Rapeseed oil – properties and application

It belongs to the category of vegetable fats. It is one of the healthiest oils in this group. Rapeseed oil is pressed from black-colored rapeseed, and the plant itself blooms yellow. To produce a liter of this oil, about 3 kg of the plant need to be used. Rapeseed oil is not extremely popular in our country. In the past, rapeseed containing erucic acid, which is harmful to health, was cultivated in Poland. However, for many years only genetically modified oilseed rape has been grown, completely free of this harmful component. Rapeseed oil contains oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids that are valuable to the body.

Rapeseed oil and its properties

Rapeseed oil contains valuable components for the body, incl unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic (omega-6 acid) and linolenic (omega-3 acid). Both acids have a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle, the functioning of the entire circulatory system, the functioning of the kidneys and the condition of the skin. The human body does not produce these types of acids, and they are essential for proper functioning. The daily diet should be rich in omega fatty acids. Rapeseed oil contains the most appropriate ratio of omega fatty acids, making it one of the best ingredients in the daily diet. Contained in oil oleic acid contributes to the reduction of cholesterol (LDL) in the body. The oleic acid content in rapeseed oil is about 62 percent.

Rapeseed oil is included in food for special medical purposes, which is worth using in periods of decreased immunity and before and during oncological treatment. On Medonet Market, buy now at promotional prices, including:

  1. ONCORIA IN – Prehabilitation before oncological treatment,
  2. ONCORIA IN – Regeneration during oncological treatment,
  3. ONCORIA IN – Forte regeneration during oncological treatment.

Rapeseed oil, unrefined

Cold-pressed oil is referred to as unrefined. As the name suggests, unrefined oil should be used cold, e.g. in sauces or salads. On the other hand, refined oils, i.e. hot pressed oils, are used for baking, cooking or frying, but also for sauces and salads. This rule should apply to oils of other origin, including olive oil.

Vitamin content in rapeseed oil

Refined rapeseed oil contains phytosterols – otherwise plant sterols and polyphenols. Phytosterols are effective in maintaining the proper level of cholesterol in the body. Polyphenols have an antioxidant, i.e. anti-cancer effect.

Vitamins that canola oil contains:

  1. vitamin E – eliminates free radicals, has antioxidant properties (thanks to which the oil retains its freshness longer),
  2. vitamin K – is responsible for blood clotting,
  3. provitamin A – supports the condition of the skin and eyes.

Rapeseed oil is safe for children, so it can be successfully used to cook food for the whole family.

Rapeseed oil used in hair treatment

Rapeseed oil is also used in hair treatment. Replacing the more expensive olive oil, it is used in hair oiling. This process involves applying vegetable oil (here rapeseed oil) to the hair, which has a strengthening effect, nourishes, moisturizes and regenerates the hair structure. It is one of the very inexpensive home remedies that improve the condition of the hair. To be effective, the treatment must be applied systematically, usually once a week.

You can order EKO rapeseed oil today at Medonet Market. We also recommend Rapeseed oil in a spray with the OstroVit butter flavor, the form of which will allow for reasonable dosing and convenient use.

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