Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

Novosti Kuzmina is an old variety obtained in 1880. In terms of taste, this is a reference variety of raspberries. Due to its high frost resistance and unpretentiousness, the variety is suitable for planting in the middle lane, in the Urals and Siberia.

Features of the variety

According to photos and reviews, the description of raspberries Kuzmin’s News is as follows:

  • medium early maturation;
  • extended fruiting (up to 2 months);
  • raspberry ripening begins in mid-June;
  • high rates of self-fertility;
  • a small number of shoots;
  • bush height up to 2,5 m;
  • upright branches;
  • medium sprawling raspberry bush;
  • one-year-old shoots of the variety are curved, grayish in color and waxy;
  • the average number of thorns, most of which are located at the bottom of the branches;
  • biennial shoots become light brown;
  • dark green leaves of medium and large sizes.

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

According to the photo and description, the fruits of the Novosti Kuzmina raspberry variety have a number of features:

  • oblong blunt-conical shape;
  • dark red shade;
  • the average weight of berries of the variety is 2-4 g;
  • pronounced aroma;
  • sweet and sour taste;
  • dense drupes, not prone to crumbling;
  • juicy raspberry pulp;
  • berries are easily separated from the stem;
  • overripe fruits do not fall off.

Productivity of the variety

From each raspberry bush Novosti Kuzmina you can get 1,5-2 kg of berries. To increase the yield, other varieties are planted nearby, which contributes to the pollination of raspberries.

According to reviews of Novosti Kuzmin’s raspberries, under favorable conditions and frequent rains in summer, you can take a second harvest in the fall. Usually during this period, the berries ripen on 2-meter shoots.

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

The fruits of the variety are characterized by poor keeping quality and cannot be transported. Therefore, after collection, it is necessary to process them as soon as possible. The variety is suitable for freezing, making compotes and jams.

Features of landing

Planting raspberries is carried out in autumn or spring. Be sure to choose a suitable place where the raspberries will receive good lighting. The soil is fertilized with compost and minerals.

Site Selection

Under the raspberries allocate a sunny area. According to the photo and description of the Novosti Kuzmina raspberry variety, when the shrubs are located in the shade, the ripening of the berries is delayed.

Advice! Next to the raspberries do not have strawberries, potatoes and fruit trees. All of them are subject to similar diseases.

Raspberries of the Novosti Kuzmina variety are planted in the area where vegetables (pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini), gooseberries or currants used to grow. The beds are arranged from north to south so that the raspberries are more often under the sun.

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

Raspberries are not located in damp areas and in the lowlands. With constant exposure to moisture, the variety dies from frost or fungal diseases.

Important! Raspberries grow best in loamy or sandy loamy areas with good drainage.

Before planting raspberries in the spring, legumes are grown on the site, which saturate the soil with useful minerals. In July, green manure is removed and embedded in the soil as a fertilizer.

Order of work

Planting work is carried out in autumn or spring. For this, seedlings 20 cm high are taken. Long branches of raspberries must be cut to the indicated sizes.

Saplings of the Novosti Kuzmina variety should have shoots of medium thickness. It is better to choose plants with thinner branches and a powerful root system.

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

The order of planting raspberries is divided into several stages:

  1. On the beds, 20 days before planting, furrows 50 cm wide and 40 cm deep are prepared.
  2. A 10-centimeter layer of compost is placed in the recess, superphosphate and biohumus are poured on top.
  3. Immediately before work, the roots of the seedling of the variety are dipped into a solution consisting of water, clay, mullein and humates.
  4. If necessary, the shoots are cut, leaving no more than 25 cm.
  5. Plants are placed in trenches with a step of 30 cm and covered with fertile soil.
  6. The soil is compacted, and the raspberries are watered abundantly.


Variety Novosti Kuzmina needs care, which includes the introduction of moisture, top dressing and pruning of shrubs. Raspberries are especially sensitive to lack of moisture. To increase the yield, plantings are fed with mineral and natural fertilizers. Compliance with agricultural technology will avoid the development of raspberry diseases.

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

Watering plantings

Raspberry News Kuzmina requires good watering. Its deficiency negatively affects fruiting.

After planting for a month, the active development of the root system of the shrub takes place. During this period, raspberries need more intensive watering.

The scheme for introducing moisture is as follows:

  • the first watering is carried out at the end of May, when 3 liters of water are added under the plant;
  • two more waterings are carried out in the middle and end of June, and 6 liters of water are needed for each plant;
  • in July, raspberries are watered according to the June scheme;
  • until mid-August, the last watering is performed.

If it often rains in the region where the variety is grown, and the soil remains moist, then watering is not required. Drooping raspberry leaves testify to the lack of moisture.

Important! Cold water from a hose is not suitable for irrigation.

The procedure is best done in the morning or evening when there is no sun exposure. Water should settle and warm up in barrels.

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

Feeding scheme

Raspberries Novosti Kuzmin are fed several times during the season:

  • in the spring, the mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and the raspberries are watered;
  • under old plantings, ammonium nitrate can be embedded in the soil (10 g per 1 sq.m);
  • in summer, bone meal is used as a mulching layer;
  • after picking berries in the beds, you need to scatter wood ash;
  • in the fall, green manure (white mustard or clover) is planted between the rows, which are then embedded in the soil.

Compost is added to the soil every three years after harvesting the berries. It can be replaced with a complex fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus.

After planting or in the fall, it is not recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers. This top dressing stimulates leaf growth, so it is applied in the spring.

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

Pruning shoots

According to reviews, raspberry Novosti Kuzmina has a tendency to form a large number of shoots. In the first year, 1-2 most powerful branches are left. Weak shoots need to be cut out.

In the future, to obtain a stable harvest, it is recommended to double pruning raspberries. When the top of the shoots is removed, side branches develop faster, giving a good harvest.

The first pruning of the variety is carried out at the end of May or a little later, when the annual branches reach 80-100 cm. The bush is cut to 10 cm, which activates the buds in the leaf axils. By the end of summer, the length of new raspberry shoots will be 50 cm, and next year berries will appear on them.

In the spring of next year, when the leaves are formed, the length of the side shoots of raspberries is shortened by 15 cm. These stimulate the development of new branches and ovaries.

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

Protection against diseases

Variety Novosti Kuzmina is exposed to anthracnose and viral diseases. Anthracnose is fungal in nature and appears as brown spots on the leaves. Light brown spots spread on raspberry shoots, which darken and deepen over time.

Against anthracnose, drugs Oxyhom, Ridomil gold, Fundazol, copper oxychloride are used. When signs of damage appear, three raspberry treatments are carried out with an interval of 10-15 days.

Viral diseases include mosaic, dwarfism, chlorosis. Affected plants, regardless of variety, must be destroyed, since these diseases are not treated. Raspberries are dug up by the roots and burned to avoid further spread of viruses.

For the prevention of diseases, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • compliance with crop rotation when planting raspberries;
  • weeding;
  • use for trimming a sterile instrument;
  • treatment of plantings in autumn and spring with a solution of copper oxychloride (5 g of the substance per 1 liter of water).

Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

Reviews of gardeners

Alexander, 58 years old, Kursk
I have been growing Novosti Kuzmina for over 20 years. Periodically change sites for its landing. I really like the taste of the berry and the yield. Fruit weight is about 4 g. Diseases are rare. Raspberries give little shoots, no more than 1-2 shoots. A very good variety, I always leave a few bushes, although I like to try new varieties of raspberries.
Semyon, 35 years old, Kerch
I grow raspberries Novosti Kuzmina for sale. Five years ago I planted 10 bushes, today their number on the site has exceeded 200. The bushes are vigorous and sprawling. The variety tolerates heat well up to +37 degrees due to drip irrigation. The more you pour humus in the spring, the higher the yield. Berries are poorly stored, so I try to sell them as soon as possible or make jam.
Lyudmila, 44 years old, Ufa
I chose raspberries Novosti Kuzmina according to the description of the variety, reviews and photos. This variety is very popular in our region. A couple of years ago I planted several seedlings, which quickly began to grow. Today I collect fruits with a wonderful aroma and taste. This raspberry makes simply incomparable jam and compote. In order not to be left without a crop, I definitely water the plantings in a drought.


Raspberry variety Novosti Kuzmina: photo and description

Kuzmin’s news is a well-known variety that is planted in regions with different climatic conditions. Its berries have a great taste and universal use. The disadvantage of the variety is the low transportability of berries. Therefore, it is grown for personal use or subsequent processing of fruits.

Particular attention is paid to the care of the variety, which allows you to protect it from diseases. Plantings need regular watering, especially in hot weather. To increase the yield and thin out the shrub, raspberry pruning is performed.

80. Raspberry. High yielding raspberries.

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