Redcurrant and raspberry compote is the most popular type of homemade preparation for the winter. A drink made from these berries has a wonderful rich taste and aroma, and is able to compensate for the lack of many nutrients in the body. Its appearance in the winter on the dining table brings family members not only summer memories and good mood, but also gives them vitamins and microelements.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Rules for making compote from currants and raspberries

There are rules that must be observed when preparing compotes. First, the fruits must be carefully sorted out, washed and dried a little. It is better to collect them in sunny, dry weather. When it rains, they absorb a lot of moisture and easily boil soft. Compote, cooked from such fruits, turns out to be opaque, does not have a taste of freshness.

Secondly, compotes for everyday use and as a preparation for the winter are prepared, as a rule, using different technologies. It must be strictly observed, especially in the case of canning.

It is worth considering a number of technological features of seaming compotes for the winter:

  • sterilization of jars and lids – the easiest way – in the oven;
  • the berries do not need to be boiled, it is enough to pour boiling water over them and immediately roll them up – they will infuse and give the drink a rich taste;
  • since there is no cooking process as such, the ingredients can be added all at the same time;
  • after seaming, the jar with freshly prepared compote must be turned upside down, this will prevent the hot air coming from the drink from displacing and exploding the lids;
  • the jar needs to be insulated to keep the heat inside as long as possible. Only in a hot liquid, the fruits can give the drink all its taste and aroma, otherwise the drink will turn out to be tasteless, colorless and watery.

Compote, unlike some other types of preservation, for example, jams, jellies, is closed hot without delay. The condensate that is released and settles on the internal surfaces is mixed with the compote.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Recipes from raspberries and currants for every day

Berry compote is very useful and helps the body to increase its immunity, resist diseases, primarily infectious, colds. Raspberries and currants grow widely in our region and are an affordable product. Berries have a significant advantage over overseas fruits, which are loaded with chemicals to help keep them fresh and marketable.

A simple recipe for currant and raspberry compote

Compote from berries can be prepared according to a very simple recipe. This will not take much time, the whole cooking process is understandable and accessible.


  • raspberries – 300 g;
  • currant (black) – 250 g;
  • granulated sugar – 150 g;
  • water – 3 l.

The fruits are pre-treated and immersed in boiling water. Cook for a quarter of an hour, and only then add sugar. Boil for a few more minutes, turn off the gas. Keep covered until completely cool.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Fragrant and healthy raspberry and currant compote with ginger and lemon

Ginger and lemon will enhance the beneficial properties of currants, raspberries, and also give it a unique aroma and taste.


  • currant (black) – 300 g;
  • raspberries – 100 g;
  • lemon – half;
  • ginger – 1 pc.;
  • water – 2,5 l;
  • sugar – as needed.

Ginger wash, peel and cut into thin strips, lemon too. Put all compote ingredients into a pot of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, then leave for another hour under the lid. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Keep compote in a cool place, in clean jars.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Raspberry and blackcurrant compote

Prepare the fruits accordingly: sort, wash, put in a colander to remove excess moisture.


  • currant (black) – 100 g;
  • raspberries – 100 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • lemon – 2 slices;
  • water – 2,5 l.

In a pot of boiling water, first pour sugar, then berries with lemon. Boil on low heat for 5-7 minutes.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Raspberry and red currant compote

Sort currants from twigs, wash. Dip the raspberries into the saline solution and hold there for a while.


  • currant (red) – 0,25 kg;
  • raspberries – 0,25 kg;
  • sugar – 0,25 kg;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • lemon (juice) – 15 ml.

Immerse the pre-prepared fruits in a pot of boiling water. From the moment of repeated boiling, keep on fire for 5 minutes. 1-2 minutes before the end of the cooking process, add lemon juice. When the fire is already turned off, add sugar and achieve its complete dissolution. Compote should be infused for an hour or two before use.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Raspberry and currant compote recipes for the winter

Many homemade preparations for the winter captivate with their simplicity and ease of preparation. The same can be said about currant and raspberry compote, which many housewives love to close for the winter. In addition, compotes are much healthier than jam or jam. When they are seamed, the fruits are not boiled, but only poured with boiling water.

Raspberry compote with red currant for the winter without sterilization

To make the drink transparent, the berries must be taken whole, not crumpled. Pre-prepare the jars as follows: wash in a soda solution, rinse well its remnants and sterilize. Boil the lids for 5-7 minutes over medium heat.


  • currant (red) – 450 g;
  • raspberries -150 g;
  • water – 2,7 l;
  • sugar – 0,3 kg.

Arrange the clean prepared fruits in jars. One liter is 150 g of red currant and 50 g of raspberry. Steam the berries with boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Then pour it back into the pan, add sugar and boil again. Syrup pour berries in a jar almost to the very top. Immediately twist and turn over, leave to cool.

Attention! This canning method is called the double potting method.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Raspberry and currant compote with sterilization

Currant and raspberry is one of the most common berry combinations. They appear on the market at the same time and perfectly complement each other’s flavor range.


  • raspberries – 1,5 kg;
  • red currant (juice) – 1 l;
  • sugar – 0,4 kg.

Rinse the raspberries lightly and pat dry. Place in a sterilized liter container. Pour in boiling syrup, which should be prepared as follows:

  • combine redcurrant juice with granulated sugar;
  • bring to +100 degrees;
  • boil 2 minutes.

Pasteurize the compote for ten minutes at +80 degrees. Then close the jars with airtight lids. Wait until it cools down, send it to storage in the utility room.

Ingredients for another recipe:

  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • currant (red) – 0,7 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 1,2 kg.

Sort all the fruits, wash and dry. Next, prepare a syrup of water and granulated sugar, boil it for at least 10 minutes. Distribute the berries in glass jars, filling their inner space, a little short of the top (on the shoulders). Pour in boiled syrup. Pasteurize at +90:

  • 0,5 l – 15 minutes;
  • 1 l – 20 minutes;
  • 3 l – 30 minutes.

Rolled up and turned upside down cans cover with a blanket, leave it for one or two days.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Compote for the winter from raspberries with currants and citric acid

Citric acid helps bring out the sweet taste of the drink and also serves as a natural preservative.


  • raspberries – 1 tbsp.;
  • currants – 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 1,5 Art .;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp;
  • water – 2,7 l.

Prepare the syrup, put the berries in containers, add citric acid. Pour everything with boiling solution. Close with airtight lids.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Compote of black and red currants and raspberries for the winter

Assorted compotes made from two, three or more types of fruits are very popular. They have a rich, rich taste and the same diverse, healthy composition.

Ingredients for the recipe without sterilization:

  • raspberries – 1 tbsp.;
  • currant (mixture of varieties) – 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.

Compote is prepared for the winter with a double filling.

Sterilization Ingredients:

  • raspberries – 1 tbsp.;
  • currant (red) – 1 tbsp.;
  • currant (black) – 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 5 tbsp. l.

Place the berries in a jar pre-treated with steam or high temperature. Pour freshly brewed syrup, then sterilize for half an hour. Close, turn over and wrap.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Raspberry and currant compote with star anise and cinnamon

Spices will help to prepare a familiar drink with new shades of taste. This recipe will use star anise and cinnamon.


  • raspberries – 200 g;
  • currant (red) – 200 g;
  • sugar – 230 g;
  • water – 1,65 l;
  • star anise – to taste;
  • cinnamon to taste.

Berries, stacked in jars, brew with boiling water, pouring it to the very top. Carefully drain the liquid back into the saucepan, leaving the fruit at the bottom. Add sugar, spices to the solution, boil it for 2 minutes. Take out star anise and cinnamon, pour the syrup into jars and roll them up.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Compote for the winter of blackcurrant, raspberry and gooseberry

Gooseberries will perfectly fit into a single flavor range of a drink made from currants and raspberries.


  • assorted berries (raspberries, gooseberries, currants) – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 1,2 kg;
  • cans (3 l) – 3 pcs.

Raspberries only wash, currants and gooseberries additionally blanched. Put in prepared containers, fill them with freshly brewed syrup. Seal everything tightly and turn the jars upside down.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Concentrated blackcurrant and raspberry compote for the winter

Compote with an extremely rich berry flavor can be prepared in the following ways.


  • raspberries – 0,7 kg;
  • black currant (juice) – 1 l.

Transfer prepared raspberries to a jar, pour freshly squeezed juice. Cover with a lid and place in a saucepan filled with cold water. Rearrange on fire and heat up to +80 degrees. Each volume requires its own exposure time:

  • 0,5 l – 8 minutes;
  • 1 l – 14 minutes.

Then seal tightly and leave to cool.

Ingredients for another recipe:

  • currant (black) – 1 kg;
  • raspberries – 0,6 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • cinnamon – 5 g.

Prepare the berries, pour a boiling solution of water and sugar. Leave it like that for 3-4 hours. Then bring to +100 degrees, add cinnamon, boil for 10 minutes. Hot roll up on the banks.

Ingredients for another option:

  • raspberries – 0,8 kg;
  • currant (black) – 0,8 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 0,5 kg.

Arrange the berries in two liter jars. Fill them with water to the very top and pour it into a cooking container. Add sugar and boil. Distribute the syrup evenly over jars and keep them in them for a quarter of an hour. Then return the solution to the pan again and boil again, then drain back into the jars. Roll up hot immediately.

Attention! It also uses a double fill.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

How to roll blackcurrant and raspberry compote with lemon balm for the winter

Lemon balm is widely used in food and beverage preparations. It goes well with berry compote, gives it a unique flavor.


  • currant (black) – 0,2 kg;
  • raspberries – 0,2 kg;
  • sugar – 0,2 kg;
  • lemon – half;
  • melissa – 2 branches;
  • water – 1 l.

Sort the currants, wash and blanch for one minute. Then transfer to a jar, add lemon balm, lemon slices on top. Prepare the syrup according to the following scheme: add sugar, raspberries to the water and bring to +100 degrees. Pour into jars with currants, let stand for 15 minutes. Then pour into a saucepan and return to the fire. When it boils, pour over the berries again. Roll up quickly.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day

Currant and raspberry compote with pre-boiled berries

In order for the compote to be stored better and longer, the berries should be boiled a little. This will give a rich taste to the drink and help to avoid its premature spoilage.


  • berries (currants, raspberries) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0,85 kg;
  • water – 0,5 l.

Prepare the syrup, boil it until the sugar is completely dissolved, but not for long, so as not to thicken. Dip the berries into the boiling liquid, and cook for 2 minutes from the moment of secondary boiling. Then cover the pan with a towel, leave for 10 hours. Separate the syrup from the berries. Transfer the latter to jars, and bring the solution to a boil. Pour the berry mass over them, roll up the jars with the contents.

Cooking ASSORTED compote for the winter. RASPBERRY, CURRANT red and black.

Storage Rules

Canned compotes do not require special conditions for their storage. The main thing is that it is not hot and the sun’s rays do not fall on the product, but it is not necessary to send it to the refrigerator. It is worth considering a few tips on how to store compotes rolled up for the winter:

  • the temperature should be up to +20 degrees;
  • before you put the cans with compote in the basement (cellar), you need to watch them for some time: if there is swelling, cloudiness or bubbles, otherwise you need to boil the compote again and sterilize it again;
  • on each jar you need to mark the date of blockage so as not to expire the drink;
  • from time to time it is necessary to look through the jars in order to identify the first signs of spoilage of the product, in this case such a compote is removed from the storage place for recycling and early use.

The shelf life of freshly brewed compote is no more than 2 days. This is provided that it is in the refrigerator. At room temperature, this period is significantly reduced – up to 5 hours. Compote can be stored in the freezer for several months. First, place it in a plastic container. Glass containers are not suitable here, as they can burst.

Raspberry and currant compote (red, black): recipes for the winter and for every day


Redcurrant and raspberry compote will be an excellent addition to the daily menu in both summer and winter. A canned drink made from berries tastes and has the same useful qualities as a freshly brewed one.

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