Raspberry Enrosadira is a relatively new, but already managed to win the love of gardeners hybrid. Excellent palatability and good characteristics make the culture suitable for individual and industrial cultivation.

Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

At harvest time, Enrosadira raspberry bushes are strewn with ripe berries

Inference history

The Enrosadira hybrid was bred by the Italian scientist Aldo Telch. This happened in 2004 as a result of crossing two varieties: T44L04 Lagorai and T35L04.

The work was carried out for several years in a nursery called Vivai Molari, which at that time was headed by G. Molari.

The remontant hybrid Enrosadira was highly appreciated by specialists at the international exhibition MACFRUT, and in 2013 its creators filed an application for registration and obtaining a patent.

Description of raspberry variety Enrosadira

Externally, remontant raspberry Enrosadira looks like a tall annual or biennial plant with powerful branches and large berries. Otherwise, the culture is not much different from other representatives of the species.


The elongated-conical fruits of this raspberry are quite large – about 3 cm long and 2 cm wide. The weight of one berry varies between 6-12 g.

In the stage of full maturity, the fruits are glossy bright red, slightly pubescent. One-dimensional, closely adjacent drupes contain a small number of seeds.

The pulp, which has a pleasant sweet taste, is dense, juicy, fleshy. During the ripening period, the berries exude a rich raspberry aroma.

The fruits are covered with a thin, but quite strong and resistant to mechanical damage skin. This ensures good transportability of fresh berries and makes this hybrid suitable for industrial cultivation.

Attention! Enrosadira raspberry fruits are distinguished by good keeping quality – with proper cooling, they can remain fresh and marketable for 10-12 days.
Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

Enrosadira raspberry berries are not deformed when removed from the bush


Enrosadira raspberry bushes are powerful, vigorous. On average, the height of strong upright shoots at the end of summer is 170 cm. Under favorable conditions, especially when cultivated in protected ground, raspberry stems can grow up to 2,5 m.

Painted in light green, flexible young shoots in the second year of life become woody and acquire a light brown or grayish-orange hue. The surface of the stem is covered with straight, short, red-brown spines with a thick base.

During the growing season, at the very base of the bush, and sometimes from buds located below the soil level, laterals grow – strong branching shoots that can carry from 20 to 30 berries. Moreover, the lower the lateral is located, the longer it is and the more fruits it can give.

Dark green raspberry leaves have a rounded oval shape with a wide base and a pointed tip. The surface of the sheet plate is glossy, corrugated, the edge is serrated.

The flowers are white, small, about 1 cm in diameter.

A powerful well-branched root system goes deep into the soil, which allows the plant to extract moisture even in dry summers.

The hybrid is adapted for cultivation in almost all regions of the country, except for the coldest. Enrosadira raspberries are cultivated in the southern, central regions and in Siberia.

Attention! Despite the fact that it is a hybrid, when propagated asexually, Enrosadira raspberry seedlings retain all varietal characteristics.
Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

Leafiness of raspberry stems is intense

Characteristics of raspberry Enrosadira

Enrosadira hybrid is a mid-late remontant raspberry that ripens on the shoots of the current and last seasons. She begins to bear fruit already in the first year of her life, although there are not very many berries at this time. The fact is that raspberries give most of the harvest on the shoots of last year (about 70%).

Ripening time and yield of raspberry Enrosadira

On the stems of the previous year, ripe berries appear in late July, early August.

On new, that is, shoots formed this year, ripe berries will appear by the end of summer or early autumn. As a rule, the second harvest period is usually longer than the first and can last until the very cold.

The hybrid is characterized as high-yielding – under favorable growing conditions, about 1,5 kg of fresh berries can be harvested from a bush, and in the case of industrial cultivation – 25 tons per 1 ha.

The berries of the Endosadir hybrid are eaten fresh and are also used to prepare and decorate desserts, pastries and soft drinks. Such raspberries are suitable for drying and freezing.

Attention! In tunnels, raspberries ripen faster than in open ground.
Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

Raspberry Enrosadira gives two crops a year

Frost resistance

The frost resistance of Enrosadira raspberries is characterized as good. Mature plants are able to withstand temperatures down to -26 ° C. This makes the hybrid especially popular among Siberian gardeners.

Resistance to diseases

The Enrosadira hybrid has good resistance to diseases such as shoot fading, rust and late blight root rot. Less often than the rest, he also suffers from purple spotting.

Advantages and disadvantages

Raspberry Enrosadira has almost no flaws. But she has a lot of advantages.

Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

One of the advantages of the Enrosadira raspberry is its large-fruited


  • good presentation of fruits;
  • long fruiting;
  • good yield;
  • high content of fruits of the first grade (about 90%);
  • versatility of use;
  • drought resistance and the ability to withstand temperatures down to -26 ° C;
  • immunity to infections and harmful insects;
  • ability to withstand transportation over long distances;
  • almost one hundred percent survival rate and good growth of seedlings;
  • high reproduction rate;
  • the possibility of growing in open ground and greenhouse.


  • a slight change in the color of the berries during storage;
  • with an early cold snap, it is not possible to harvest part of the crop;
  • the need for winter shelter in cool regions.

Features of growing raspberries Enrosadira

Raspberry Enrosadira loves the sun, so it is better to choose a site for its cultivation sunny and protected from drafts. You can plant plants twice a year – in spring (mid-late April) and autumn (late September, October).

Warning! It is not recommended to grow this hybrid in the area where representatives of the nightshade – peppers or tomatoes – grew before.
Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

Malina Enrosadira will like the south side of the site more

Rules of landing

Young shoots are planted in deep trenches (about 40 cm) at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. The distance between rows should be at least 1,5 m.

Seedlings are placed in the planting hole in such a way that the root neck is located at the level of the soil – no higher and no lower, covered with soil and watered abundantly.

Important! Before planting, organic fertilizers are placed in the trench. It can be rotted cow dung, compost, or shredded last year’s leaves.
Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

Wide aisles will help to avoid dense plantings of raspberry Enrosadira

How to care

In order for raspberries to grow and develop normally, you need to provide them with proper care, which includes:

  1. Watering. Despite the fact that Enrosadira is characterized as a drought-resistant plant, it still needs to be irrigated. Otherwise, the lack of moisture will lead to the fact that the leaves and shoots will dry out, and the fruits will become small and lethargic. Therefore, if during a normal amount of precipitation it is possible not to water the raspberries, then in the dry season it will be necessary to moisten the soil at least once every seven days to such an extent as to wet it 0,5 m deep. A week before harvest, watering is stopped, otherwise the raspberries will be watery.
  2. Top dressing. Enrosadira raspberries are fertilized four times a year: in early spring, during bud break, during budding and in autumn in preparation for winter. The first three times they use nitrogen mineral fertilizers, and the last – potassium-phosphorus. In addition, three times a year it is recommended to add organic matter to the soil.
  3. Pruning. Enrosadira raspberry processing technique depends on its type. Annual plants are cut in late autumn at the root, and in spring new bushes form from the remaining stumps. Two-year-old raspberries are cut in several stages. Around the end of March, beginning of April, sanitary and normalizing pruning is performed, during which dry and diseased shoots are removed, and plantings are also thinned out. The second is carried out at the end of May, shortening the tops of the shoots of the growth of the current year, and in July, after fruiting on the branches of the previous year ends, they are cut out at the root.
  4. One of the important activities is the raspberry garter. This allows you to prevent mechanical damage to the shoots, facilitate harvesting, and also reduce the likelihood of developing fungal diseases.
  5. Preparing for winter. Despite the good frost resistance of Enrosadira raspberries in cold regions, it is recommended to cover it. When grown in a two-year culture, the shoots are removed from the trellises, laid on the ground and covered with agrofiber or spruce branches. Snow can be added later as additional cover.
Important! Annual plants prepare for winter in a different way. In this case, the raspberry shoots are cut at the root, and the remaining stumps are covered with a thick layer of mulch.
Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

Regular feeding will help increase the yield of raspberries


Enrosadira raspberries can be propagated at any time of the year. In the spring, this can be done with the help of offspring, cuttings, or by dividing the bush. In summer, raspberries are propagated by green cuttings, and in autumn, in most cases, bushes are divided.

Prevention of diseases and pests

To prevent the development of diseases and the appearance of pests will help:

  • selection of healthy seedlings for planting;
  • preventive treatment of plants with fungicides and insecticides;
  • regular inspection of plantings for diseases and timely treatment or removal of diseased specimens.
Advice! A good prevention of the occurrence of diseases and pests is spring tillage with a 1% solution of copper sulphate.
Raspberry variety Enrosadira: photo, variety description, reviews, video

Processing Enrosadira raspberries with boiling water helps to destroy pest larvae


With the right agricultural technology, Enrosadira raspberries will delight with a harvest of juicy and sweet berries for several months. And the unpretentiousness and ease of propagation of this culture makes it possible to grow it not only for professionals, but also for novice gardeners.

Reviews of gardeners about Enrosadira raspberries

Elena Korenevskaya, Kemerovo
I planted Enrosadira raspberries and I can’t get enough of it. The berries are large, juicy, children do not leave the bushes all summer and autumn. In the first year, of course, the harvest was not very large, but in the second year more berries were harvested.
Vladimir Cherepanov, Moscow
Planted several seedlings of Enrosadir raspberry. While satisfied, the berries appeared in the first year, however, almost in the fall. This year I plan to plant a few more bushes.
Chic remontant raspberry variety Enrosadira 2020. Harvest on young shoots.

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