Raspberry brusvyana – variety description with photo

Raspberries are considered one of the most delicious and healthy berries. It is almost impossible to find a garden in which this plant would not grow. There is a huge variety of raspberry varieties, the most prominent of which are remontant species. Breeders have bred a large number of such varieties, the peculiarities of which are that they can bear fruit several times in one season. Brusvyan’s raspberries also belong to these species.

Variety description

Raspberry Brusvyana was bred by domestic breeders. Raspberry of this species is a rather tall tree-like bush. In height, Brusvyan can reach a height of up to two meters (in rare cases, it can grow up to 2,5 m).

Raspberry brusvyana - variety description with photo

The formation of a large number of shoots is characteristic. At the same time, it branches very strongly. A small number of thorns form on the plant itself. The shoots are very thick, thanks to which they stand relatively evenly, so they do not need to be tied up. This arrangement of fruitful shoots is very convenient when harvesting from them. The fruits on the shoots are placed tightly and completely cover them.

The Brusvyana variety begins to bear fruit in June. This is the first harvest. The second harvest or main fruiting begins somewhere in mid-August (10-15th). Fruiting is long, it lasts about 80-100 days until the first autumn frosts. In one year, two or three crops can be harvested from one bush. The shoots of the second year begin to bear fruit. They form the first crop. The second crop is formed on young shoots that have grown during the year.

The fruits are very large. Raspberry Brusvyana produces one of the largest berries of all remontant varieties. The mass of one berry varies within about 15 g.

Subject to all the rules for care, pruning, baiting and watering, up to 8 kg of berries can be collected from one bush.

The appearance of the fruit is very beautiful. They are characterized by a rich and deep crimson hue. The taste of berries is sweet and sour and rich, and reviews about them are extremely positive. They can be consumed both fresh and made from them jams, compotes and jams.

In addition to excellent taste, berries have a lot of useful properties and are used in traditional medicine. The beneficial properties of fruits are due to the accumulation of the following substances in them: glucose, sucrose, fructose, vitamin A, B2, C, salts of iron and potassium, pectin, fiber, as well as salicylic and organic acids.

Raspberry brusvyana - variety description with photo

Due to the content of these substances, Brusvyan’s raspberries are used to treat colds, as they help reduce fever and have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the berries have analgesic, antiemetic and diuretic effects. Raspberries are prescribed for poor appetite.

It is also worth knowing that not only the berries of this plant are used for treatment. Raspberry leaves also have medicinal properties. Useful infusions and teas are made from them.

In cosmetology, the leaves are used to make creams for acne, skin allergies and various types of rashes. Sometimes just applying them to the rash is enough.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all varieties, Brusvyan’s raspberry has both positive and negative qualities.

The undoubted advantages of this type include:

  • high yield;
  • the possibility of harvesting two or three times a year, so you can enjoy your favorite berry for almost the entire season;
  • very large fruits;
  • the appearance of the berries is harmonious and very beautiful;
  • high taste qualities of fruits;
  • berries contain a large amount of nutrients;
  • the fruits are quite hard (they partially retain their structure even in jam);
  • ease of maintenance;
  • long period of fruit consumption;
  • high resistance to most diseases and pests;
  • high winter hardiness.

Raspberry brusvyana - variety description with photo

Despite such an impressive list of advantages, some disadvantages are still characteristic of the Brusvyan variety:

  • bushes have a rather specific smell and for some it is unpleasant;
  • there is a slight sourness of the berries.

These disadvantages still cannot outweigh the advantages, and this type of raspberry is perhaps the most popular among gardeners.


This variety of remontant raspberry has good agrotechnical data. It can be grown on almost any soil and climatic conditions, while maintaining the usual yield.

The plant is considered water-loving, but it must be watered with a drip method, this will allow the fruit bush to form two full waves of the crop.

Planting seedlings can be done twice a year: in mid-autumn (October) and in spring (April). In the case of growing seedlings in special containers, they can be planted almost at any time of the year, since such seedlings of Brusvyana are not picky.

Raspberry brusvyana - variety description with photo

Raspberries need to be planted in well-lit and heated areas of the garden. In the event of a shadow hit, the shoots will have a very high growth, but the fruits will not form on them, and during the winter the top of the shoot may freeze. Also, the place of growth should not be blown by the winds. It is better to plant a plant near various buildings. An impressive number of advantages and useful qualities make it possible to deservedly consider Brusvyana raspberry one of the best remontant varieties.

Video “Features of agricultural technology remontant raspberries”

In this video, you will get acquainted with the nuances of agricultural technology of remontant raspberry varieties, including our species.

Repair Raspberry (part 2)

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