Rash on the skin of the face during pregnancy
A rash on the face during pregnancy is a sure sign of the beginning of changes in the body. In order for these minor troubles to disappear after childbirth as quickly as possible, a woman must take proper care of herself throughout her pregnancy.
Why does the face become covered with acne and flakes during pregnancy?
In the first trimester of pregnancy, the hormone estrogen accumulates in the female body, which inhibits the production of sebaceous secretions. The expectant mother faces problems such as dry skin, flaking and allergic rashes.
Facial care products during pregnancy should consist of natural ingredients
Already in the second trimester, testosterone production rises. Facial skin becomes oily, clogged pores, and multiple breakouts and acne appear. However, during pregnancy, rashes may appear on the face that are not associated with hormonal background.
- Rubella. The rash is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes;
- Measles. Spotty-papular pimples, merging into a single spot;
- Herpes. Pimples are filled with a watery, yellowish liquid; after the rash, crusts form;
- Chickenpox. The rash occurs all over the body, accompanied by itching. Pimples are filled with fluid, crusts and mottling form during the healing process;
- Scabies. Two adjacent pimples on unchanged skin have a reddish tint, accompanied by constant itching;
- Allergy. Multiple rashes, similar to blisters, itch a lot, disappear without a trace.
When the first signs of a rash that are not associated with hormonal changes in the body appear, a woman should consult a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous for the health of the mother and the unborn child.
Facial skin during pregnancy: care and prevention of rashes
If during pregnancy the face becomes covered with acne, the expectant mother must remember one important rule: it is impossible to squeeze out and open the abscesses on your own. This not only increases the number of rashes, but can also lead to inflammation of the venous sinuses, thrombosis.
Before fighting acne, the expectant mother should devote all her strength to strengthening the immune system and combating dysbiosis, to include more fresh vegetables and fruits, and liquid dishes in her diet. Beauty treatments will help keep your skin clear.
During pregnancy, to clean the pores, select products that do not contain antibiotics, steroids, benzene peroxide, salicylic acid
It is better to use home cosmetics based on fruit and vegetable juices.
Rash on the face during pregnancy is a common occurrence that should not upset the expectant mother. The correct approach to the problem will help to cope with it quickly enough.