A rash, regardless of the place of detection, age and gender, almost always indicates a violation of the function of some internal organs, or the whole system.
If such a negative manifestation is not eliminated in time, then a simple red small rash can develop into a more serious pathology. To recognize the rash and provide adequate assistance, an examination by a specialist is necessary.
Types of rash and causes of its appearance
The skin reflects all the processes that occur in the human body, so the appearance of various rashes should be taken seriously, and not just as a cosmetic defect. Such a sign may be one of the first symptoms of an infectious or other disease.
If a rash is found on the skin, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the pathologies and prescribe treatment, and may also refer you for additional diagnostics and consultation to another narrowly specialized specialist. Thus, the patient will begin treatment of the disease in advance and eliminate not only the external signs, but also the internal cause of the rash.
In addition to visual changes in the color and structure of the skin (redness and peeling), the rash is often characterized by the occurrence of pain. Pathology at any age (both in adults and in children, especially in infants) requires mandatory treatment.
Urgent mandatory treatment is due to the fact that a rash occurs for the following reasons:
- infectious diseases: measles, rubella, typhoid fever, chicken pox, etc.;
- allergic reactions: to household chemicals, food, medicines, flowering, etc.;
- vascular and blood diseases: impaired permeability, structure of erythrocytes, etc.
There are several types of skin rash:
- pustules – formations filled with purulent contents and are characteristic mainly of furunculosis, folliculitis, pyoderma, impetigo, acne;
- bubbles – formations are filled with liquid and are small in size (up to 50 mm in diameter). Typically, blisters indicate the presence of diseases such as herpes, chickenpox, eczema, shingles, or allergic dermatitis;
- blisters – usually provoked by an allergic reaction, occur with insect bites, nettle burns, toxicoderma. Blisters often go away on their own;
- spots – they are characterized by a local change in the color of the skin (redness or discoloration). Spots appear with dermatitis, vitiligo, typhus and typhoid fever, leukoderma, etc.;
- nodules – are distinguished by a change in color, relief and structure of the skin and usually occur against the background of eczema, lichen planus, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. The nodules are usually relatively small (up to 3 centimeters);
- erythema – slightly rise above the surface of the skin and have a bright red color. They are characteristic of allergies to drugs, foods and other irritants;
- knots – formations can reach a diameter of 10 centimeters. Even after their healing, noticeable scars remain on the skin;
- purpura – skin hemorrhages, observed with violations of blood coagulation processes, vitamin C deficiency, leukemia and capillary toxicosis.
The syphilitic rash is considered separately. Syphilis and sexually transmitted infections can cause rashes on the genitals and inner thighs, as well as on the skin around the anus. There are complaints about other symptoms of such pathologies. With allergic reactions, for example, the rash is concentrated mainly on the face and hands. Common infectious lesions are characterized by the appearance of formations on the abdomen and back.
Sometimes the rash is accompanied by hemorrhage, which is caused by a slight subcutaneous hemorrhage. Petechial anomaly manifests itself in:
- lower back;
- limbs;
- under the breast.
The pathologies of the dermis in mononucleosis, meningitis, smallpox, rubella, as well as in enterovirus and herpes infections are considered separately. The listed types of rash have their own symptoms. Therefore, an experienced dermatologist can determine the source of the problem by the localization of formations alone.
It is rather difficult to say how long the annoying symptoms of such diseases will last, since it is necessary to take into account the overall resistance of the body, the correctness of the selection of therapy and related complications.
Eczema as the most common chronic dermatosis
Eczema is a chronic relapsing disease with acute inflammatory symptoms. It is characterized by polymorphism of morphological elements, which is formed as a result of a complex complex of etiological and pathogenetic factors. The term “eczema” was first used in the II century. n. e. to determine dermatoses with an acute course, and in the second half of the XNUMXth century. scientists have identified eczema as a separate nosological form. The name comes from the Greek word “eczeo” – “boil”, and reflects the most characteristic symptom of acute eczema – the presence of numerous bubbles that quickly open, resembling bubbles on the surface of boiling water.
The main role in the development of eczema is played by neurogenic and allergic mechanisms. The disease is peculiar only to those who have a predisposition to it. Various factors of endogenous or exogenous origin can provoke the development of eczema. The role of a certain factor in each case of eczema manifests itself in different ways, which indicates the polyetiological nature of the disease.
The development of the disease is provoked by functional disorders of the nervous system, which is confirmed by the symmetry of the rashes, severe itching with minor clinical manifestations, and favorable treatment results when using drugs that affect the nervous system.
Often the cause can be immunological disorders, including systems associated with such antigens as HLA-B22, B27, Cw1, in some cases, immunodeficiency states that develop against the background of a genetic predisposition as a result of impaired neurohumoral regulation. First of all, immunological disorders in eczema affect the cellular link: there is a decrease in the T-suppressor and T-helper activity of lymphocytes with a decrease in their number, which in turn leads to impaired humoral immunity. Inhibition of immunological reactivity contributes to:
- activation of foci of chronic infection;
- implementation of the interaction of antigens;
- slowing down their excretion from the body, which becomes a predisposing factor for the development of eczema.
The probability of attaching secondary microflora increases in the presence of dysfunction of nonspecific protective factors – polymorphonuclear leukocytes, lysozyme, complement factors, cationic proteins.
In the development of eczema, an allergic restructuring of the body plays a significant role, which can be manifested by increased skin sensitivity to a number of antigens. Initially, monovalent, and over time – polyvalent hypersensitivity of the skin to various external and internal factors, including autoallergy, is formed. For example, mucoproteins of the horny substance of skin scales can act as allergens.
Among exogenous factors, the greatest importance is attached to irritating chemicals and agents:
- resins
- detergents
- some metals (chromium, nickel, cadmium).
In some patients, there is an increased sensitivity to plants, in particular flowers, drugs, and cosmetics. Some patients have increased sensitivity to ambient temperature, mechanical stimuli, ultraviolet radiation.
Allergic and simple dermatitis
Allergic dermatitis is a skin lesion as a result of repeated exposure to sensitizing irritants in individuals with hypersensitivity to various substances.
In the development of allergic dermatitis take place:
- hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions;
- features of the structure of the skin (thickness of the stratum corneum);
- pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
- decrease in humoral and cellular immunity;
- neuropsychiatric disorders;
- dysbiosis;
- foci of chronic infection: tonsillitis, caries, adnexitis, prostatitis, etc.;
- increased sweating;
- chronic skin diseases: true eczema, atopic dermatitis;
- professional sensitization.
Only an experienced dermatologist will help to distinguish the manifestations of allergic dermatitis from acne and herpetic rash in order to exclude mumps, acute pustular lesions, psoriasis, and sexually transmitted infections.
Sweating plays an important role in the process of sensitization (increased sensitivity to an allergen). People with excessive sweating are more likely to experience allergic contact dermatitis caused by clothing made from dyed fabrics, since the chromium salts contained in the dye can be extracted with sweat.
Foci of simple contact dermatitis are formed at the site of exposure to the primary irritant. It is distinguished by the absence of manifestations of an acute reaction and the further spread of the inflammation process after the exclusion of the irritating element. For example, when they often wear clothes made from synthetic fabrics, to the fibers of which the body is highly sensitive.
Seborrheic dermatitis should be mentioned as a disease caused by a specific fungus. Very often, the causes of its appearance are hormonal disorders, stressful conditions, diseases of the nervous system.
It is important to note that the treatment of any rash, including allergic, only with external agents in the form of gels, creams and ointments, is often ineffective. Since with this method of treatment, the symptoms in the form of a rash are eliminated, but not the causes of the pathology. Do not self-medicate and use advertising products! This can exacerbate the situation and change the picture of the true disease, leading to difficulties in diagnosis and delaying the start of adequate treatment for the rash.
Herpes simplex and folliculitis
A common viral disease, which is characterized by rashes in the form of multiple clusters of vesicles on the mucous membranes or human skin, is herpes simplex.
According to statistics and various medical sources, the global prevalence of herpes viruses types 1 and 2 ranges from 65% to 90%.
The causative agent of this pathology are herpesviruses of two types: HSV-1 and HSV-2 (1 and 2 types). The herpes simplex virus is transmitted in the following ways:
- contact, including sexual contact;
- airborne (aerosol),
- fecal-oral;
- vertical (from mother to child);
- blood contact, including in organ transplantation.
Penetration most often occurs by contact through the skin or mucous membranes. After overcoming the skin barrier, the virus moves through the blood and lymphatic channels to the tissues of the internal organs. Thus, it enters the nerve ganglia, invading the human genetic apparatus, after which it is completely impossible to remove the virus from the body. As with any DNA-containing viruses, the mechanism of reproduction of the herpes virus upon entering the cell is to launch a productive or lytic type of the disease. Infected areas can become inflamed, and after the body destroys the virus along with its cells, microscopic foci of necrosis form in the affected area.
As a rule, the herpes simplex virus type 1 is the cause of such diseases:
- acute herpetic stomatitis – infection most often occurs in childhood. The incubation period can last up to 5 days. Formed as a result of tissue damage by a virus, mucosal damage heals after 2-3 weeks;
- Kaposi’s eczema herpetiformis – the disease has symptoms similar to chicken pox: a specific rash, often turning into bleeding eczema, swollen lymph nodes, fever. Common in childhood, less common in adolescents and adults. Without timely treatment, it can lead to death;
- herpetic keratoconjunctivitis (herpetic keratitis) – a characteristic symptom of simple recurrent herpes is the formation of a tree-like or serpentine lesion of the cornea and its clouding, which in turn can lead to blindness;
- encephalitis caused by the herpes simplex virus – the disease has a high risk of death. If the patient recovers, some neurological impairment may remain. As a rule, herpetic eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes are not observed;
- labialis is the most common form of herpes type 1 manifestation. The rash is formed at the junction of the skin and mucous membranes, often on the lips, skin of the cheeks, chin, in the area of the wings of the nose. After healing, there are no traces of scars on the body.
Herpes simplex virus type 2 can manifest itself as follows:
- simple genital herpes, like the herpes virus type 1, manifests itself in the form of ulcers or blisters that are located on the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs, in the perineum, on the buttocks. Differs in frequent relapses;
- herpes simplex virus in a newborn – occurs during vertical infection (from mother to child during childbirth), can be the cause of death;
- the herpes simplex virus during pregnancy is dangerous by the possibility of transmitting it to the child. Therefore, treatment should be started as early as possible to prevent serious consequences.
Any type of herpes simplex virus can infect different parts of the human body (for example, after orogenital intercourse).
The herpes simplex virus can be dangerous not only for humans, but also for animals. It often causes various diseases in dogs, rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, etc.
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to study the clinical picture of the manifestations of the virus, since the choice of a specialist depends on the location and complexity of the course of the disease. For the treatment of herpes simplex and herpes zoster, you need to contact a dermatologist, genital herpes – a gynecologist, andrologist or urologist. With ophthalmic herpes, the help of an ophthalmologist may be required, and with herpes of the oral cavity, a dentist.
To prevent recurrence of herpes simplex, you can consult an immunologist, since most often the virus manifests itself against the background of reduced immunity. To do this, the doctor will determine the cause of the decrease in the body’s defenses, give the necessary recommendations.
A rare form of herpes simplex is herpetic folliculitis, which develops against the background of HIV infection. Its symptoms are multiple vesicles that quickly open and become covered with brown crusts. This form is typical only for men in the region of the lips and chin.
There are forms of herpes simplex, in which the disease stops at the initial stage. In this case, a person experiences such manifestations of it:
- itchy red spots with close to rounded contours that disappear in 3-4 days;
- single bubbles;
- short-term itching (passes in 1-2 days).
Herpetic folliculitis should be differentiated from adolescent folliculitis, which can be caused by:
- fungal infection;
- viral infection;
- bacterial damage;
- caused by parasites, including mites.
Reduced immunity increases the risk of infection, as happens with:
- kidney disease;
- scabies;
- leukemia;
- unbalanced work of the pancreas;
- the vasculature;
- giardiasis;
- cancer;
- liver destabilization;
- coxsackie virus infection.
The lesion is located at the mouth of the hair follicle, where a papule, pustule later forms, smoothly flowing after its break in erosion, furuncles.
Pink acne
Rosacea or rosacea is a chronic relapsing disease of the skin of the face, manifested in the form of reddening of the skin, followed by the appearance of abscesses and tubercles on it. It has a staged flow pattern. It begins with the appearance of a “blush” on the face, and then gradually spreads to the skin of the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin. It can also appear on the ears, chest and back. Rosacea is incurable, but it is manageable.
Pathology is hereditary in nature, and environmental factors, including stress, ultraviolet radiation, and alcohol consumption, can also provoke its development. Fair-skinned people are most susceptible to the disease, but dark-skinned races are at risk of developing pathology. Rosacea is more often diagnosed in women; in men, this pathology can take on a more severe course.
Scientists from the American Academy of Dermatology distinguish 4 stages of the manifestation of rosacea:
- erythematous-telangiectatic (reddening of the skin, hyperemia and visible blood vessels);
- papulo-pustular (redness, swelling, acne-like rashes on the skin);
- phymatous (thickening of the skin and unevenness of its texture);
- ocular (redness and irritation of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and even barley-like formations along the edge of the eyelids).
It is recommended to undergo early diagnosis and treatment of the disease, as over time the symptoms will worsen: redness on the face can become a constant companion, many patients will begin to experience several symptoms at the same time, which complicates the treatment.
In addition to social problems, this pathology also has consequences for people’s health. Patients with rosacea have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal problems, certain types of cancer, and other diseases. As a result of studies by Thai scientists, it was found that patients with rosacea had a higher percentage of predisposition to concomitant diseases than those who did not have rosacea:
- 41% higher risk of developing hypercholesterolemia;
- 35% – occurrence of coronary heart disease;
- by 17% – the development of arterial hypertension.
Also in another study, scientists found that women with rosacea were 1,59 times more likely to have thyroid cancer and 1,5 times more likely to have skin cancer compared to those who did not have a history of such a pathology.
There is evidence that the presence of rosacea may be associated with various inflammatory diseases:
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- allergies;
- diabetes;
- female hormonal imbalance;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- respiratory pathology;
- gastroesophageal reflux disease;
- a form of brain cancer.
Although there is no cure for rosacea, symptoms must be controlled to prevent a complicated course of the disease. To do this, use various drugs for oral and topical use, including antibiotics. In difficult situations, dermatologists may use intense pulsed light, lasers, or other medical and surgical devices to remove visible blood vessels and reduce skin redness.
To cleanse the skin of people with rosacea, it is recommended to use mild and non-abrasive products, wash them off with warm water and pat the skin dry with a towel. To reduce skin irritation, a non-comedogenic sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher can be used. It is necessary to make changes in lifestyle, reducing stress for the body and the influence of external factors that provoke an exacerbation of the symptoms of rosacea.
Treatment and effective prevention
Despite the fact that there are still other options for pathological conditions where a rash appears, their treatment still begins with a specialist consultation.
During the initial appointment, the attending physician will conduct the necessary comprehensive diagnostics, which includes the following measures:
- a detailed survey, clarifying the features of the course of the disease, anamnesis of life;
- physical examination;
- examination of the skin using instrumental diagnostics;
- collection of biomaterial for research.
After determining the type and cause of the rash, complex therapy is prescribed to combat the causative agent of the infection (if it is detected):
- desensitizing therapy;
- anti-inflammatory treatment;
- treatment of the affected area with local antiseptics, antimycotics, antiviral drugs.
Mandatory in an individual treatment plan is:
- strengthening immunity;
- vitamin therapy;
- prevention of dysbiosis (violation of microflora) of the intestine.
In complex therapy, a therapeutic diet, general strengthening drugs, psychotherapy and physiotherapeutic methods of influence are prescribed.
Relapse prevention is carried out when the causes of the rash are known.
If the cause of the rash was an allergic reaction, you should:
- avoid contact with substances that cause allergies;
- follow the advice of a doctor on the use of certain foods;
- take recommended medications.
Skin rash caused by infections can be prevented by:
- careful observance of personal hygiene;
- elimination of contacts with carriers of infection;
- avoiding large crowds of people during an exacerbation of infectious diseases;
- timely vaccination;
- refraining from using other people’s personal hygiene products;
- regular ventilation of the premises;
- proper diet with the necessary minerals, vitamins and other substances.
An important role in maintaining skin health and preventing its premature aging is played by regular good nutrition, personal hygiene, physical education and sports, sufficiently long and sound sleep, as well as outdoor walks, sea and sunbaths.
The exclusion from the daily diet of indigestible fats, spices, smoked meats, canned food, alcoholic beverages, coffee, chocolate and various extractive substances allows not only to normalize metabolic processes in the body, but also to prevent the development or exacerbation of skin diseases.
- Sources of
- Wikipedia. – Sip.
- MSD Handbook. – Description of the elements of the rash.
- ON Clinic. – What can cause a rash?