In addition to proven and familiar raspberry varieties, gardeners often choose modern novelties for the site. In the article we will talk about the standard raspberry variety “Glen Ample”. Such species are called the raspberry tree, and recently they have received recognition from summer residents. It cannot be said that standard raspberries are widely grown in areas next to ordinary varieties. In appearance, the Glen Ample raspberry variety really resembles a tree, although in terms of characteristics it is a bush that is distinguished by its high height and productivity.
Gardeners will be very useful description of the Glen Ample raspberry variety, photos, videos and reviews posted in this article:
Variety description
Raspberry hybrid bred by Scottish breeders. Parent varieties – Glen Prosen (Glen Prosen) and Meeker (Meeker). Both are reliable and productive species and are successfully grown in Europe to this day. How does the Glen Ample raspberry variety attract the attention of gardeners? Of course, their characteristics. Let’s take a closer look at the most important ones:
- Fruiting period. “Glen Ample” – a new variety of summer fruiting raspberries. It belongs to mid-season species, in some regions it is considered mid-late. The harvest is taken in the second half of July, but this period varies. The parameter depends on the area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbglen ample raspberry growth.
- Growing type. It is characterized by one word – universal. The raspberry variety grows equally well in open ground and greenhouses, so it is often used for commercial cultivation. The variety is suitable for mechanical harvesting.
- Fruit. Another important characteristic of raspberries, which gardeners pay attention to in the first place. One berry weighs from 2 g to 10 g. Such specimens are not considered rare for the large-fruited raspberry variety Glen Ample. Fragrant, tasty, the taste of berries reaches 9 points on a ten-point scale. Fruits with large drupes and bright red color. They are fastened securely, so even when fully ripe they do not crumble from the bushes. The pulp is very juicy. A slight sourness is felt in unripe berries, ripe ones are always sweet.
- bush type. A plant of unusual height for raspberries – up to 3 meters. Shoots are smooth with a thin waxy shell, practically without thorns. The basis of the raspberry bush is one shoot, from which fruit-bearing lateral branches extend. Each shoot has up to 30 branches with berries. Up to 20 fruits are located on the laterals, so the next raspberry parameter – yield is very attractive to gardeners.
- Productivity. According to the description of the Glen Ample raspberry variety, from 1,3 to 1,7 kg of high quality large berries are obtained from one shoot during the growing season. The variety bears fruit within a month. With industrial cultivation with intensive technology, the yield is 30 tons per hectare, and about 4,5 kg per bush. To save the plant and the harvest, the raspberry bush must be formed.
- Formation. Produced by tying a raspberry bush of the Glen Ample variety onto a trellis. Additionally, make sure that the plants do not interfere with each other. This will not happen if you strictly adhere to the planting pattern of raspberry bushes. So along the way, the requirements of agricultural technology are observed – good lighting and ventilation of plantings.
- Unpretentiousness. The grade well maintains a strong wind, a drought. It was bred to grow in the difficult climate of England, so the variability of weather conditions does not affect the development of raspberries. According to gardeners, raspberries of the Glen Ample variety are not subject to the usual crop diseases and pest invasions. She is not afraid of raspberry aphids, rot, viruses and late blight.
- Using. The variety is classified as a raspberry of universal use. Large dry berries lend themselves well to freezing. After defrosting, they keep their shape and retain their taste. Great for making jams and preserves, because the bone in the berries is almost not felt. A high degree of sweetness allows you to make preparations with a minimum addition of sugar. Housewives love to make “fresh” preparations from sugar and crushed berries.
- Frost resistance and preparation for winter. The variety tolerates frost well. Breeders took care of this when breeding a hybrid. In the description of the Glen Ample raspberry variety, it is stated that the bushes are covered only at -30 ° C, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of gardeners. Plants are covered only in snowless frosty winters with a large drop in temperature. If there is a desire to insure, then you can simply bend the stems to the ground and wrap them with spruce branches.
Advantages and disadvantages
The pros and cons of the Glen Ample raspberry variety are well reflected in the reviews of gardeners.
- powerful high bushes;
- thornlessness;
- large-fruited;
- good shoot formation;
- safety during transportation;
- excellent taste indicators;
- resistance to climate changes, winds and drought;
- frost resistance;
- unpretentiousness to care;
- versatility of use;
- resistance to diseases and pests;
- budget price of seedlings.
- dependence of the size and structure of berries on the amount of potassium and phosphorus in the soil;
- medium resistance to diseases such as gray rot and rust;
- the high size of the bush, which complicates the collection of berries and the care of raspberries.
These parameters are easier to attribute to the characteristics of the variety than to serious shortcomings.
The development and productivity of the plant depends on the correct planting of raspberries.
Most often, gardeners plan to plant Glen Ample garden raspberries in early spring. The best time is considered to be the period when the threat of return frosts has passed and the soil has warmed up. It is important to remember that seedlings of the famous variety should be bought in specialized nurseries or harvested on their own in the fall. In this case, it is necessary to properly store planting material until spring. Summer residents use the kitchen refrigerator.
Despite the fact that raspberries are light-loving crops, the Glen Ample hybrid grows well in the shade. This is important for gardeners with shady areas who decide to grow this raspberry variety.
Raspberry garden “Glen Ample” has certain requirements for the soil. The soil on which raspberries will give an excellent harvest should be:
- loamy or sandy loam;
- light or medium in structure;
- drained;
- with a high content of humus.
Even if the selected site meets these requirements, it must be prepared. First of all, the earth is dug up, weeds are removed, organic matter and mineral fertilizers are applied.
Each raspberry tree is prepared for a planting hole with a certain size. The depth is at least 25 cm, and the diameter is 60 cm. Usually, this raspberry variety is planted along the border of the site next to the hedge. To plant raspberries in a greenhouse, the room must be of the appropriate size.
The planting pattern for the variety is kept at a size of 3,0 x 0,3 m, with a two-line planting – 3,5 x 0,5 x 0,3 m. It is undesirable to reduce the distance between plants or rows, then the raspberries will not have enough light and air.
After planting the seedling, it is abundantly watered. Each plant will need at least 10 liters of water. The root zone is immediately mulched with humus, peat, chopped straw or sawdust. During spring planting, the tops of the shoots are shortened by 20 cm.
After 2-3 days, watering is repeated in the same volume.
The survival rate of raspberry seedlings is good, so properly planted plants quickly grow.
If you need to plant raspberries in the fall, then it is best to do this in late September or early October. The term depends on the region of cultivation. Gardeners tend to believe that planting in the fall is more effective. During this period, it is possible to better prepare the site and carry out the landing. Before the start of frost, the seedlings of the variety have time to take root, and in the spring they begin to grow intensively.
Video for gardeners:
Care of mature plants
Competently observe the agricultural technology of growing raspberries “Glen Ample” helps the description of the variety. Raspberry care begins in early spring. At this time, they begin to clean the site from last year’s foliage. Pest larvae hibernate in it and there are fungal spores and pathogenic bacteria. Cleaning saves raspberries from diseases. The second important action in the spring is top dressing. You need nitrogen fertilizers. A solution of mullein with urea works well. For 1 bucket of water add a mullein shovel and 5 g of urea. Stir and infuse for 2-3 hours. Raspberries are watered with a solution in early April. Other nitrogen fertilizers are taken at the rate of 25 g per 1 sq. m. After feeding, loosening is necessary.
In summer, raspberries do not require special care from the gardener. Attention should be paid to the watering schedule, especially on dry days. Watering the variety needs plentiful, but not frequent. In order for a raspberry tree to bear fruit well, the roots must be powerful, grow in breadth and depth. This is impossible without water.
In the summer months, after harvesting, some summer residents feed the variety with a weekly infusion of bird droppings (200 g per 10 liters of water).
In autumn, gardeners in the raspberry garden have more work to do.
At that time:
- The site is cleared of mulch and plant debris. This reduces the possibility of wintering pests in the foliage.
- Apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Grooves are made around the bush at a distance of 30 cm and a depth of 20 cm. Superphosphate (50 g) and potassium salt (40 g) are added to them. Substances will ensure the laying of flower buds and an increase in the future harvest.
- At the same time, they dig up a plot with the introduction of compost (3-4 kg per 1 sq. M). Digging depth – 10 cm.
In addition to the points listed, gardeners note:
- Raspberries grow well if green manure is regularly sown between rows.
- Spraying with a Bordeaux mixture (3%) in early spring serves as a good prevention of raspberry diseases.
- If you fulfill the requirements of agricultural technology, then the harvest will fully comply with the description of the Glen Ample raspberry variety, as in the photo.