Raspberry Maroseyka

Today there are hundreds of new varieties of garden raspberries, but Maroseyka, bred half a century ago, does not lose its popularity and is still considered one of the best raspberry hybrids. This hybrid was bred in Moscow, and it was the first thornless variety, distinguished by its large size and excellent fruit taste. “Maroseyka” can be grown at home, it is also suitable for industrial scale, large farms. Raspberry has a lot of advantages, this variety also has its own nuances, which the gardener must know about.

Raspberry Maroseyka

In this article you can find a description of the variety, a photo of the Maroseyka raspberry, as well as reviews of those who have been growing this wonderful hybrid for a long time.

Variety Maroseyka and its characteristics

The Maroseyka raspberry litter was bred from the Scottish variety, and it became the first hybrid in Our Country without thorns. Breeders focused on the yield of the hybrid, its resistance to climatic factors and the taste of the berries.

Raspberry Maroseyka

You can recognize “Maroseyka” by such outward signs:

  • sprawling bushes, reaching 170 cm in height;
  • raspberries give a lot of shoots and side shoots, so the bushes are powerful, they are easy to propagate by division;
  • perennial shoots are covered with a wax coating, do not have thorns, young twigs are pubescent, flexible;
  • the leaves on the bushes are large, dark green;
  • the berries are large, have an elongated shape, are painted scarlet, smell strongly, contain a lot of sugar and few seeds.
Important! The wax coating on raspberry stems protects the plant from pests, low temperatures and fungal infections.

Raspberry Maroseyka

Characteristics of the raspberry variety which is called “Maroseyka”, has the following:

  1. Resistance to diseases and pests. Even on affected shoots, berries develop normally and in the same quantity as on healthy ones.
  2. The unpretentiousness of the plant. “Maroseyka” does not need complex agricultural technology and constant care. To harvest a good harvest, it is enough to follow simple rules of care.
  3. High yield. From each bush “Maroseyka” they collect 4-5 kg ​​of sweet berries. If you feed the raspberries well, you can increase the yield up to six kilograms per bush.
  4. Large fruit. The berries are large, fused double fruits are often found.
  5. Excellent taste. Raspberry “Maroseyka” is very sweet, fragrant, contains a small amount of seeds. The fruits are elastic, tolerate transportation well, they can be frozen, canned and eaten fresh.
  6. Winter hardiness. The variety perfectly tolerates the climate of central Our Country, but in more severe conditions it needs shelter.
Attention! “Maroseyka” has a superficial root system, so raspberries do not tolerate drought well and are not suitable for commercial cultivation in the south of the country. In the private sector, you will have to water the bushes more often, and the harvest will be stable.

Raspberry Maroseyka

You can harvest as early as July, as the Maroseyka raspberry belongs to mid-season varieties. The fruiting of the hybrid is extended, the berries are harvested in 4-5 steps, ending the collection around the end of August.

Although “Maroseyka” does not belong to the remontant varieties, some gardeners often observe a re-harvest of raspberries on the tops of young shoots.

Bushes live for a long time, on average, 10-12 years. If you grow raspberries in a sheltered, sunny place, take good care of them and feed them regularly, you can reap good harvests for more than 20 years. In industrial cultivation, fruit shrinkage is observed 10 years after planting a bush, this process is explained by the degeneration of the hybrid, the instability of the gene responsible for large fruit.

Raspberry “Maroseyka”: planting and care

As mentioned above, the Maroseyka variety is quite unpretentious, but its cultivation, nevertheless, has its own nuances:

  1. Landing place. Raspberries of this variety love sunlight, but you can plant bushes in partial shade. Since the plant is quite tall, you should think about how to tie up, build a support or arch. It is better to choose a fertile soil or fertilize the soil well, in case it is scarce.

    Raspberry Maroseyka

  2. Landing. You can plant new bushes in spring and autumn. Most often, gardeners use the method of dividing the bush, since “Maroseyka” gives a lot of growth, this is easy to do. Raspberries are planted in rows, leaving at least 70-80 cm of interval between plants, because the bushes are sprawling and powerful. The landing method is used the most common. At a height of 100-120 cm, a wire is pulled to tie up long shoots.

    Raspberry Maroseyka

  3. Fertilizer. During planting, nitrogen-mineral fertilizers are laid in dug holes or rotted organic matter (cow dung, bird droppings, compost) is used. Every year, during the flowering period, raspberries are fertilized with a complex consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In autumn, before wintering, raspberries are fertilized with organic matter. Just do not use fresh manure, it can burn plants and their roots, it is better to take humus.

    Raspberry Maroseyka

  4. Care. Caring for the Maroseyka raspberry is easy. After planting, the soil around the plants is regularly loosened so that the roots are ventilated and receive enough oxygen. Weeds between rows should be uprooted or weeded. Water the raspberries as the soil dries out.

    Raspberry Maroseyka

  5. Pruning. You need to prune the shoots of “Maroseyka” both in spring and autumn, but this should be done in moderation. In autumn, the gardener must cut out branches that are too young and weak, because they will not be able to winter normally and will freeze. You will also have to remove diseased or dry shoots. You can shorten the stems of raspberries a little, especially if you plan to shelter them for the winter. In the spring, the bushes are thinned out, cutting out the shoots. No more than six shoots should remain in each bush. If it is necessary to branch the raspberry, pinch it at a height of about a meter: the bush will be more powerful, will give a greater harvest.

    Raspberry Maroseyka

  6. Shelter. As already mentioned, “Maroseyka” tolerates cold well, but frosts of more than -30 degrees are fatal for her. Therefore, in the northern regions, gardeners will have to take care of sheltering bushes for the winter. “Maroseyka” is covered no later than the last days of September, since then the raspberry shoots become too brittle, they cannot be laid properly. First, the branches are cut, unnecessary shoots are removed, then the bush is tied and laid on its side. You can cover “Maroseyka” with spunbond, straw, sawdust, spruce branches or any other material. If the winters in the region are snowy, it is enough to throw snow on the pinned raspberries – it will warm the plant better than any artificial shelter.

    Raspberry Maroseyka

Attention! After severe frosts, Maroseyka may not freeze out, but raspberry yields will noticeably decrease after such stress.

This is the whole care of the Maroseyka variety. This raspberry very rarely gets sick, and it is not necessary to process it from pests, which significantly reduces the gardener’s time and money.

Reviews of gardeners

Raspberry Maroseyka

Alevtina, Perm
We planted this raspberry about five years ago. They brought shoots from another part of the country, since in the Urals, where we live, it was not possible to find seedlings of Maroseyka. However, this variety justified all the efforts one hundred percent! Raspberry begins to bear fruit from the end of June, and ends in the last days of August, which is very reminiscent of remontant varieties. Extended fruiting allows you to enjoy the taste and aroma of fresh berries all summer, although raspberries can be canned, frozen, cooked compotes from it, made jelly and pies. The fruits are very large – up to three centimeters in length. You can distinguish berries by a special taste: a pronounced, real “raspberry”. Growing the variety is very easy. A couple of times a year we feed the bushes with Baikal-M, cut the shoots to zero for the winter and mulch the ground with a thick layer of humus. We don’t cover raspberries any more, even in this form, “Maroseyka” perfectly tolerates the Ural winters. In order for the bushes to be more powerful, to give more fruits, we pinch the stems at a height of 80-90 cm. Be sure to tie the shoots to the trellises, since the plant needs good lighting. If you need to propagate “Maroseyka”, just divide the bush into several parts – raspberries take root well and give a good harvest next year.


The Maroseyka hybrid is excellent for home cultivation; on an industrial scale, the variety is cultivated only in central Our Country. Plants are strong, branched, have a superficial root system, need watering and fertilizers.

The hybrid has a lot of advantages, but there is only one drawback – raspberries gradually degenerate, so after 10-12 years it needs to be rejuvenated.

Raspberry variety Maroseyka

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