Raspberry Amira is a famous Italian variety, bred over 20 years ago. It is characterized by very large berries with a pleasant taste and pronounced aroma. The culture is winter-hardy, has good immunity. Therefore, such raspberries can be grown in almost any region.

Inference history

Raspberry Amira is a variety bred in 2000 on the basis of the Italian agricultural nursery Berryplant. The breeders took the Tulamin and Polka varieties as a basis. Initially, he was given the name BP 1. However, the variety is better known under the brand name Amira.

This variety is not included in the register of breeding achievements. However, it is widely known to many gardeners. It has very large berries that appear both in summer and autumn. The winter hardiness of the variety is high, which makes it possible to grow it even in the Urals and Siberia.

Description of raspberry varieties Amira

The raspberry bush is quite tall, but not sprawling. The berries are large, so they can be used not only for themselves, but also sent for sale or processing.


Amir raspberry berries are large, weight on average 4-5 g, often reaches 6-8 g. The pulp is dense, whole, dry separation. The taste is good, sweet, sour. Aroma is pronounced. The shape is cone-shaped, oval, the color is bright red, it practically does not change even after collection. The taste is not affected by rain or temperature changes.

Transportability and keeping quality are good. Berries are used fresh, for making fruit drinks and other dishes. Suitable for any homemade preparations – jam, jam, compote.


Amir’s raspberry bushes are vigorous, reaching a height of 1,5-2 meters. The shoots are quite powerful, densely covered with thorns – Amira inherited this feature from her predecessor Tulamin. The branches grow vertically, so the crown is compact, not sprawling. The crop is large enough, so some shoots during the fruiting period may tend to the ground – a garter is required.

Shoots have numerous laterals, are arranged in a heap. Berries appear along the entire length. The leaves are bright green, rather large, the surface is wrinkled. The shape of the leaf plate is ovoid, the tip is pointed, the edges are serrated. The inside is whitish.

Raspberry variety Amira: variety description, photos, reviews

The fruits are large, the drupes are tightly adjacent to each other

Characteristics of raspberry Amir

Amir raspberries are moderately productive. The berries are large, beautiful and transportable. Winter hardiness of the variety and resistance to diseases are also quite good. Therefore, not only experienced gardeners, but also novice amateurs will be able to cope with the cultivation of shrubs.

Ripening time and yield of raspberry Amir

Amir’s raspberry ripening period is late: basically, fruiting begins in late July or early August. At the same time, in the southern regions, the wave comes a few weeks earlier. Interestingly, ripening continues until autumn, and the autumn harvest is larger than the summer one, and the berries are larger. The fruiting period is short – almost the entire crop is harvested in a month (more than 80%).

Each bush annually produces up to seven shoots. At the same time, the first (summer) berries can be collected from the branches of the previous year, and the second (autumn) – from the young ones that appeared in the current season.

Raspberry Amira belongs to remontant varieties. This means that it produces a crop in several waves. From one adult bush you can collect about 3 kg. This indicator can be achieved in any region. In industrial cultivation, the yield is 12-14 tons per hectare, sometimes up to 15-16 tons.

Frost resistance

The frost resistance of the Amira raspberry variety is quite high. Without shelter, shoots can withstand up to -26 degrees. Young bushes need to be covered. When grown in the Urals or Siberia, all bushes, including adults, are subject to insulation.

Resistance to diseases

The resistance of Amira raspberry varieties to diseases is quite high. If you organize good care, do not give a lot of water, the shrub will not suffer from infections. But in the season, an invasion of aphids or other pests may begin. Therefore, the bushes should be periodically inspected and, if necessary, be sure to carry out treatments with folk remedies or special preparations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Raspberry Amir is valued for very large and tasty berries. The drupes fit snugly together, so the fruits do not crumble. The yield is average, but the bushes are not sprawling, do not take up much space. This variety is suitable for both personal and industrial cultivation.

Raspberry variety Amira: variety description, photos, reviews

The main harvest wave occurs in August


  • berries are very large, marketable;
  • the taste is excellent (even in bad weather);
  • a pronounced aroma is felt;
  • dry detachment, dense pulp;
  • keeping quality;
  • transportability;
  • high winter hardiness;
  • can be grown in different regions;
  • immunity is good enough.


  • average yield;
  • branches can bend, so they need a garter.

Features of growing raspberry Amir

Amir’s raspberry care is quite simple. Shrubs need to be regularly watered and fed. Young seedlings are carefully covered for the winter. You can grow raspberries both in the greenhouse and in the open field.

Planting Raspberry Amir

Raspberry seedlings are purchased from nurseries or suppliers. When buying, pay attention to the condition of the shoots and roots – they must be healthy, with no signs of disease. The landing site should be dry, lit and protected from the wind. The deadline is planned for autumn (September) or spring (April, May). It is important that there are no return frosts, so sometimes it is worth delaying planting.

Previously, the site is dug up and fertilized with organic matter or a complex agent. If the soil is too dense, vermiculite, sand or sawdust should be added to it. When planting Amir’s raspberries, they act like this:

  1. Dig several holes 40 * 40 cm at a distance of at least 1-1,2 m.
  2. Lay a layer of small stones.
  3. Put the seedling in the center.
  4. Fall asleep with fertile soil (mixture with peat, humus).
  5. The earth is tamped so that the root neck remains slightly higher (1-2 cm) of the surface.
  6. Watered with settled water (10 l).
  7. Lay a layer of mulch – hay, straw, sawdust, needles.

Amir Raspberry Care

To grow productive Amira yellow raspberries, as in the description of the variety and in the photo, it is recommended to pay attention to the reviews of experienced gardeners. In the comments, gardeners describe the following rules of care:

  1. Watering weekly, in rainy weather – twice a month.
  2. Top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers every two weeks (according to instructions).
  3. Regular loosening of the soil, weeding.
  4. During fruiting, sloping branches are tied to supports.
  5. Pruning in spring and autumn to remove diseased, old branches and form a shrub.
  6. Thorough mulching for the winter. In frosty regions, branches are tied and covered with agrofibre, burlap.
Raspberry variety Amira: variety description, photos, reviews

Regular feeding ensures a good harvest

Important! Raspberry variety Amira bears fruit on the shoots of the current year.

To cause a second wave of fruiting, young shoots are recommended to be shortened in the fall, leaving a third of the length. Then a new crop can be harvested as early as June next year.

Prevention of diseases and pests

To prevent powdery mildew, rot and other diseases, you must:

  • treat raspberries in early spring with fungicides;
  • remove fallen leaves in autumn;
  • be sure to cut diseased branches and shoots;
  • observe the watering rate.

For preventive and therapeutic treatments, fungicides are used:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • “Score”;
  • “Profit”;
  • “Tatu”;
  • “Abiga-Peak” and others.

It is also necessary to periodically inspect Amir’s raspberry bushes for aphids, raspberry spider mites, leafworms and other pests. If they are found, insecticide treatment should be carried out:

  • “Biotlin”;
  • “Confidor”;
  • “Inta-Vir”;
  • “Ephoria”;
  • “Agravertin” and others.

Spray seedlings in the late evening or early morning, while the weather should be calm and dry.

Raspberry variety Amira: variety description, photos, reviews

To get a good harvest in the spring, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment.

Important! During the fruiting period, it is better to spray with folk remedies (infusion of ash, garlic cloves, onion peel, tobacco dust).

You can also use biological preparations, for example, Fitoverm, Respect 25%, Bitoxibacillin.


Raspberry Amira is an interesting variety that gives tasty, large berries of rich red color. Harvested in the second half of summer and early autumn. Remontant culture – the fruits ripen in two waves. At the same time, the autumn harvest is usually even larger than the summer harvest. A description of the raspberry Amir on the video can be found here.

Raspberry Amira – remontant with huge yields and great taste

Reviews of gardeners about Amir’s raspberries

Karavaeva Irina, 55 years old, Lipetsk
Raspberry Amira is my favorite variety. At first, I reacted with distrust, because the yield is only 3 kg per bush. When I grow myself, I can say that this is not the main thing. Her bushes are not wide – they can be planted every meter. The main thing is that the berries are tasty, large, the size of a blackberry. They stay in the fridge for a week on the bottom shelf. The most interesting thing is that even the weather does not take them – every season the berries grow delicious.
Sinitsyna Nadezhda, 49 years old, g. Not worth it
Amira is a late raspberry variety, and this confuses many. In fact, she gives the harvest already in August, and then until mid-September. And the weather at this time is warm, so I always have time to collect everything. Berries in the sun do not bake and do not crumble. For care, everything is as usual, only it is necessary to feed until the end of August. We usually give superphosphate and potassium sulfate every three weeks.

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