Raspberry Joan G: variety

Raspberry Joan G: variety

The Joan G raspberry is a new British variety developed by Scottish breeders. Good taste, high yield and transportability of berries made the variety very popular among gardeners. It is grown commercially in many European countries and even in Chile. In Russia, the variety is still little known.

Joan G raspberry – main characteristics

It is a remontant variety that yields twice a season. Shoots of the first and second years bear fruit. The berries ripen from July until frost.

Raspberry fruits “Joan G” are quite large, up to 8 g

Joan G has a number of characteristic features:

  • The berries are large, up to 8 g, very tasty and aromatic, dark red. They have high transportability, due to which the variety is grown in large areas. In Europe, up to 16 tons of raspberries are harvested per hectare.
  • Bushes up to 1 meter high, branched. The branches grow up to half a meter, so the variety requires a garter.
  • Shoots are smooth, thorns are absent. They form a lot of overgrowth.

The variety is drought-resistant and tolerates heat well. But sensitive to cold, can withstand temperatures of at least -16 degrees. Not suitable for outdoor cultivation in cold regions.

Raspberry care for this variety is almost the same as for raspberries in general. It is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  1. Raspberries love a lot of light, so it must be planted in a sunny area, best of all on the southern slopes. At the same time, the distance between the rows should be at least 1,5 meters so that the bushes have enough space for growth, are well lit and warmed up by the sun.
  2. It is necessary to regularly water, but it cannot be abused, since raspberries do not tolerate stagnant moisture. It responds well to drip irrigation.
  3. It is necessary to apply fertilizers 4 times per season. The variety is very productive, without feeding the plants are depleted.
  4. Bushes must be tied to trellises. Branches under the load of the crop can break.

It is easy to propagate raspberries, they give many new shoots that can live on their own. But at the same time, raspberries grow strongly, so you need to make sure that they do not wander around the garden, cut the roots around the bush in time. They grow close to the surface and you can build a partition in the ground. Roots will not be able to “climb” through it.

Joan G berries have a pleasant dessert taste. They can be preserved, frozen and consumed fresh. Rubbed with sugar, raspberries contain many useful substances and are used as a remedy for many diseases.

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