Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

What breeders and sellers of seedlings will not come up with in order to attract a buyer! One of the latest novelties on the market has become a raspberry tree, the Fairy Tale variety has earned particular popularity. The beauty of this plant is truly fabulous: a tall bush with powerful woody shoots, spectacular and fragrant flowering and large, very tasty berries. The raspberry variety Skazka has many advantages, this variety also has its own characteristics, some disadvantages.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

A description of the raspberry variety Skazka, photos of bushes and berries, as well as reviews of this variety can be found in this article. It also describes the rules for growing and caring for tree raspberries.

Characteristics of raspberry Tale

Raspberry Skazka became the second standard variety, bred on the basis of the Turus variety. A trunk is called a trunk of a tree, from the base to the very top. Cultivation of raspberries on the trunk began to be used only a few decades ago. The gardener must understand that the expression “raspberry tree” is somewhat exaggerated, in fact it is just a powerful bush with thick shoots covered with wood and a decent height.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

Standard raspberry Skazka has the following characteristics:

  • medium ripening – berries ripen in the middle of summer;
  • a powerful bush up to 2-2,5 meters high, which does not need to be tied up due to thick stems;
  • this raspberry is not remontant, but its fruiting period is extended – you can pick fresh berries until autumn;
  • the fruits are very beautiful, large, shiny, cone-shaped – the weight of the berry can reach 15 grams;
  • the taste of raspberries is excellent, the aroma is strongly pronounced, the sugar content is high;
  • the fruits are transportable, do not fall off the branches, remain elastic and beautiful for a long time;
  • shoots are powerful, thick, not thinning upwards, sprawling;
  • at least four lateral shoots appear on each stem – they create fruit branches;
  • the leaves of the Fairy Tale are bright green, glossy, carved;
  • the yield is very high, can reach 10 kg from each bush;
  • the variety is unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests;
  • the fairy tale is able to endure frosts down to -23 degrees, it is well adapted to a long drought;
  • raspberries need pruning, standard bushes must be formed.
Attention! Raspberry Skazka does not have one trunk, these are the usual numerous shoots, only thicker. The thickness of each stem is comparable in diameter to the handle of a garden rake.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

The description of the raspberry Skazka would be incomplete if not to mention some of the shortcomings of this variety:

  1. The fairy tale is not suitable for cultivation in the northernmost regions. Thick lignified stems cannot be bent to the ground in order to shelter for the winter.
  2. The high height of the bush makes it difficult to pick berries from the very top.
  3. The yield of raspberry Skazka is very dependent on growing conditions and the frequency of feeding.
  4. The standard bush constantly needs to be adjusted, shaped, carrying out seasonal pruning in spring and autumn.

All the shortcomings of the Skazka raspberry variety are instantly forgotten at the mere glance of this picturesque bush. And the taste of the berries is so good that you can try and make more efforts in growing, fertilize and water these raspberries more often in your own garden.

Planting and care

There is no particular difference in the cultivation of standard raspberry Skazka: this variety needs the same agricultural practices as any other garden or repair raspberry. For a good harvest, raspberry Fairy Tale needs loose soil, regular watering, generous feeding, lots of sun and warmth.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

Important! Still, standard raspberries require more frequent attention from the gardener. But after all, one bush of the Fairy Tale will give the same harvest as ten bushes of the usual variety.

How to plant a fairy tale in your garden

Raspberry, a variety of which belongs to the standard, requires a lot of space and light – this is the first rule for planting such a plant. That’s why for this raspberry, a sunny, wind-protected place is chosen, preferably located on a hill.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

The soil under the Fairy Tale should be loose and nutritious, therefore, if it does not meet these requirements, the composition of the soil will have to be improved. Dug out a hole for planting a seedling, fill it with nutritious black soil or add a bucket of humus, coarse sand, wood ash, peat.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

For standard raspberries, good air permeability of the soil is very important, since the upper roots of such a plant must absorb oxygen from the air. Therefore, the Fairy Tale is not planted in the lowlands, where water will stagnate in spring or after a heavy rain. In addition, the soil around the bush is regularly weeded, loosened and weeds are removed.

Advice! You should buy seedlings of such valuable varieties as the standard Tale only in trusted nurseries.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

This raspberry is propagated by cuttings. You need to plant them immediately after purchase. If there are several bushes, a decent interval is observed between them – 100 cm in a row and at least 180 cm between adjacent rows.

To plant a fairy tale seedling, they dig a hole or trench, the depth of which will be about 40 cm. Humus or compost is poured into the bottom of the beds, the upper layers of the soil are mixed with ash, peat, sand.

After planting, raspberries should be watered regularly until the roots take root and new shoots appear on the stem.

You need to take care of standard raspberries constantly, almost all year round. This care is as follows:

  1. After rooting the seedlings, watering is done less frequently, as the earth dries up.
  2. When new leaves begin to appear, the soil around the Fairy Tale is mulched with peat, sawdust or leaves to better retain moisture.
  3. When the bush blooms and berries ripen on it, raspberries are especially in dire need of watering. During this period, the Fairy Tale is watered more often and more abundantly.

    Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

  4. You need to feed standard raspberries from the beginning of flowering until autumn pruning. For top dressing, it is better to use liquid organic matter or mineral complexes dissolved in water.
  5. After harvesting, in the fall it is necessary to prune the bush. At this stage, two-year-old shoots are cut at the root, form a bush, leaving no more than seven young stems. It is necessary to distribute new replacement shoots evenly.

    Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

  6. If the autumn is dry, in October it is necessary to water each bush of the Fairy Tale abundantly. In addition, raspberries should be fed: four buckets of cow dung are laid out under each plant, fertilizer is sprinkled on top with sawdust.
  7. Preparing raspberries for winter consists in tying the still green shoots and bending them lightly to the ground. After that, the connected shoots are fixed at the base of a neighboring bush (this is possible if the Tale is planted at the correct interval).
Attention! In the spring, you do not need to feed the Fairy Tale with nitrogenous fertilizers, this will lead to the growth of unnecessary shoots and reduce yields.

To grow a standard variety in Siberia, you need to give preference to the remontant variety of Skazka. Such raspberries during the period of autumn pruning are removed at the root, cutting out absolutely all the shoots. Then it remains only to cover the ground to protect the roots of the plant.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

In the middle lane, it is convenient to use not the method of bending down raspberries (since it is difficult to perform due to thick stems), but covering the tops of plants with reed mats or non-woven material.

Reproduction of standard raspberries

Variety Skazka does not need extra advertising, since the beauty of the bushes and the size of the berries are responsible for its popularity. It is not surprising that an increasing number of gardeners dream of having this raspberry in their own garden. But the standard variety does not reproduce very well.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

Important! The reproduction of Skazka is complicated by a small number of replacement shoots – there are much fewer of them than in ordinary varieties. But standard raspberries will not “spread” around the site, filling all the free space.

There are several ways to reproduce a Fairy Tale:

  • root cuttings;
  • green cuttings – shoots;
  • root suckers.

Planting standard raspberries is best in October, when the seedlings are fully mature.

Raspberry tree Tale: reviews, planting and care

In special laboratories, such raspberry varieties are propagated by microclonal method, which is much cheaper and significantly increases the number of healthy seedlings.

Write Your Review

Veronica, Yekaterinburg
We live in the Urals, and we have been growing standard raspberries for several years. First, the famous Turusa appeared in our garden, and a couple of years ago we bought a fairy tale seedling. Regarding this raspberry, I can say the following: a tree did not grow from it. The bushes, of course, are very tall and powerful, with thick stems, but they do not look like a real tree. An ordinary raspberry, only a giant one. The standard raspberry bears fruit well, but only if it is planted in a sunny place. It is necessary to fertilize Skazka plentifully, in spring I use mineral complexes, and in autumn – cow dung. We do not bend the branches for the winter, since it is problematic to do this, but we cover the tops of the bushes with spunbond. Winters well. The taste of the berries is good, but they are not as sweet and fragrant as those of ordinary garden raspberries. But the harvest is very plentiful – up to 12 kg per bush! We grow raspberries for sale, so in general we are very pleased with our standard Tale.


Raspberry Skazka, by right, can be called the pride of domestic selection. The raspberry tree is very beautiful in appearance, gardens and plots are decorated with it, but, besides this, huge bushes bear fruit perfectly, giving high yields of tasty and beautiful berries.

Reviews of gardeners about this raspberry are mostly positive – the Tale is more and more firmly established in all regions of the country. You can learn more about the standard variety from the video:


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