly arrange unusual dates. However, very soon he will realize that, unlike him, for a partner, personal relationships are far from being in the foreground. The Rat will never sacrifice his career and his ambitions for the sake of his personal life.

However, the love relationship between the Horse and the Rat can last quite a long time. In this pair, the woman is not so simple, she knows how to intrigue the boyfriend and hold his attention for a long time. The Horse Man is straightforward and impulsive, he easily goes into open conflict, but the Rat is cunning. She does not go head on, but avoids conflicts, but still achieves her goal in detours.

The love compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman remains high only because the nimble rodent does not climb on the rampage. Thanks to this, the couple manages to avoid serious conflicts for a long time.

Marriage Compatibility: Horse Man and Rat Woman

The family compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman is classified as low, but this is far from a sentence. The spouses have every chance to build a strong union. The main thing is that both understand what and where to fix, what to work on.

The relationship of the Horse and the Rat is always a mutually beneficial tandem. Spouses adopt from each other those qualities that they lack. The Rat Woman becomes less tense and agitated, she learns to relax and enjoy life more. Next to the Horse, she does not need to worry so much about the material well-being of the family, which again makes the Rat calmer. The Horse Man, in turn, becomes less unpredictable. Under the influence of his wife, he begins to fuss less and make decisions more carefully.

Unfortunately, the Horse and the Rat need a different atmosphere in the house. The Horse Man is used to moving a lot, committing rash acts, changing plans. His wife seems a little boring to him. The most important thing for a rat in a family is to feel stability and peace. Her home should be a place where she can always find shelter and support in any situation. The emotional outbursts of her husband frighten her and unbalance her.

The weakest compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman is in the first years of marriage. During this period, the so-called grinding takes place, and quarrels are inevitable. It is bad that even if during the quarrel the spouses came to a consensus, both still continue to be offended by each other. During this period, it is generally difficult for them to listen to each other, to adequately perceive the advice and comments of each other.

What both should avoid in every possible way is criticism. Both spouses willingly make claims to each other, but at the same time, no one would like to be in the role of the accused. “Do not treat others the way you don’t want them to treat you,” says a Russian folk proverb, and for a Horse with a Rat, this should become family law number one.

Compatibility in bed: male Horse and female Rat

The high sexual compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman makes the bedroom of this couple a real outlet. Here, partners perfectly understand each other’s desires, they do not need to quarrel or find out who is in charge.

However, even in the intimacy of these guys there are some problems. For example, the Horse man pays too little attention to the emotional component of intimacy, and the Rat woman needs affection and emotional conversations. A man concentrates on his own physical pleasure, and a woman focuses on emotional contact. When one of the partners does not get what he wants, he will most likely go to get sensations on the side.

The sexual compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman can be very high, but only if the partners are interested in each other’s desires.

Friendship Compatibility: Horse Man and Rat Woman

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman in friendship is even lower than in love or family. When these signs do not connect strong feelings, it is even more difficult for them to build their communication. Here the man is too straightforward, even tactless and rude. He rushes ahead and does not want to reckon with the opinion of the interlocutor. The Rat is too cunning to openly prove its case, but it will still do it in its own way, and the Horse will deeply offend.

Friendly relations between the Horse and the Rat are rarely struck up and, as a rule, do not last long. In this pair there will always be reticence and misunderstanding.

Compatibility at work: male Horse and female Rat

But in the working plan, the compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman is quite high. In this tandem, the man is assertive, enterprising and firm in his desire to move towards his cherished goal, and the woman is cautious, practical and prudent. This union will be productive in any case. It does not matter which of the partners will be higher in position.

The Horse and the Rat do a good job with the common business. For a more friendly decision-making, it is advisable for them to at least sometimes spend their free time together. For example, for a common hobby.

Tips and Tricks for Building Good Relationships: Horse Man and Rat Woman

In the Horse-Rat pair, both partners are very worthy and self-sufficient people. Each individually can achieve a lot, and together their productivity is often reduced due to constant conflicts, as well as due to the fact that each constantly interferes in the affairs of the other. The directness of the Horse is perceived as aggression, and the flexibility of the Rat as a lie, which is why the family life of these signs often resembles a battlefield.

How to be? – Firstly, the Horse and the Rat do not need to try to remake each other for themselves. These are two completely different personalities with their own strengths and weaknesses. Their uniqueness is their value. You just need to see this value and respect it. Secondly, both spouses should concentrate only on their tasks and not go to each other with unnecessary advice.

The Rat Woman should come to terms with the fact that her husband cannot spend all the evenings at home. He is a more social being and needs frequent outings. In turn, the Stallion should not be offended by the fact that his wife sometimes refuses to accompany him to a party or visit, but prefers to stay at home. She needs it to restore inner harmony.

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