Raspberry Pride of Russia: variety description and photo

Raspberry Pride of Russia: variety description and photo

In the photo, the Pride of Russia raspberry immediately stands out for its bright color of large berries. After learning about the advantages and disadvantages of this variety, you can decide whether it is suitable for growing on your site.

What is remarkable about the raspberry “Pride of Russia”

The variety was bred more than 20 years ago, but is invariably popular. Compact bushes grow up to 1,8 m in height, during the season they form up to 12 shoots with a light down. There are no thorns or wax deposits on them. The leaves are dark green, shiny. The flowers are white, collected in a brush. From 20 to 30 large berries are formed on fruit branches.

Raspberry berries “Pride of Russia” are well stored and transported

Despite the fact that the variety is not remontant, it is one of the most productive in temperate climates. Medium early fruiting time. The berries can be harvested from mid June to early August. 4,5 kg are obtained from one bush. Fruits are cone-shaped, slightly elongated, weigh 5-12 g each, but sometimes reach 25 g or are doubled. The pulp is juicy, with small seeds.

This variety is almost immune to fungal diseases, frost and drought resistant. But the taste of the berries largely depends on the growing conditions. Ideally, they are sweet with a barely noticeable sourness, but in a rainy summer or in shaded areas, the sugar content decreases markedly, and an outwardly beautiful berry turns out to be unpleasantly sour.

Description of agricultural technology of the raspberry variety “Pride of Russia”

These perennial bushes are quite picky, but you can get a high yield by adhering to certain rules when growing:

  • Choosing a place. This raspberry grows well in well-lit, wind-protected areas with loamy soils and neutral acidity. It is not advisable for the groundwater to come too close.
  • Reproduction. Cuttings, apical or root processes are used as planting material.
  • Landing. It is best to do the work in the fall, so that the bush will take root by the next season, but you can also in the spring. Dig up the area a few months before planting, apply mineral and organic fertilizers. Leave 2,5 m between the rows, plant the bushes 0,5 m apart. At the bottom of the hole, pour a mixture of a fertile soil layer with fertilizers.
  • Care. The main task is to regularly clear the area of ​​weeds, loosen, water, fertilize. In the spring, it is necessary to prune, removing weak and frozen branches, cutting off the shoots to the first healthy bud, and in the fall to remove old shoots.

The bushes take root well and grow quickly. They tolerate winter normally, but in the northern regions it is advisable to mulch with sawdust and leaves.

This variety allows you to get a consistently high yield of tasty and visually attractive berries. Growing does not require much effort.

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