Raspberry tinctures at home – 8 recipes!

Do you think a robin is a bird? No matter how! Raspberry is a delicious, rich and not very sweet raspberry tincture with strong alcohol. Today we will analyze as many as eight different recipes for raspberry tinctures – as they say, so that life does not seem like raspberries – on alcohol, vodka, moonshine, rum, gin (classic!) And cognac, with limes, spices, mint, plum stones and even with such extraordinary additives like ginger and chili!

Everyone can prepare raspberry tincture with vodka at home in the simplest way – you take raspberries, put them in a jar, fill them with booze, wait a couple of weeks – profit! Well, if you prepare such a drink once, well, two or three times – and you will certainly want something more refined and exotic! But raspberries are a unique berry! It is combined literally with everything – with any alcohol, from moonshine to elite brandies, with a huge amount of different spices, spices, herbs, lemons and other citrus fruits – the scope for imagination is simply grandiose! In general, we take raspberries (by the way, in most of today’s tinctures, you can use dried raspberries in a weight equivalent of 1: 5), choose a more interesting recipe and proceed to the magic!

Raspberry vodka tincture with leaves

Dried raspberry leaves are good not only in tea – it is an excellent ingredient for tincture, which will set off the taste of the berry itself, make the aroma of the drink more interesting, and also give it some medicinal properties. This is a fairly simple, but tasty tincture, which can be made with 50% alcohol, vodka or very good moonshine without impurities in taste and aroma.

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • dried raspberry leaves – 10 grams;
  • alcohol base – 1 liter;
  • sugar is optional.

Preparing this drink is extremely simple – carefully wash the raspberries (if they are not crushed and let the juice go), crush them to a gruel state, transfer them to a suitable jar, add the leaves and fill them with alcohol. It is necessary to insist this mass in a secluded dark place for 4-6 weeks – no more, otherwise the bone will give indecent bitterness. After that, the infusion is carefully drained, filtered from the remnants of the cake. You can not put sugar in the drink at all, but if the berry is not at all sweet, it’s better to add a little, just 1-2 teaspoons, purely to soften the taste. Before using the tincture, you need to give it a good rest – at least a couple of months, better – six months.

Classic recipe – raspberry gin

The combination of gin and raspberry is one of the classic, basic ones, like, for example, rowan on cognac or cherry on rum. By the way, you can use self-made gin for this tincture, you can also experiment with juniper tincture – just not very saturated. According to the recipe, the drink is not sweetened at all – it is used as a strong ingredient for various cocktails and is independently prepared by many bartenders.

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • gin – about 1.5 liters;
  • zest of two limes.

Raspberries are neatly placed in a jar so as to fill it by ¾ of the volume, the lime zest grated without a white crust is sent there, after which the container is poured with gin right up to the neck. The jar must be closed and set aside in a dark place. After a couple of days, if necessary, top up with gin again. Shaking daily, stand from one and a half to three weeks. After that, drain the tincture without squeezing the berries – by the way, you can make an excellent low-alcohol syrup out of them by simply pouring sugar into the same jar and letting it stand in the sun for several days. And candied berries can be used in baking – in short, waste-free production!

Drinking raspberry gin is best in cocktails – for example, egg, lime juice, almond syrup and other ingredients. It can also be consumed chilled as an aperitif or as a digestif – in this case, the drink can be sweetened with raspberry syrup obtained from the pomace from the tincture.

Raspberry rum. Not a drink – space!

Why space? But scientists have proven that there are esters in outer space, because of which airless space, in theory, should smell like raspberries and rum! So the combination is literally awesome. Go!

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • light rum (or a mixture of rum and alcohol) 48-50 degrees – 0.5 liters;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon.

The preparation of the drink is quite interesting – the berries are first subjected to heat treatment, after which the juice is extracted from them, which is then combined with rum. In fact, this is a variation of raspberry spottykach on rum.

To prepare the berries, you need to pour water over them, add sugar and lemon juice to them and boil it all over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 15 minutes, so that the berries burst properly and all the juice comes out of them. When the mixture has cooled, it must be carefully squeezed through gauze or in any other convenient way, after which it must be roughly filtered and boiled again. Now pour rum directly into the hot syrup, mix well and carefully cover with a lid, you can even additionally wrap the container with a towel. Set aside the mixture for a month in a dark place, if necessary, before use, you can filter again.

Alcohol tincture of raspberry and mint

An unusual combination of sweet raspberries and refreshing mint is just what you need on a hot summer evening! It is quite strong and – unlike viscous, viscous raspberry liqueurs – not sweet, but rich and aromatic drink that will appeal to both men and women!

  • mashed raspberries – 0.5 liters;
  • fresh mint – 5-6 leaves;
  • alcohol or good moonshine 60% – 600 ml;
  • sugar – a little, to taste.

Cooking is very simple – pour grated or crushed raspberries, along with slightly crushed mint leaves, with alcohol, close tightly and set aside for a couple of weeks in a dark place. After that, the infusion is drained and carefully filtered. We try – if the drink is already too strong, dilute it slightly with water, if the taste is harsh – sweeten it a little. This alcohol raspberry tincture is best kept for at least a month before drinking.

Raspberries on cognac with spices

For this recipe, cognac is suitable, which is not dumb to drink in its pure form, as well as any aged brandy or fruit moonshine. A very interesting drink can be obtained by insisting raspberries on moonshine, from raspberries and cooked, unless, of course, you are sorry to translate such an elite product. Although what you can’t do for the sake of experiment …

  • raspberries – 600 grams;
  • cognac – 500 milliliters;
  • cinnamon bark – a couple of centimeters;
  • cloves – 2-3 things;
  • 2 to 3 cm vanilla slice or equivalent in vanilla sugar, or better extract.
  • sugar – to taste, no more than a couple of teaspoons.

How to make homemade raspberry brandy? It’s as easy as shelling pears! All the ingredients, without grinding, are placed in a jar, filled with alcohol, covered with a lid and put in a dark place. After 2-3 weeks, open and drain, gently squeezing out the remaining berries and simultaneously enjoying the wonderful aroma of this drink! We sweeten the tincture to taste and let it stand for at least another month, after which this cognac miracle can be safely drunk!

“Robin” with ginger and chili – breaking patterns!

It would seem – well, how, how can you mix sweet raspberries with ginger, and even pepper? And so – they make such a drink, drink it, and even dare to rejoice at the same time! Extreme, of course, but the sensation when, after the bright aroma of raspberries, the pungency of chili and ginger spills over your mouth and throat is a real pleasure for a lover of something like that!

  • raspberries – 0.5 kg;
  • alcohol 70% – 700 ml;
  • water – 550 ml;
  • fructose – 50-70 grams;
  • fresh ginger – 20 grams;
  • chili pepper – half a small pod.

This tincture is made from raspberries on alcohol in order to better “pull out” all the flavoring substances from the ingredients, and only then it is diluted with water for softness. At the exit, we will get a not overly strong sweetish drink of about 30-35 degrees.

First, raspberries – fresh or frozen – are poured with alcohol and infused for 10 days in a dark place. After that, you need to add grated ginger and a cut pepper to the jar. After three days, the tincture should be tried – if the pungency is already clearly felt, it must be drained, if you want more pungency – we wait another day and repeat the process. The drink should be quite spicy, because after settling, we will dilute it even more. After draining and filtering the tincture, add to it all the water prescribed according to the recipe and sweeten it to taste. Before using our raspberry “pepper” you need to stand in a dark place for at least two weeks.

Double Extra Rich Raspberry Tincture

Interesting not so much in terms of ingredients, but in terms of the method of making moonshine recipe for raspberries. As far as I remember, in the recipes of the “Rum Diary” the method of double maceration has not yet been met. The drink should be incredibly rich in taste and aroma of raspberries, not very strong, with natural sweetness, without added sugar or fructose.

  • raspberries – about 2 kg;
  • moonshine or alcohol 50% – 1 liter.

We take half of the raspberries, put them in a jar so that the berry takes up ¾ of its volume, and fill it with alcohol to the top. We insist in a dark place for a week and a half, after which the liquid is carefully drained. We throw away the old raspberries, take a new, fresh one, put it in a jar and fill it with the resulting tincture. Again, set aside the container in a dark place – this time for a couple of weeks. After this period, we drain the thick, incredibly fragrant nectar and filter it through a cotton or paper filter. You can drink after a couple of weeks of aging!

Tincture “Raspberry jacket”

An interesting raspberry tincture on moonshine or alcohol with the addition of plum kernels, which will give the drink a bright almond aroma and a noble bitter aftertaste – like the popular Amaretto liquor in the dashing 90s.

  • raspberries – 1.2 kg;
  • moonshine or alcohol 70% – 2 liters;
  • plum kernels (or apricot, or cherry) – 2-3 g;
  • cloves – 3-4 things.

Heat the kernels and cloves in a mortar, pour into a jar. Place raspberries on top and fill the volume with alcohol to the top, leave in a dark, warm place, shake the container daily. After 2-3 weeks, the tincture must be carefully drained, filtered in any convenient way and tried. If it remains too strong, add half a liter of water, sweeten to taste. You can drink in 3-4 weeks – when tasting, be sure to remember Yeltsin with spoons, raves, brothers in jackets, Santa Barbara on TV and be glad that all this is gone.

As we can see, all recipes for raspberry vodka tinctures at home are more than feasible – only a subject is required (that is, raspberries themselves), at least some alcohol and a little patience! By the way, in addition to the liqueurs and moonshine already mentioned in the article, you can make sweet and simple liqueurs from raspberries, as well as amazing raspberry wine, madly loved by the author of the article!

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