Raspberry Giant is a variety that justifies its name with very large berries. On average, their weight is 5-8 g, often up to 15-20 g. The pulp is dense and does not fall apart, the taste is very pleasant. At the same time, the shrub is demanding on the composition of the soil and regular watering. Also, to maintain productivity, fertilizing should be given quite often – up to four times per season.
Inference history
The raspberry variety Giant (Raspberry Ispolin) was bred in 1992. When it was obtained, well-known varieties were used – Stolichny and Shtambovy 20. Since then, the culture has spread to many regions of Our Country. Not included in the register of selection achievements.
Description of raspberry grade Giant
Raspberry Giant got its name for very large berries – some of them set real records in terms of mass. Shrubs are vigorous, but not sprawling. Therefore, growing such a plant is quite simple even in a small area.
Berries of raspberry Giant are very large. Weight on average 8-15 g, although some specimens reach 20 g. The shape is cone-shaped, 4-5 cm long, the color is typical bright red. In the sun they shine a little, they look attractive. The pulp is dense, with a pleasant, but not too strong aroma. The taste is sweet and sour, balanced, without excess sugar. The bones are quite small, do not spoil the overall impression.
The berries are stable and transportable, they can be transported over long distances to the place of sale or processing.
Giant raspberry bushes are tall, reach 150-180 cm. The stems are erect, wide in diameter, and have no thorns. At the same time, the crown is quite compact and does not take up much space. Young shoots are also thick, there is no wax coating on the surface. The leaves are of typical size, the color is bright green.
During the season, the giant raspberry bush gives 5-7 root shoots and up to 10 shoots. The growth rate is high and the yield is quite high. During flowering, snow-white flowers appear massively.
Raspberry Giant is distinguished by an extended wave of fruiting. Berries appear from early July to early October. The yield is quite high and stable – about 5 kg per bush. At the same time, in favorable seasons, the figure can almost double.

Berries appear in the second half of summer
Ripening time and yield of raspberries Giant
Raspberry Giant belongs to the middle (mid-season) varieties. The first fruits appear in early July. In this case, fruiting lasts until the first decade of September. Therefore, harvesting is carried out up to 5-6 times. About 5 kg are collected from one adult bush. Experienced summer residents say that if the weather is good, then up to 9 kg can be collected during the season.
In the first season, young shoots grow, and berries appear on them only the next year. This must be taken into account when pruning – the new growth is left completely.
Frost resistance
Raspberry Giant belongs to winter-hardy varieties, it easily withstands frosts even down to -25 degrees. If the temperature drops to -30 ° C, then the young shoots freeze slightly. Therefore, in most regions, not only mulching is required, but also shelter for the winter. In the south, this is not necessary. There is also a high resistance of the shrub to drought. Therefore, watering can be done not so often (although regularly).
Resistance to diseases
The raspberry variety Giant has a fairly good resistance to many diseases. But sometimes a bush can suffer, for example, from root cancer (incurable) or from fungal infections – rust, septoria, powdery mildew. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the irrigation rate, apply fertilizers in a timely manner, as well as inspect the bushes and carry out preventive treatments with fungicides and insecticides.
Advantages and disadvantages
Raspberry variety Giant has quite a few important advantages. One of them is large berries with excellent taste. The culture is productive, winter-hardy, has good immunity. Therefore, many summer residents tend to breed this particular variety in their plots.

Giant raspberry berries are very large, the flesh is dense and juicy
- stable high yield;
- excellent taste;
- long fruiting (until September);
- winter hardiness;
- drought tolerance;
- immunity to common diseases;
- gives a lot of shoots – it is convenient to propagate;
- keeping quality;
- transportability.
- exactingness to the composition of the soil;
- in the heat needs shading;
- if the summer is rainy, cool, the taste deteriorates.
Features of growing raspberries Giant
Raspberry seedlings Giant are purchased from nurseries or from well-known suppliers. Planting material must be healthy, not dried out and without signs of disease.
Planting Raspberry Giant
Giant raspberry planting can be planned for the end of March – the beginning of April or for the last ten days of September – the first days of October. In this case, the latter option is better, because the seedlings will have time to take root and will quickly grow in the spring.
The landing site must be chosen carefully. Raspberry Giant is demanding on the composition of the soil. It is desirable that it be light and fertile loam or sandstone. If the soil is depleted, organic matter is introduced into it when digging (compost or humus – in a bucket of 2 m2). If the soil is clayey, be sure to add sand or sawdust – 1 kg per same area.
Raspberry seedlings Giant with an open root system are placed overnight in a growth stimulator solution. Then they act like this:
- Dig holes 40 * 40 cm with an interval of 50-70 cm.
- Lay a layer of pebbles, broken bricks.
- They put the seedling in the center and lay fertile soil.
- Tamp it so that the root neck is flush with the surface.
- Give a bucket of pre-settled water.
- Lay sawdust, needles, hay or other mulch.
At the same time, lowlands should be excluded, since stagnant water has a detrimental effect on the state of the root system.
Raspberry Care Giant
Gigantic raspberry care is not very difficult, so novice gardeners can handle it. The culture is drought-resistant, but to maintain good yields, water should be given every 1-2 weeks, and in the heat – twice as often. One adult bush is given 3-4 buckets of water at room temperature.

To get a good harvest, the crop must be regularly watered and fertilized.
Feeding starts from the second season. In the spring, after the snow melts, they give urea or ammonium nitrate – 20 g per bush. During flowering, they are fed with superphosphate (40 g) and potassium sulfate (30 g). In autumn, after harvesting, you can feed with the same composition and give a little more (100-150 g) of wood ash.
After watering, the soil must be loosened so that the roots receive enough oxygen. At the same time, if necessary, weeding is done. In order for weeds to grow as little as possible, in the summer they lay and periodically change the mulch.
Raspberry pruning is done in spring and autumn. It is necessary to remove all old, frozen branches, as well as old shoots. The crown is thinned out – it is better to do this after harvesting. For the winter, the shoots are tied together and bent to the ground, laid on a spruce branch, covered with burlap, lutrasil or other material from above. This must be done only in those regions where the temperature drops below -25 degrees.
Prevention of diseases and pests
To prevent fungal diseases of raspberries, you must:
- time to remove the affected branches;
- in autumn, remove all leaves and burn them;
- in early spring, treat with chemicals.
For spraying raspberries Giant choose any effective fungicide, for example, “Ridomil Gold”, “Respect 25%”, “Fundazol”, “Maxim” and others.

In order for the harvest to be good, the bushes must be protected from pests and diseases.
To cope with moths, weevils and other insects, bushes should be periodically inspected and treated with insecticides, for example, Decis, Confidor, Fitoverm, Green Soap, Aktara and others.
Raspberry Giant is suitable for growing in different regions. Shrubs are winter-hardy, adapt well to temperature extremes and drought. At the same time, the yield is consistently high – from two bushes per season you can collect a bucket of tasty and very large berries. Description of the raspberry Giant is presented in the video.