Raspberry Cleopatra is a large-fruited variety that is resistant to diseases and pests. Gardeners appreciated the novelty of the selection for productivity and resistance to adverse conditions.

The story of

The originator (patent holder) of the middle-early raspberry Cleopatra is the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center named after A.I. V. Michurin. The culture was included in the Register of Breeding Achievements of Our Country in 2017.

To create Cleopatra, three varieties were used: Abundant, Maroseyka, Barnaulskaya.

Raspberries are recommended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region. The Cleopatra variety is successfully cultivated in Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh, Oryol, Tambov, Lipetsk and other regions.

Description of raspberry variety Cleopatra

Raspberry Cleopatra belongs to remontant crops. It is characterized by high winter hardiness and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.


Raspberries Cleopatra have the shape of a large truncated cone. Weight ranges from 3-5 g. Fruits have slight pubescence. The color of the berries is rich, dark red.

Raspberry Cleopatra: description and characteristics of the variety, photo, video

The taste of raspberry Cleopatra is sweet, with subtle sourness

Harvest is suitable for use both fresh and for all kinds of preparations. Compotes, jam, jam are cooked from raspberries. It is added to desserts, frozen.


Bushes of mid-ripening raspberry Cleopatra are upright. They reach a height of 1,5-2 m. The culture is compact, spreading is average.

Young raspberry shoots are light brown, have a slight wax coating, and there is no pubescence. A small number of spikes form at the bottom of the stem. Shoots at the age of two become dark brown. They are covered with spikes along their entire length.

Raspberry Cleopatra: description and characteristics of the variety, photo, video

Cleopatra raspberry foliage is dark green, the edges of the plates are serrated

Color may vary depending on growing conditions. Along the edges of the leaf plates, the color is lighter, and in the middle it is saturated, with anthocyanin overflow.

Characteristics of raspberry Cleopatra

Before purchasing a variety for cultivation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Raspberry Cleopatra is a remontant, that is, the crop is harvested almost the entire season.

Ripening time and yield

Ripening is extended over time. In the Cleopatra variety, it is uneven. The first wave of collection falls on the third decade of June – early July. The second peak of raspberry fruiting begins on the 20th of August and lasts until the first autumn frosts.

The average yield is 3,5-4 kg from each bush. About 6 kg can be collected from one square meter (when plants are placed at a distance of 70 cm from each other).


According to the tasting assessment, the variety received 4,6 points out of 5. Raspberry pulp is tender, with a high content of juice. The aroma is pleasant, characteristic of the culture.

Frost resistance

Raspberry Cleopatra has an average frost resistance. According to the description of the originator, the culture withstands frosts down to minus 15 ° C. In regions with colder winters, bushes must be covered.

Resistance to diseases

The Cleopatra variety inherited increased disease resistance from mother crops. With proper care, raspberries are not afraid of anthracnose, spotting, rust.

Pros and cons of the variety

The Cleopatra variety, which has recently appeared on the crop market, managed to win the love of gardeners. It is valued for large-fruited, good yield, unpretentiousness.

Raspberry Cleopatra: description and characteristics of the variety, photo, video

With a lack of moisture and sunlight, sourness may be present in Cleopatra raspberry fruits.


  • dessert taste;
  • average yield;
  • slight formation of shoots, which facilitates the care of the culture;
  • resistance to major diseases;
  • winter hardiness;
  • medium early harvest time;
  • a long period of appearance of berries.


  • in extreme heat, the fruits can be baked in the sun;
  • no drought resistance, bushes need additional watering.

Features of growing raspberry Cleopatra

The Cleopatra variety develops fully in good light. For planting choose open areas protected from drafts.

Important! It is permissible to have a bed with raspberries in an area with slight shading in the afternoon.

The occurrence of groundwater should not be close to the surface, otherwise the bushes will suffer from rot.

Landing scheme

Cleopatra raspberries are planted in spring or autumn. Choose the southern areas, closed by a fence or a wall of a building from the wind. The bushes are compact, so they can be planted at a distance of 0,7-1 m from each other. Between the rows leave 1,5-1,7 m.

Attention! Raspberry Cleopatra is not recommended to be planted in the lowlands. Stagnation of moisture negatively affects the yield and leads to rotting of the root system of seedlings.

The culture prefers soil with a slightly acidic reaction. With increased acidity of the earth, dolomite flour or lime is added to the site before planting.

Care instructions

To achieve maximum yield, you must follow simple recommendations:

  1. The Cleopatra variety is responsive to top dressing. Nutrients are applied several times a season. During the period of swelling of the kidneys, ammonium nitrate, phosphate compounds and ash are used. During flowering, it is recommended to make natural remedies: diluted bird droppings (1:20), mullein (1:10). Complex fertilizers (without nitrogen) are used at the end of summer. This guarantees a good harvest for next season.
  2. Culture needs timely pruning. In the spring, when the first leaves appear, the shoots are shortened by 1/3 of the length. In the autumn, fruiting (biennial) branches are removed.

    Raspberry Cleopatra: description and characteristics of the variety, photo, video

  3. The bushes are tied to a support installed during planting. If in the first year the structure was not laid, then next spring it is necessary to take care of its arrangement. The garter facilitates plant care and harvesting.
  4. Watering should be regular. The Cleopatra variety is resistant to drought, therefore, in the absence of rain, it is necessary to take care of additional moistening of the site. Young seedlings are watered every other day, adult bushes – 1-2 times a week.

    Raspberry Cleopatra: description and characteristics of the variety, photo, video

  5. When growing remontant raspberries in regions with cold winters, it is necessary to provide shelter for the bushes. To do this, they are removed from the support, bent 40-50 cm from the ground, covered with spruce branches, and covered with snow in winter. In the absence of snow cover, agrofibre is used, which is pulled onto supports. Bending down the shoots is carried out before the onset of frost, while the branches are still flexible. When cold, the shoots become brittle and are damaged when trying to bend them.
  6. Mulching helps prevent the growth of weeds, which has a positive effect on the condition of raspberries. Wood shavings, coniferous litter, straw are used as mulch. For the winter, the soil is insulated with a new layer of mulching materials. This will prevent freezing of the roots.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Raspberry Cleopatra is highly resistant to diseases, but this is only possible under comfortable growing conditions.

Preventive actions:

  1. Removal of all fallen leaves and weeds. This event is necessary to prevent fungal spores and insect larvae from successfully wintering under the bushes.
  2. Spraying with folk remedies helps prevent the appearance of aphids, weevils and other pests. To do this, use infusions of garlic, onions, tobacco with the addition of soap chips.
  3. Timely identification and pruning of diseased shoots. On visual inspection, you can notice spotting, wilting or twisting of the foliage. Affected shoots are sprayed with fungicides (Abiga-Peak, Oksikhom, Ordan), copper sulphate, Bordeaux mixture or cut off.

Timely watering, fertilization will help grow raspberries with good immunity to diseases.


Raspberry Cleopatra is a remontant variety with a high yield. The culture is unpretentious, characterized by sufficient frost resistance. In regions with cold winters, it requires shelter. The extended fruiting period allows you to use vitamin berries all summer and make preparations for the winter.

Reviews of gardeners about raspberry Cleopatra

Arsentyeva Lyubov, 56 years old, Kaliningrad
Cleopatra bought raspberries at an exhibition last year. The variety is new, I was afraid that it would not take root. But the seedlings began and gave a good harvest. From each bush I collected about 3 kg of sweet berries. Enough to feed both children and grandchildren. I plan to start breeding raspberries, because fragrant jam saves from colds in winter. Jam from berries and compotes like the kids.
Kvaskin Mikhail, 51 years old, Stavropol
Cleopatra bought raspberries for the first time. The seedlings turned out to be unpretentious, and the harvest was decent. The berries are sweet, fragrant, very large, which makes picking easier. Stretched fruiting allows you to enjoy raspberries even on autumn days. I am satisfied with the variety, I will breed it at their summer cottage.

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