Raspberry wine: 5 recipes at home

It is difficult to find a person who speaks with hostility about homemade raspberry wine. This refreshing pastoral drink has won many adherents, thanks to its delicate, but at the same time rich taste and enchanting aroma, which evokes bright memories of childhood. At the same time, not everyone knows that virtually everyone can prepare this unforgettable drink.

They also make raspberries: liqueurs, tinctures, liqueurs, syrup

Tips before starting

  1. Don’t wash the berries

    In no case do not wash the berry intended for wine. This way you save the wild yeast needed for the fermentation process.

  2. What to do with frozen raspberries

    If you decide to make wine from frozen raspberries, completely and irrevocably devoid of those same wild yeasts, you should use sourdough. Sourdough for raspberry wine is made from the same berry (of course, fresh and unwashed) or from equally unwashed raisins.

  3. Pick only the best berries

    Fresh raspberries must be sorted out, removing moldy, unripe or rotten berries. Otherwise, all your winemaking work will go down the drain.

  4. Follow the process

    When filling the fermentation tank, do not forget to leave about a third of the free space in it. It is necessary for the accumulation of foam, the release of carbon dioxide and subsequent filling with additional components of the drink.

Wine at home from raspberries according to science

Let’s start with the canonical version, which requires quite a lot of time and attention, but always gives a stable result.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 1 kg

  2. Sugars – 500 g

  3. Water – 1 L

Method of preparation

  1. Turn the sorted raspberries into puree and put in a dry three-liter jar.

  2. Add 300 g of sugar and 700 ml of water, then mix everything thoroughly.

  3. Close the three-liter lid with a water seal or pull on it a rubber medical glove with a pierced hole to release carbon dioxide.

  4. Leave the container for 10 days in a dark, warm place (18-24 ° C) for primary fermentation. At the same time, it is desirable to stir the fermenting mass daily with a wooden spatula.

  5. After the specified period, strain the fermented mass and squeeze through cheesecloth. Discard the pulp and return the juice to its original container. Immediately afterwards, add the sugar solution (100 g of sugar to 300 ml of water) and mix thoroughly.

  6. Leave the resulting substance for 3 days under a water seal.

  7. Then, strain 50 ml of fermenting liquid, dissolve the remaining 100 g of sugar in it and pour the resulting syrup into your jar.

  8. Close the container again with a shutter or glove and leave it alone until the end of fermentation.

  9. Attention! If 40 days after adding the last portion of sugar, the substance continues to ferment (the glove does not fall off or the water seal continues to release bubbles), it must be filtered and poured into another dry, clean container. Otherwise, you risk getting a noticeably bitter drink at the exit.

  10. When the fermentation process comes to an end, the resulting young wine must be decanted into a new container and tasted. If the drink seems sour, you can add a little more sugar to taste. In this case, the wine should be held for another 10 days under a glove or a lid with a water seal. If the result suits you, then you can, without leaving the cash register, enjoy a young early-ripening drink.

  11. If you are a fan of wines with a well-established rich taste, be patient and let the drink ripen. To this end, the wine is poured into a suitable glass container to the brim, hermetically sealed and placed for 3-6 months in a cellar or refrigerator (the main thing is that the storage temperature does not go beyond 6-16 ° C). During this period, the drink should be checked from time to time to filter it when the sediment at the bottom of the container reaches three centimeters. The readiness of the wine is evidenced by the absence of sediment for a month. Then the drink can be bottled, corked tightly and safely attached to your alcoholic arsenal.

Raspberry wine with a high degree

This recipe is specifically for lovers of fortified wines.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberry juice – 6 l

  2. Sugar – 2,4 kg

  3. Water – 2,6 L

  4. Vodka – 1 l

  5. Raspberry leaven – 300 ml

Method of preparation

  1. 5-7 days before the start of making wine, you should take care of the sourdough. To do this, mix the puree obtained from two glasses of unwashed raspberries, 0,5 cups of sugar and a glass of water.

  2. Place the resulting substance in a bottle, tightly plug with cotton wool and leave for 4 days in a dark place. Then strain the finished sourdough through thick gauze, after which it is advisable to start the winemaking process as soon as possible.

  3. In order not to put things off indefinitely, it is proposed to use the ripening time of the sourdough to prepare the required amount of raspberries. From ahead of time sorted berries you need to squeeze 6 liters of juice.

  4. Mix juice, water, sourdough and 1,6 liters of sugar in a fermentation container.

  5. Close the container with a lid with a water seal and place in a warm, dark place.

  6. When the fermentation period comes to an end, add vodka to the container, mix thoroughly and leave for another 5 days.

  7. Next, the wine is filtered, mixed with the remaining 800 g of sugar, bottled and tightly corked. However, in order to avoid the sad consequences of repeated fermentation, it is better to play it safe and keep the drink under a water seal for another week.

Raspberry wine from spree jam

If your household has a jar or two of fermented or candied raspberry jam, then this is just your case.

List of ingredients

  1. Jam – 1 kg

  2. Water – 2 L

  3. Raisins – 120 g

Method of preparation

  1. Mix jam, raisins and warm water in a fermentation tank.

  2. Keep the result in a warm, dark place under a glove or a lid with a water seal until the fermentation process is completed.

  3. Next, remove the drink from the sediment or strain it through gauze, pour it to the top into glass bottles, cork tightly and put it in a cool room for a couple of days.

  4. After that, the wine can either be served at the table or, to achieve a brighter effect, left alone for another couple of months.

Raspberry wine recipe for sour lovers

Those who find raspberry wine too sugary will certainly appreciate this recipe.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 2 kg

  2. Sugars – 300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Mash the sorted raspberries with your hands in a capacious saucepan, mix with sugar and cover with a cloth or gauze. Put the pan for 4 days in a dark warm place. Then remove the foam, separate the juice from the cake and squeeze the latter through a thick gauze.

  2. Pour all the juice into a glass container and keep under a lid with a water seal until the end of fermentation.

  3. Next, pour the drink into a similar clean container, hold it under a water seal for a couple more days, then close it with a tight lid and transfer it to a cool room.

  4. After a month and a half, the finished wine is filtered, bottled and waiting in the wings in your bar.

Easy homemade raspberry wine recipe

And to top it off, the easiest and most unpretentious way for those who do not like to bother.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 5 kg

  2. Water – 5 L

  3. Sugar – 1,5 k.

Method of preparation

  1. Mash the sorted berries until pureed.

  2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar, remembering to remove the foam.

  3. Transfer the puree to a glass bottle, fill it with syrup at room temperature and mix thoroughly.

  4. Put the container equipped with a glove or a lid with a water seal in a dark, warm place for the fermentation period (if you are lucky, it will end in a week).

  5. Drain the fermented wine from the sediment, filter, bottle and cork tightly.

  6. Put the bottles in a cool place, removing them from there as needed.

Relevance: 09.07.2016

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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