Raspberry tomato: tomato description
Pink varieties of tomatoes are considered dessert. As well as all their shades, including crimson. As a rule, these fruits have excellent taste and are often unpretentious in care. In addition, it is these plants that can please the owners with a record harvest in gratitude for their good care.
Raspberry tomato: features
Every year, breeders never cease to amaze with new products that give a good harvest and are resistant to diseases. However, over time, a new disease, previously unknown, appears for each variety. Raspberry refers to hybrid varieties and is devoid of such a disadvantage. At the same time, it will not be possible to collect seeds from it in the usual way, and each season you will have to buy new ones.
Raspberry tomato has excellent taste and large fruit size
The shape of the fruit is flat-round, at maturity they have a raspberry color. The size of a tomato is amazing: the weight of one specimen can reach 500 grams, but the record was 1 kg! Due to its large weight, the bush has a small number of fruits. The yield is good enough.
Description of the tomato variety Raspberry
The variety is characterized by a very tall bush (up to 5 meters). Requires a mandatory garter. Disease resistance is average. The fruits ripen early enough (130 days after sowing). The stem of the plant is very strong, with increased foliage, but the root system is not very well developed.
If you try to harvest seeds naturally, the result may be unexpected: the expected harvest will not work. Every time you need to buy new seeds, which is not very convenient for most gardeners. Although modern summer residents prefer not to burden themselves with unnecessary care and buy seed in the store
Ripe fruits are prone to cracking, which can be attributed to negative qualities. With prolonged storage, they also become soft, and the taste is greatly deteriorated. The advantages include excellent taste, pleasant appearance and amicable ripening. The fruits can be used in dietary nutrition, and they contain much more nutrients than their red counterparts. It is this fact that prompts most gardeners to give preference to the negotiated variety.
Raspberry tomato is attractive not only externally, but also very useful. There were no allergic reactions to it, therefore, absolutely everyone can use the harvested crop. In cultivation, the plant is not capricious, but requires a certain minimum care.