Raspberry Polana

More and more summer residents are choosing remontant raspberries for their plots. Its varieties give a harvest in the first year after planting. Raspberry polana was bred by Polish breeders, however, the plant feels great in the middle lane. The shrub has a good yield at minimal cost and care.

Characteristic of the variety

Polana is a raspberry with many straight shoots about 1,6 m high. The berries are in the shape of a rounded cone with a small drupe. The branches have small thorns. Raspberries branch well and form many shoots.

Raspberry Polana produces firm berries of medium size weighing up to 5 g. The color is bright red, which becomes darker by the time of ripening. Raspberries have a sour taste, with abundant sunlight they become sweeter. A sour taste remains for the ripening period if there are fewer sunny days by the end of summer.

Raspberry Polana

Four shoots are enough to form a bush. To increase productivity, their number is increased to forty.

Important! Polan grows in one place up to 14 years. Other raspberry varieties require replacement after 4 years. The variety tolerates frosts down to -32°C.

Productivity of the variety

Raspberry berries ripen quite early. In the southern regions, the first harvest can be taken at the end of July. For the northern territories, this deadline is shifted to mid-August.

Fruiting continues until mid-October. Fruit ripening occurs even when the temperature drops to +5°C. From one bush you can collect up to 4 kg of berries.

Attention! High yield is a distinctive feature of raspberry polana. The photo shows that the berries ripen along the bush, as well as on its top.

Raspberry Polana

Rules of landing

Raspberry polana prefers black earth or sandy loamy soil. Although the variety is resistant to winter cold, it is best suited for the middle lane.

Seedlings are recommended to be planted in late autumn. Under the raspberry choose a sunny area, protected from wind and dampness. Raspberries require moisture, but its stagnation will cause the death of seedlings.

Planting raspberry polana takes place in several stages:

  1. Trenches are pulled out with a width and height of 0,5 m. Between the bushes they leave 0,8 m, and between rows – from 1 to 2 m. Raspberries can be planted in pits with a diameter and depth of up to 35 cm.
  2. The trenches are filled with humus (16 kg), lime (0,3 kg) and ash (0,5 kg). The top layer becomes light fertile soil.

    Raspberry Polana

  3. No more than 4 shoots are left on each plant so as not to overload it.
  4. When planting, the root neck of the raspberry polana should remain near the surface of the soil. With loose soil, the root neck is left 5 cm above the soil level.
  5. The final step is watering the raspberry polana. Each bush will require one bucket of water.
  6. Raspberries are sprinkled with mulch (peat or compost).

Features of care

To obtain high yields, it is enough to follow the simple rules for planting and caring for raspberries. A set of operations is standard for this type of shrub: pruning, watering, top dressing.

Important! To prevent the branches from breaking under the weight of the berries, they need to be tied up.

Raspberry Polana

Trimming rules

Remontant varieties of raspberries bear fruit on last year’s and new branches. The first harvest requires a significant influx of nutrients. Therefore, in the current year, the shoots develop more slowly and bear fruit later. Timely pruning of raspberries helps to correct the situation.

Advice! Work is carried out in the fall, when the growing season ends. The branches are cut completely at the root so that there are no stumps left.

A second procedure is performed in the spring, when broken and frozen shoots are eliminated. Dry branches can be removed in summer. Young shoots are removed from the roots of the raspberry polana, otherwise it will take away nutrients for itself.

Up to 10 raspberry shoots are left per square meter. Choose the healthiest and strongest of them.

Raspberry Polana

Watering rules

Raspberry polana requires regular irrigation:

  • the soil should get wet by 0,4 m;
  • the frequency of irrigation is determined by the climatic conditions of the region;
  • the need for moisture increases during flowering and further fruit formation;
  • if there is little precipitation in the fall, winter gravy is required.

Loosening and mulching

To increase the moisture permeability of the soil, its loosening is carried out. At the beginning of the year, the operation is performed before the growing season of raspberries. Under the bushes, the loosening depth is up to 7 cm, and between the rows – no more than 12 cm.

Attention! During the season, the procedure is repeated 5 times. At the same time, they get rid of weeds and crusts on the surface of the soil.

Raspberry Polana

Mulching helps keep the soil from freezing in winter. In the summer, an additional layer prevents it from overheating. For these purposes, straw, peat, sawdust, compost are suitable, which rot and become a source of nutrients. In the spring, the mulch is mixed with the soil.

Feeding raspberries

The influx of nutrients helps to increase the yield of raspberry polana. At the beginning of the season, top dressing is carried out before the growing season. Mullein or other organic fertilizer is suitable for this. It is diluted with water, observing a ratio of 1 to 10. If chicken manure is used, then the ratio is 1 to 20.

Up to 10 liters of solution is required per square meter of raspberries. Raspberry polana requires top dressing three times a year.

Raspberry Polana

Mineral fertilizers help strengthen the shoots. For raspberries choose superphosphate and potassium sulfate. One square meter requires 50 g of each type of fertilizer.

During the growth period, raspberry polana experiences a lack of nitrogen. You can feed the plants in early spring.

Protection against diseases and pests

Like any shrub, raspberry polana is negatively affected by diseases and pests. Simple measures available to every gardener will help protect the plant.

Septoria disease

Septoria has the following characteristics:

  • brown spots of a round shape on the leaves, which eventually become black with a white border;
  • spots and cracks on shoots.

Raspberry Polana

For the treatment and prevention of septoria in raspberries, a set of measures is used:

  • before budding, the bushes are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture;
  • in summer, before and after flowering, the shoots are sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride.

purple spots

If purple spots appear on the cuttings of raspberry leaves, then this is the first sign of a plant disease. If no action is taken, then the lesion completely covers the stem.

Treatment for purple spots of raspberry polana includes the following treatments:

  • before bud break – Bordeaux liquid or Rubigan solution;
  • in the summer – copper chloride.

To prevent the disease, free space is left between the raspberry bushes and the area is ventilated. Over-watering should also be avoided.

Pest Control

The most common pests of varietal raspberries are aphids, raspberry beetles, spider mites, and weevil. A solution of karbofos helps to get rid of them. For 10 liters of water, 30 g of this substance is required. Processing is carried out before budding. The procedure is repeated after harvest.

Raspberry Polana

Advice! In autumn, damaged shoots and leaves of maliyn polana are burned. Be sure to dig up the soil between the rows and loosen the soil under the bushes.

Reviews of gardeners

Alexander, 56 years old, Moscow region
I bought Polan’s raspberries five years ago according to the description of the variety. The plant has adapted well to the local climate. If you fertilize with manure, then the raspberries will grow by 1,5 m, and the berries will be large. Closer to autumn, the berries are not so sweet, so I use them for jam.
Anna, 45 years old, Ulyanovsk
The polana variety impressed with its productivity. By the beginning of August, the bush is strewn with berries. Collecting them is a pleasure – raspberries are large and juicy. It may keep for several days.
Egor, 47 years old, Ufa
I heard a lot about remontant raspberries, so I bought the Polan variety. Raspberries were surprisingly fruitful. The shrub grows quickly, minimal care is enough. The berries are sour, not everyone may like it. For the winter, I cover raspberries with special material to protect them from freezing.

Raspberry Polana


Polana is suitable for the middle lane, although it also tolerates low temperatures well. A distinctive feature of the variety is early fruiting compared to other types of remontant raspberries. As can be seen from the reviews of gardeners, raspberry polana requires only standard care.

How to get a big harvest of remontant raspberries

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