Raspberry Raspberry Ridge is a new variety included in the State Register of Our Country in 2019. It was bred in the nursery “School Garden”. The authors of the variety are: the breeder and head of the nursery – Vladimir Aleksandrovich Shiblev and his son Ilya Vladimirovich Shiblev.

Description of raspberry Raspberry ridge

The Raspberry Ridge variety has a medium early ripening period and universal use. The berries are tasty fresh, suitable for preparing various preparations: preserves, jams, frosts.

Bushes of medium height, sprawling with high shoot capacity. Annual shoots are light brown in color, with rare and small thorns. The leaves are large, dark green, the flowers are medium in size. Raspberry Raspberry Ridge is resistant to disease and frost.

Raspberry varieties Raspberry ridge: description and reviews

The variety is remontant, it is distinguished by large berries, weighing from 5 to 8 g, oblong in shape, dark red in color. The berries are very tasty, sweet and fragrant, they contain 7,5% sugar. Productivity declared by the originators of the variety: 15-16 tons per 1 ha.

Comment! The crop well withstands the first frosts and long-term transportation.

Pros and cons of the raspberry variety Raspberry Ridge

The raspberry variety Raspberry Ridge has more advantages than disadvantages:

  1. The advantage of the variety is the simultaneous ripening of a large number of berries. This allows you to make the necessary preparations for the winter or profitably sell the crop.
  2. The variety grows intensively, gives a lot of new strong shoots. This makes it possible to obtain a large number of seedlings, which is very convenient for industrial cultivation.
  3. Raspberry Raspberry Ridge does not need frequent treatment with fungicides and insecticides. It is resistant to common raspberry diseases. Thanks to the autumn pruning of all shoots, diseases and pests are naturally destroyed.
  4. Excellent taste and aroma of berries, abundant fruiting, beautiful presentation.
  5. Ability to transport crops over long distances.

The disadvantages include intensive shoot formation: raspberry Raspberry Ridge gives abundant young shoots, which must be constantly fought in a small area.

Planting and caring for raspberries Raspberry ridge

A wonderful variety of raspberries Raspberry ridge can be spoiled by poor agricultural practices, therefore, in order to get a good harvest, it is important to properly plant seedlings and care for them.

Important! Ordinary raspberries give the first crop on the shoots of the second year of life. Remontant varieties can bear fruit on the shoots of both the past and the current year.

There are two ways to grow remontant raspberries – getting one or two crops per season. Experienced gardeners use getting one crop, cutting off all fruit-bearing shoots under the root in the fall. Shoots can be cut flush with the ground or, leaving stumps 3-4 cm long.

By cutting off all the shoots of the past year, they achieve several goals:

  • destroy without the use of chemicals pests and pathogens that have settled on the bush;
  • increase the winter hardiness of raspberries, because there is nothing to freeze;
  • get a large harvest of large, high-quality raspberries Raspberry Ridge, fruiting on the shoots of the current year of life.

To get two crops a year of remontant raspberries, the shoots are not cut in the fall, shortening only the tops. Then the first crop will ripen on last year’s shoots, and the second on young ones – in early autumn. The advantage of this method of growing is the ability to collect raspberries from the bush for several months a year. The disadvantage is that there will be no abundant harvest, the berries will grow small.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Raspberries love the sun. To get a good harvest, it is advisable to place the raspberry in a lighted area. Modern varieties such as Raspberry Ridge produce large yields when properly planted. The shrub needs nutritious, loose and moisture-permeable soil, rich in large organic matter (wood chips, chopped branches, beveled tops, leaf litter). The composition of the soil mixture:

  • garden soil – 2 hours;
  • compost or humus – 1 hour;
  • biohumus – 4 l.

If there are no branches and wood waste, use a large fraction of the coconut substrate – 5-10 liters to fill each hole.

Raspberries in one place can grow and bear fruit for 10-14 years, so they make a large planting hole 50x50x50 cm in size for it. They are filled with fertile loose substrate and wood waste. Bushes are planted at a distance of 70 cm – in a row. The aisle is made 1 m wide. It can be planted in a trench, from 70 cm to 1 m long. In large areas, the tape method of growing raspberries is common, when the bushes are planted in one row or “tape”, 40 cm wide, a distance of 2 m is left between the rows.

Advice! Wide aisles are mulched, covered with geotextiles or garden crops, such as pumpkin, are planted.

Raspberry varieties Raspberry ridge: description and reviews

Rules of landing

Before planting or after it, a long shoot of a raspberry seedling is cut off. This contributes to the development of the root system, the laying of buds, the renewal and growth of new shoots. There are two ways to plant Raspberry Ridge raspberries – in a trench or on a raised row. Choosing the right option depends on the type of soil on the site.

Landing in a trench is used on sandy soil. Tops and cut branches are laid at the bottom of the trench. The second layer is green grass, mowed weeds, rotted leaf litter from the forest. By filling the pit with plant material, water will be well retained in it during irrigation. The last layer in the planting trench is good fertile soil, compost, rotted manure.

Raised beds with raspberries are made on clay soil, where moisture stagnation often occurs. Raspberries do not like this, they suffer from the fact that the roots do not receive enough air. In the spring, wet clay cannot warm up for a long time, and the roots of the shrub need warmth, this is especially important for remontant varieties.

The raised ridge is filled in the same way as a trench: first, coarse branches are laid, then green plant mass, and on top, in an embankment of 15-20 cm, fertile soil mixed with compost or humus is placed.

Raspberry varieties Raspberry ridge: description and reviews

After planting, the near-stem circle of the seedling must be mulched with mowed grass, weeds, hay, straw or sawdust. Periodically, the mulch layer is updated because it dries out and shrinks. When mulching, raspberries grow better, as their roots do not suffer from drying out.

Watering and top dressing

Raspberries love moisture. For each young seedling pour at least 2 liters of water. Watering is carried out regularly, in dry weather – 2-3 times a week, in the mornings or evenings.

After abundant watering, a crust forms on the surface of the soil, which must be loosened. But since the roots of raspberries are superficial, they can be damaged during loosening. And under the mulch, the soil does not cake and remains loose. Mulching prevents the growth of weeds. The space around the shrub must be clean so that there is no competition for moisture and nutrients.

Raspberries are demanding in nutrition. The introduction of a large amount of organic matter cannot exclude the use of mineral fertilizers. Three top dressings are carried out every 2 weeks from the 1st decade of May.

Important! The greatest need for nutrition in raspberries occurs during the period of budding, flowering and fruiting. At this time, mineral complex fertilizing is introduced that does not contain nitrogen, with potassium, phosphorus and trace elements, and organic fertilizers are used.


In the spring, in May, thinning of the Raspberry Ridge is carried out to avoid dense plantings. Otherwise, care will be difficult, productivity will decrease. Shrubs are thinned out, leaving 15 of the strongest shoots per 1 linear meter of the site. Small and weak shoots are cut with secateurs. The remaining shoots are dug up and used as seedlings to create new raspberry plantations.

Preparation for winter

Raspberries Raspberry Ridge sometimes suffer roots during snowless frosts in December. Therefore, for the winter, rows with cut shoots are sprinkled with a mulch layer – peat, humus.

With an industrial method of cultivation, raspberry branches are not cut in autumn. So a large layer of snow is retained, and in spring the soil receives the necessary moisture. Pruning is carried out before the onset of the growing season in March, removing last year’s shoots at ground level.


The crop of remontant raspberry Raspberry Ridge ripens gradually. At the same time, up to 20 berries ripen on one branch. You can pick everything that is ripe, make jam, and come for the next portion of ripe berries in a week.

Raspberry varieties Raspberry ridge: description and reviews

Raspberries Raspberry Ridge are harvested in dry weather. If necessary, transportation, the berries are picked slightly unripe, dense, and stored at a temperature of 0 … + 5 ° C for several days.

Important! On last year’s raspberry shoots, the first berries ripen in July, and then annual branches produce a crop in August-September. If all last year’s shoots are cut out, young branches begin to bear fruit in August, and produce berries until October.


The easiest way to propagate raspberry Raspberry Ridge is to separate root offspring or young shoots of a bush in the spring. Shoots appear from adventitious buds on the roots. Raspberries have a horizontal rhizome, which can extend from the mother bush to a distance of 3-4 meters. Adventitious buds are formed on underground roots, which wake up and give young shoots that eventually form their own roots. By digging up such shoots, you can get a lot of strong raspberry seedlings.

For reproduction choose small shoots, about 10 cm in height. They are carefully dug up with a shovel, exposing the root system, to be placed in a container. Then they are immediately planted in prepared containers with drainage holes at the bottom and a fertile soil substrate.

For planting raspberry seedlings, an earthen mixture is prepared from the following components:

  • sand;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • chernozem.

You can use purchased soil based on peat and biohumus. Osmokot is added to the soil at the rate of 4 g / l for the complex nutrition of future seedlings.

Planted raspberry shoots are well watered and placed in a shaded place. The survival rate of seedlings with this method of cultivation increases many times over. If young, freshly dug shoots are immediately planted in a new place in the garden, most of them will die.

Diseases and pests

According to reviews and descriptions of gardeners, the raspberry variety Raspberry Ridge rarely gets sick. For prevention, after spring pruning, procedures are carried out to protect raspberries. Spraying with a systemic insecticide and fungicide is done before flowering begins.

Since organic wood waste is used when planting raspberries, carnivores start up in the roots. These are the larvae of the May beetle that eat the roots of the bush. Noticing dried shoots, carefully examine the soil around the raspberries. If carnivores or traces of their vital activity are found, the bushes are treated with special preparations.


Raspberry Raspberry ridge is a new domestic remontant variety. In autumn, last year’s raspberry shoots are cut to the ground. If this is not done, the berries will be smaller, pests may annoy. The best harvest ripens on young annual shoots. With the correct formation of bushes, timely watering, feeding and protection from pests, raspberries will bear fruit abundantly for many years.

Remontant raspberry Varieties Raspberry ridge, Samokhval – you have never seen such!

Reviews about raspberry Raspberry ridge

Maria Kosheleva, 42 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I bought raspberry seedlings Raspberry Ridge in the School Garden nursery. They took root remarkably, and already at the end of summer I noticed flowers on the shoots. I really wanted to try the berries, so I didn’t pick off the buds and ovaries, although I heard such recommendations. I was pleased with the harvest, the variety is really wonderful. Some berries were the size of a matchbox, very fragrant, sweet. I didn’t have time to cook jam, I ate all the vitamins fresh. Judging by the number of shoots that one bush gives, next year the harvest will be enough not only for food and jam, but also for sale.
Irina Mandebora, 35 years old, Volodarsk
Raspberry seedlings Crimson Ridge were brought by my husband from the fair. We haven’t planted new varieties for a long time, and our raspberries have gone a little wild in the last 10 years. The new seedling was in no hurry to bloom, we had already eaten the harvest from summer varieties of raspberries, when the first flowers appeared on the Crimson Ridge. And when the berries ripened, we were delighted. We have never had such a large and tasty raspberry. In the spring there should be a lot of young shoots, I already promised my mother a seedling, she also really liked the raspberries.

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