Raspberry variety Heritage: photo and description

For more than 50 years gardeners have been growing unpretentious and high-yielding garden raspberries Heritage. She deserved such affection with sweet and fragrant berries, simple care for the bushes. Its authors, breeders from New York, were truly not mistaken when they called the raspberries bred “heritage”. And the Heritage raspberry itself has become the source of more than one new highly productive variety. The raspberry bush gives several harvests, and in autumn the fruits ripen even after the first light frosts. You can buy Heritage raspberry seedlings without hesitation, because it is still at the head of the world list of industrial varieties.

Raspberry variety Heritage: photo and description

Variety description

Repair raspberry Heritage has compact, strong bushes up to 1,5–2 m high, moderately sprawling. Shoots with dark small thorns grow straight. Strong fruit branches are at the top of the shoots, rise, uniting into inflorescences. Medium-sized dark green leaves are oblong, pointed at the end, wrinkled. 

The berries from the Heritage raspberry bush are fine-grained, dense, round-conical, distinguished by a dry separation, almost all of them are the same average weight – from 3,2 to 3,8 g, large – up to 5 g. Ripe juicy fruits attract with a maroon hue, characteristic raspberry aroma, the taste is sweet, there is a pleasant gentle sourness. Berries, which are distinguished by an unsurpassed aftertaste, received a taster score of 4,5 points. When ripe, they can stay on the bush for about a week. The same time lie plucked in the refrigerator.

Heritage raspberry berries ripen on one-year-old shoots at the end of August, the bush bears fruit until frost. On overwintered two-year-old shoots, berries ripen from June. If it is necessary to receive a double collection of full-fledged berries from a bush, the plant is intensively watered and fed. Otherwise, the ripening of berries on last year’s shoots weakens the plant and delays the autumn harvest.

Raspberry variety Heritage: photo and description

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

There are more positive reviews about Heritage raspberries.

  • Consistently high yield;
  • Berries of pronounced taste, one-dimensional and transportable;
  • Frost resistant – up to 300C, adapted to the climate of Central Our Country, does not cover if there is snow;
  • Does not capture the entire area, because there are few shoots;
  • Highly resistant to pathogens.

But there is also a negative opinion:

  • In the south, it regularly needs watering and mulching;
  • Requires fertilization;
  • During frequent rains or abundant watering, the berries increase, but lose their sweetness;
  • In comparison with new varieties, the berries are small, although the yield is quite comparable.

Raspberry bookmark

Raspberry Heritage is planted in spring and autumn, but the best time is September. Before frost, the seedling takes root and with warmth, strengthened, successfully develops. A good place for raspberries is a sunny, unshaded area with loose soil, where there is no stagnant water. Heritage plant prefers slightly acidic or neutral acidic soils.

  • Acquire for planting raspberries 1-2-year-old seedlings, which have 1-2 shoots;
  • Pay attention that they should not be thicker than 1 cm;
  • If the root length is less than 15 cm, the seedling is weak;
  • The central spine should be accompanied by many small ones;
  • The height of the shoots does not matter, because when planting they are cut to 25-30 cm.
Attention! The roots of raspberry seedlings are kept in water for two hours before planting. Immediately before deepening, they are dipped into a liquid mixture of water and clay.

Raspberry variety Heritage: photo and description

Soil preparation and planting

A month before the proposed September planting of Heritage raspberry bushes, in late July – early August, the soil is enriched with humus – up to 12 kg per 1 sq. m, phosphate fertilizers – 60 g, potassium sulfate – 35 g. The site is loosened and weeds are periodically weeded out.

  • It should be borne in mind that for 1 sq. m planted only two raspberry bushes of the Heritage variety;
  • The distance between the bushes is 70 cm, between the rows – one and a half to two meters;
  • Holes are dug to a depth of 30-35 cm, width – 40 cm;
  • The seedling is placed in the hole so that the root neck is 3-4 cm above the ground;
  • The soil around the shoot is compacted, a rim is made along the edges of the hole;
  • Each plant is allocated up to 30 liters of water;
  • From above, after watering, the hole must be mulched with dry sawdust or peat.

Bush care

It is necessary to regularly, twice a week, water the Heritage raspberry bushes, especially during a dry spring. The soil is moistened deeper than 10 cm. Raspberry Heritage then acquires its best characteristics. The yield will reach not only 3 kg per bush, but more. October deep watering increases frost resistance and favors the laying of new buds.

Important! The best type of watering for raspberries is drip irrigation.

Raspberry variety Heritage: photo and description

In regions with unstable winters, frequent thaws and frosts without snow cover, in the fall, old shoots of Heritage raspberries are pruned flush with the soil. Abundant berry picking will be in September. Young shoots bend down and cover. In the spring, branches with damage and signs of disease are removed. 4-6 strong shoots are left on the bush.

Heritage raspberry bushes are best tied up, although they are not too large.

  • The garter favors productivity;
  • On the trellis, all branches will have uniform access to the sun and air;
  • It is easier to prune shoots;
  • It is more convenient to pick berries.

Heritage raspberry bushes are fed with mineral complex fertilizers, wood ash, and humus. The first type is introduced in March, then another solution of ammonium nitrate is used: 15-20 g per bucket of water – for irrigation of 1 sq.m. Before flowering, 60 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate are also dissolved in a bucket of water – per 1 sq.m. In autumn – compost and humus.

Raspberry variety Heritage: photo and description

How to deal with diseases and pests

Raspberry plants of the Heritage variety are not very susceptible to diseases, but prevention is required.

  • Regularly thin out and feed the bushes;
  • After removing the berries, cut out the old shoots;
  • Stumps from affected branches are also removed;
  • Raspberries will gratefully accept spraying with any preparation that contains copper;
  • Preventive treatment in rainy weather for Heritage raspberry bushes is carried out every fortnight.


Warning! All chemical treatments must be carried out before flowering.

Raspberry variety Heritage: photo and description

Typical diseases of raspberry bushes

Most often, plants in raspberries suffer from fungal spores, are affected by rust, purple spotting, and anthracnose.


In May, the disease appears on the shoots and leaves of the Heritage raspberry bush in the form of orange tubercles. The stems gradually dry out, become brittle. In early April, the bushes are treated with 3% urea, before flowering they are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid.


When infected, brown-purple spots appear on young raspberry leaves. Then the leaves dry up and fall off. The stems are also peeling, dry. The spots spread throughout the plant. Preventively scatter wood ash around the bush. In early spring, 2% nitrafen is used, and before flowering, 1% Bordeaux liquid.


First, it develops in a natural wet zone, is carried by wind, birds, and insects. This is a leaf disease in the form of gray spots with a brown border. Raspberry bushes Heritage are also sprayed on the kidneys with a 5% solution of urea, 1% Bordeaux liquid – before flowering, copper oxychloride – after flowering.


Raspberry bushes are affected by Heritage and viruses: the leaves turn yellow along the veins in late June – July. The disease spreads to the shoots, the berries dry before ripening. Prophylactically use 1% Bordeaux liquid and copper oxychloride in the spring. If the infection has spread, the plants are removed and burned.

Raspberry variety Heritage: photo and description

Insects – pests

Raspberries of the Heritage variety are damaged by shoot or leaf aphids, raspberry beetle, stem gall midge and raspberry gall washer. All these insects, except for the raspberry beetle, which spoils the buds and reduces yield, harm the stem and leaves, which leads to the death of the plant. Against them, use insecticides, following the instructions.

Raspberry Heritage is a very good choice. Of course, comparing berries weighing 10-18 g on remontant raspberry bushes of new varieties such as Giant or tree-like Brusvyana, one can decide that the latter are more profitable. By the way, domestic breeders have bred a remontant raspberry variety Rubin for the Central Region, with small – 3-gram berries, resistant to many diseases. Gardener – to study other varieties and choose. Maybe it’s worth stopping at a traditional, proven seedling.

Raspberries, Heritage variety. September 2017.


Tatyana Andreevna, 58 years old, Kaluga
We have been growing Heritage raspberries in our country house for about 10 years. And we always return to the city with full baskets. I do not want to change it to any other variety! I tried a new remontant from the neighbors, but it is sour against ours, even though the berry is three times larger.
Alexey G., 37 years old, Bryansk region
Raspberries of the Heritage variety always help us out in the market – very good berries in taste, appearance and endure a long journey. A feast for the eyes when we lay out baskets with shiny, bright red berries. I also like that they are very easy to take off. Convenient for them are the fruit twigs themselves, which are on top of the Heritage raspberry bush. It happens that they are overloaded and break off. But the tapestries help out.
Yuri N., 48 years old, Volgograd
In our area, remontant raspberry Heritage is capricious. I water a lot, mulch with weeds after weeding. But I also have a bountiful harvest. In the sun, a plum, sweet berry sings. The variety is excellent!

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