Raspberry Atlant

Raspberry, along with strawberries and grapes, is one of the three most popular berries among the population, according to statistical surveys. It is these three varieties of berries that are most popular among farmers, as they will always find their buyer and their sale is not difficult.

Raspberry Atlant

And among the various raspberry varieties in recent decades, the so-called remontant raspberry varieties have eclipsed everyone. Of course, they have a lot of advantages – both productivity and ripening time in late summer and autumn, when the taste of ordinary raspberries has already managed to be forgotten. In addition, when cultivating them with full pruning before winter, there is no need to protect raspberry bushes from pests and diseases, the berry turns out to be clean, beautiful and environmentally friendly. The problem of winter hardiness of varieties is also completely solved. For all these reasons, remontant raspberry varieties are extremely popular among the population, especially among those who grow berries for sale. They would probably have long since supplanted the traditional varieties of raspberries, but still, remontant varieties cannot surpass them in taste and aroma of berries.

Raspberry Atlant is rightfully considered one of the best representatives of remontant varieties bred in our country. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

Raspberry Atlant

Variety description

In 2010, a group of scientific breeders led by I.V. Kazakov, a variety of remontant raspberry Atlant was obtained. And in 2015, this variety was officially registered in the State Register and approved for use in all regions of Our Country.

Despite the fact that the bush makes a powerful impression, the shoots for the most part grow straight, usually reaching a height of 1,6 meters, occasionally growing up to two meters.

Comment! Due to the straight growth of the shoots and the relatively low height of the bushes, the so-called raspberry trees are sometimes made from this variety, in which, by pruning, an upright bole (trunk) and branches completely strewn with berries are formed.

Despite the fact that the description of the raspberry variety Atlant states that it does not need a garter, it is still desirable to attach the bushes to a support. Using this technique, you will increase the illumination and ventilation of each branch and make it easier for yourself to harvest.

Raspberry Atlant

The bush is able to form relatively many replacement shoots, about 6-8 pieces. Young shoots are reddish, slightly pubescent and have a strong wax coating. There are few thorns, they are mostly located at the base of the shoots. The thorns are semi-soft, that is, the thorns themselves have a brownish tint, and their base is green, very fresh. Berries occupy more than half of the shoot in its upper part. Lateral branches with fruits are mostly bare, have a medium wax coating.

The leaves are medium in size, wrinkled, dark green in color, slightly pubescent.

Attention! The main feature of the Atlant raspberry variety is a powerful root system, which can allow it to survive a short-term drought.

But, even despite this feature, the Atlant variety cannot be called drought-resistant, because with a lack of watering, the berry begins to shrink, and the yield will also decrease. However, this is not surprising – raspberries are by nature a very moisture-loving shrub, and it is very difficult to go against nature.

Raspberry Atlant

The raspberry variety Atlant is remontant, medium in terms of ripening. The first berries appear in early to mid-August, and up to the very first frost, the bushes can be harvested every other day. Usually, Atlant is usually compared with the remontant raspberry variety Firebird, so it usually begins to bear fruit a few days earlier than the latter. In the climatic conditions of the middle zone, where the Moscow region belongs, Atlant raspberries manage to give from 75 to 90% of their crop before the first frost. If you wish to extend this period, you can build temporary shelters from a film or non-woven material.

In terms of yield, raspberry Atlant is at the forefront – from 2 to 2,5 kg of berries can be obtained from one bush per season. In industrial plantations, the yield reaches up to 15-17 tons per hectare and even more.

Resistance to major pests and diseases in this variety is at the level of most remontant varieties, that is, high. One of the reasons for this is the application of autumn pruning of all shoots at ground level.

Raspberry Atlant

As already mentioned, it tolerates drought quite well, at least compared to other raspberry varieties. Heat tolerance is average, in these conditions regular and plentiful watering is necessary.

The advantages of this raspberry variety, which should be of interest to farmers, include the ability to carry out mechanized harvesting from Atlanta bushes.

Characteristics of berries

The raspberry variety Atlant is not in vain so valued by farmers who grow raspberries for sale. Berries with proper and timely care are very attractive in appearance and taste good. In addition, having sufficient density, they are well preserved and quite suitable for transportation.

For raspberries Atlant, one more positive point can be noted – they are able to hang on the bushes for quite a long time, retaining their taste and aroma, and not being subjected to decay.

Raspberry Atlant

The shape of the berries is elongated in the form of a trapezoid or cone, correct and beautiful. On average, the mass of a berry is 4-5 grams, specimens up to 8-9 grams are quite common.

Raspberries Atlant have a standard, red color with a shiny surface. The pulp of medium density is sweet and sour, juicy, has a characteristic raspberry flavor. The sugar content in berries is 5,7%, acid – 1,6%, vitamin C – 45,1 mg.

Attention! Professional tasters evaluate the external characteristics of the berries of this variety at 4,8 points, and the taste qualities at 4,2 points.

The berries are well separated from the receptacle, while maintaining their shape. Raspberry Atlant can be called a variety of universal purpose, since its berries are equally good fresh, suitable for drying and freezing, and many delicious preparations for the winter can be made from them.

Raspberry Atlant

Features of caring for raspberry Atlant

The main feature of raspberry Atlant is the amazing fact that for all its positive aspects, it does not require any special treatment.

In the middle lane for her, as for any raspberry, it is necessary to choose the sunniest and warmest places. But in the south, she may prefer partial shade. Although the berries do not have a tendency to bake in the sun, they still need a lot of water in the heat. Just like any other raspberry.

Atlas raspberry bushes can be grown even without a garter, but, strange as it sounds, a garter will only make life easier for you and your raspberries. By doing it once a season, it will be much easier for you to care for the bushes. And raspberries will receive more sun and heat, will not suffer from the wind and the severity of the crop.

Advice! It is necessary to plant raspberry Atlant, leaving 0,8-1 meter between the bushes, while between the rows it can be all 2-2,5 meters.

Raspberry Atlant

Mulching the entire root zone with non-woven material, and even better with organic matter, will also help solve several problems at once: it will retain moisture in the soil, serve as additional top dressing, protect the roots from overheating, and the soil from weeds and cracking.

Top dressing is also carried out in the periods traditional for all raspberry varieties: before planting, in the spring when shoots appear, during flowering and during the appearance of the ovary.

Like most remontant varieties, it is much more expedient to grow Atlant raspberries per crop at the end of summer – in autumn. As experience shows, the quality of the berries and the yield in this case will be much higher. To do this, all shoots in late autumn are cut out completely at ground level.

Reviews of gardeners

Raspberry Atlant

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the reviews of gardeners about Atlant raspberries are positive and even delicious, because it seems that this raspberry has practically no flaws.

Peter, 31 years old, Novomoskovsk
What I like about remontant raspberry varieties is their resistance to all sorts of sores and pests do not touch them, because they already have time to retire by the time the first ovaries appear. Atlant is really good for everyone: large, productive and even tasty, which is a comparative rarity among remontant varieties. Of course, it requires care, primarily watering and fertilizing, but what kind of raspberries can do without them. Yes, and it reproduces quite simply – I usually use cuttings that I get in the fall after pruning all the shoots. An average of 50% rooted, but that’s not bad – anyway, because they are mostly thrown away.
Nadezhda, 49 years old, Kaluga
I have grown various raspberries in my life, but I can’t get used to remontant ones. It is wonderful somehow to completely cut it off completely before winter. But for the second year now I have been trying the Atlant variety on my site, and it makes me very happy. Since spring, such strong, beautiful shoots come out, and when it blooms – just a feast for the eyes. It does not have to be processed with anything, it grows by itself and does not get sick with anything. Well, the most interesting thing is that in the fall, even the raspberry spirit has weathered from the plots, and my raspberries ripen in the garden and are so tasty, fragrant, which is just a miracle.
Eugene, 36 years old, Lipetsk
We are engaged in growing raspberries for sale and Atlant, although a relatively new variety, has already managed to enter the top five favorites. The berry is wonderful – tasty, juicy, very attractive in appearance and at the same time it is well transported.


Raspberry Atlant

Yes, there are probably better raspberry varieties than Atlant, but they will require much more careful care and intensive farming. Therefore, take a closer look at this variety, perhaps it will turn out to be exactly the raspberry that you have been looking for for so long.

OVERVIEW of raspberry variety ATLANT

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