Raspberry liqueur: 11 recipes at home

Raspberry liqueur (with and without vodka, alcohol and moonshine) has been a decoration of the festive village table for centuries. Not without reason, earthenware or ceramic dishes are still considered ideal containers for preparing many varieties of this drink. So., it is in it and only in it that the liqueur is prepared, the recipe of which has come down to us from our great-great-great-grandmothers.

Also made from raspberries: wine, tinctures, liqueurs, syrup

Raspberry vodka pour

Let’s start with the most popular recipe among the people. Perhaps it is not the easiest, but it is time-tested.


  1. Raspberries – 5 kg

  2. Sugar – 1 kg

  3. Vodka – 1,5 l

  4. Water – 1 L

Method of preparation

  1. Slightly crush the sorted and peeled berries and place in a glass bottle. Pour vodka there, making sure that it covers the raspberries with a layer of 2-3 centimeters.

  2. Close the container with a thick cloth and put it in a warm room for a week.

  3. Then drain the liquid, squeeze out the sediment into it, then mix the latter with sugar and water in a suitable saucepan.

  4. Boil the resulting mixture and keep it on low heat for 5 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam. Cool the syrup prepared in this way to room temperature and mix with raspberry tincture.

  5. Strain the result obtained through gauze, pour into a clean glass container and leave to ripen in a dark, cool place for a month.

  6. Carefully filter the finished liquor, bottle and store at a temperature of 6-16 ° C.

Raspberry pour on alcohol

Diluted to a strength of 40-45 degrees, food alcohol can also serve as an excellent ingredient for your liquor. As a matter of fact, you can not hesitate to replace them with vodka from the previous recipe and, as they say, further – in the text.

Pouring from frozen raspberries on moonshine

For the preparation of raspberry liqueur, not only fresh, but also frozen berries are suitable. In this case, it is recommended to use well-cleaned moonshine. The rich taste of this vigorous drink will serve as an excellent addition to a somewhat emasculated freeze.


  1. Frozen raspberries – 2,5 kg

  2. Moonshine (45-50 degrees) – 500 ml

  3. Sugars – 250 g

Method of preparation

  1. Defrost raspberries, put in a bowl, cover with sugar and pour moonshine.

  2. After an hour, mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly, kneading the berries.

  3. Pour the resulting homogeneous mass into jars, close tightly or roll up and put in a dark place for a month.

  4. After the expiration of the mentioned period, the drink is filtered, bottled and waits for a suitable occasion in your buffet.

Homemade raspberry liqueur according to an antique recipe

An absolutely charming recipe from the time of hospitable landowner estates and plain kitchen utensils.


  1. Raspberries – 1 kg

  2. Vodka – 500 ml

  3. Sugar – 100-300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Berries put in a clay or ceramic pot, then add 250 ml of vodka.

  2. Tie the neck of the pot with paper. Pierce the last with a fork in several places and put the pot in the oven (of course, in the original it was an oven).

  3. Keep the berries on low heat until they turn brown. Carefully drain the liquid through a colander, mix it with sugar and the remaining vodka, and then serve the drink to the table.

  4. PS If the resulting liqueur seemed too strong to you, squeeze the juice from the berries remaining in the colander into it.

Raspberry pour without vodka

If you want to get a low-alcohol liqueur, feel free to refuse both vodka and other strong alcoholic drinks.


  1. Raspberries – 2 kg

  2. Sugars – 800 g

  3. Water – 200 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Put several layers of raspberries and sugar in a three-liter jar. Add water and mash the berries with a wooden rolling pin.

  2. Provide the container with a pierced rubber medical glove or lid with a water seal, and then place it in a warm, sunny place.

  3. After waiting for the end of the fermentation process, strain the drink through cheesecloth, pour into a clean container, close the lid and hold for a couple of days in a dark, cool place.

  4. Then the finished drink is bottled and sent for storage in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Pouring of raspberry jam on vodka

According to craftsmen, a very good drink is obtained from candied jam. The main thing is that it should not be fermented.


  1. Raspberry jam – 500 ml

  2. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Mix vodka with jam in a glass container, tightly close the lid and hold for a week in a dark place.

  2. Then strain the resulting substance several times through thick gauze and you can pour the drink into glasses.

Raspberry quick drink

Your attention is invited to raspberry liqueur, the preparation of which will take a little more than a day.


  1. Raspberry – according to the situation

  2. Sugar – according to the situation

  3. Vodka – according to the situation

Method of preparation

  1. We put the sorted clean berry into strong heat-resistant bottles, cork them and place them in a basin of cold water.

  2. We put the basin on the fire, bring the water to a boil, then reduce the fire to a minimum and keep the berry on it for an hour and a half.

  3. After the water has cooled, we filter the berry juice formed in the bottles through thick gauze into a spacious bowl, where we mix it with vodka and sugar.

  4. Per liter of juice is 200-400 ml of vodka and 100-300 g of sugar. The resulting liquid is bottled and set to ripen for a day. That, in fact, is all.

Black raspberry infusion

The Cumberland black raspberry, which has recently appeared in our area, is also perfect for all of the above liqueurs. The only thing, given its inherent sour taste, we would recommend increasing the amount of sugar in drinks by about a third.

How to make fermented raspberry liqueur

And finally, consider the situation in which raw raspberries rolled up with sugar suddenly fermented. This is unpleasant, but by no means catastrophic. We decant the thick liquid formed in the jars and begin to shamanize the liquor.


  1. Raspberry must – 1 l

  2. Vodka – 1 l

  3. Vanilla sugar – 30 g

Method of preparation

  1. Mix the wort with vodka and vanilla sugar in a glass container.

  2. Close the container and put in a dry, dark place for about a week.

  3. Then, strain the finished drink through a dense cloth, bottle it and seal it tightly.

Narodnaya Malinovka


  1. Raspberry juice – 2 cups

  2. Sugars – 200 g

  3. Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet

  4. Lemon – 1 pcs.

  5. Water – 1/2 cup

  6. Vodka – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Scald the lemon with boiling water and wipe, then remove all the zest and squeeze the juice of half a lemon.

  2. Combine all ingredients except vodka and raspberry fresh in a saucepan and boil the syrup. Don’t forget to skim off the foam.

  3. When the syrup has cooled down, mix it with freshly squeezed raspberry juice and vodka, pour into a bottle, close and let stand for a month.

  4. Then filter the tincture, bottle and close tightly.

Raspberry filling in a 10 liter bottle


  1. Fresh raspberries – 7 kg

  2. Sugar – 2,5 kg

For re-fermentation: 5 liters of water and 1,3 kg of sugar.

Method of preparation

  1. Put the sorted raspberries in a colander, dip them three times in a bucket of water, let them drain, pour into a large bottle, add sugar, tie the neck with gauze and put in a warm place for 2-4 days.

  2. As soon as there are signs of fermentation of the liquor, remove the gauze from the bottle, install a water lock, transfer the bottle to the shady part of the room and keep it under the water lock for 12-20 days until fermentation stops.

  3. At the end of fermentation, filter the liquor through gauze and cotton wool placed in a funnel or colander. Then pour the liquor into bottles and cork.

  4. To more fully extract extractive substances, pour boiled and cooled to +35 degrees water into the remaining pulp and hold for 2 days. Then drain the juice and squeeze out the pulp, and pour the resulting juice into a bottle, add sugar, install a water seal and hold for another 15-20 days.

  5. At the end of fermentation, the resulting fermented juice is filtered through gauze and cotton wool and bottled.

Relevance: 21.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueur Recipes

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