Rash in children – causes, symptoms, treatment

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A rash is a skin lesion that is limited or generalized and may vary in character and color. The rash in children is most often caused by infectious and allergic factors. It may appear in the form of spots, lumps, bubbles or a combination of several of the above-mentioned forms.

Rash in children – treatment

The rash in both an infant and a slightly older child comes in various forms. It can take the form of spots, pimples and lumps that sometimes become larger together. There are various causes of rash in a child, it may be the result of an allergy, an infectious disease or a dermatological condition. In children with a rash without accompanying systemic symptoms, it is not necessary to see a doctor, only skin eruptions should be monitored. If the pimples do not disappear, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

A rash is often the first symptom of an illness. Therefore, parents should be familiar with the appearance of pimples in specific ailments, such as measles or rubella. It is most common in children and infants allergic urticariawhich is the body’s response to contact with a foreign allergen. Very often the source of the allergen are chemicals that parents use to wash their child’s linen and cosmetics used for daily care. Then the rash is located where the linen rubs against the skin and has the form of blisters with clear boundaries and a smooth surface. The second common rash is that caused by food such as eggs, cow’s milk, and fish.

If you do not know what may be the cause of the rash in your child, we recommend comprehensive diagnostic tests for toddlers that reflect the health of your child. Thanks to it, it is possible to identify allergies or infections.

The causes of rash in children

The rash in children appears in the course of:

1. measles – which is an acute infectious viral disease, which fortunately occurs less and less due to the availability of vaccinations. A few days before the appearance of the rash, children develop symptoms in the form of photophobia and laryngitis. Measles causes a dry and exhausting cough that affects the overall well-being of the baby. White spots with a red border may appear on the oral mucosa. The irregularly shaped papular rash is often accompanied by a high temperature (even above 39 ° C). The skin lesions are initially located on the face and then involve the trunk, arms and legs. The appearance of a fever is an absolute indication for a visit to the doctor;

2. rubella (acute viral infectious disease) – a rash in the course of the symptoms is pale pink spots the size of a pinhead, located all over the body. The skin lesions first affect the area behind the ears and then spread to the torso. Additionally, the lymph nodes in the neck and behind the ears grow. Rubella usually does not require treatment, but consultation with a doctor is necessary to check the changes carefully and confirm the diagnosis. The child should be isolated from other people during the illness to avoid contagion to the others. Rubella is especially dangerous in pregnant women as it may harm the unborn child;

3. chicken pox – the rash accompanying this viral disease occurs at one moment in several forms: spots, papules and vesicles, it includes not only the skin, but also mucous membranes where the rupture of the bubbles leave painful erosions. The rash is very itchy and scratching the lesions can cause bacterial superinfection and disfiguring scars. Skin eruptions first appear on the head and then all over the body. The accompanying symptoms are usually high temperature and unpleasant itching. The lesions should be lubricated with preparations that alleviate itching and accelerate drying;

4. scarlet fever – the rash is very dense, red and blotchy, with the greatest intensity on the trunk and inside of the thighs and arms;

5. a three-day fever – otherwise known as erythema. It is a condition that mainly affects infants and children up to the age of four. At first, the baby develops a high temperature, which may be accompanied by a sore throat, diarrhea, headache and sometimes a runny nose. Thus, the symptoms are not specific and often indicate a cold. The drop in fever is accompanied by a small rubella-like rash that may last up to three days. Usually it is located on the back, abdomen, neck and limbs;

6. contagious erythema – the rash appears as red and bluish red spots on the limbs and body, and on the face is shaped like a butterfly’s wings. There are usually no accompanying symptoms, sometimes there is headache and muscle pain and an increased body temperature. There is no need to treat infectious erythema, it is enough to stay home for five days so as not to infect others. After this time, erythematous skin lesions may still appear on the skin for several weeks due to cold or heat;

7. widespread meningitis caused by meningococcus – in the case of generalization of the infection (sepsis), pinpoint ecchymoses appear, and then larger spots that do not disappear under pressure (immediate hospitalization is necessary);

8. skin diseases, often allergic in nature, e.g. in atopic dermatitis, contact eczema (very itchy vesicles and papules appear), seborrheic dermatitis. In the course of AD (atopic dermatitis), the rash appears as papules with an erythematous base. It locates first on the cheeks, and over time begins to cover the entire mouth. Skin changes also appear in the bends of the elbows and under the knees. The skin in these places is dry and often peels, accompanied by severe itching. In children with AD, it is recommended to systematically moisturize the skin with special emollients. In more severe cases, steroid therapy is necessary;

9. prickly heat – they are tiny bubbles in which there is a colorless liquid. Prickly heat usually appears in places that are particularly prone to overheating, such as the back or neck. There is usually no need to see a doctor, unless the liquid is not transparent and the skin around it turns red;

10. diaper dermatitis – it is an inflammation that is formed as a result of diaper rash in babies wearing diapers through the urine and stool. The rash accompanying this ailment is erythematous, i.e. reddening of the skin. Sometimes it takes a more severe form in the form of a large number of pimples, which transform into erosions over time. The location of the skin eruptions is the area under the diaper and sometimes the thighs. Additionally, there may be pain, burning, and high fever. In the treatment of rash, it is recommended to lubricate the sick areas with an anti-rash ointment. In addition, the child should be without a diaper as often as possible, so that the skin has access to fresh air and thus heals faster;

11. scarlet fever – this ailment is characterized by the presence of small pimples that form larger groups. They appear all over the body (under the arms, in the bends of the elbows, under the knees). Skin changes may appear within XNUMX hours of the onset of high fever. The accompanying symptoms are pain in the abdomen and throat. Please consult your child’s doctor before taking any action, as scarlet fever is treated with antibiotics. The rash should disappear after a week;

12. herpes zoster – this is characterized by tiny blisters on the reddened skin, usually on one side of the body. Additionally, the rash is accompanied by pain, unbearable itching and burning sensation. Shingles rarely occurs in children, and if so, only in those who have had chickenpox;

13. mononucleosis – one of the symptoms is a maculo-macular or macular rash. It is very similar in form to that accompanying rubella or scarlet fever. It should be emphasized that skin lesions in mononucleosis occur only in about 5% of patients. sick;

14. newborn acne – this ailment occurs as a result of the influence of hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands of the child. The rash that appears resembles adolescent acne, and its main location is the face. Acne is not accompanied by any additional symptoms. In order to bring relief to the child, it is necessary to rinse the skin with boiled water and dry it only with a disposable towel. Squeezing out skin eruptions is contraindicated!

Baby’s delicate skin requires proper care. Try Sylveco cosmetics, which have a natural composition and gently cleanse the skin: cream with vitamin E, olive with betulin, hair shampoo and bath lotion for the youngest.

Pediatrician – make an appointment


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