Rannik cutter

Useful properties and application of the wound cutter

Botanical characteristics

Rannik cutter

Tax collector is an interesting perennial plant that has a greyish-green thick stem with doubly pinnate leaves. This herb has a special aroma due to small purple flowers. They are collected in elegant umbrellas. A strong straight stem grows up to 50 cm in height. It blooms from mid-June to the end of August. It is distributed in the Far East and in typical forest-steppe zones of Siberia. Poreznik prefers meadows, forest edges and old fallows. For medicinal purposes, as a rule, the grass is harvested during flowering, and the seeds and roots are harvested in September.

Useful properties of the wound cutter

Due to the high content of essential oil, this wonderful herbaceous plant has a delicate pleasant aroma. Especially a lot of this oil is found in the seeds. The dried leaves of cutweed contain a huge amount of protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extractives, as well as ash and various trace elements.

The presented plant has long been used for cuts. To quickly stop the bleeding, you should attach the grass to the wound and bandage it. The plant will also relieve inflammation from serious abscesses. Cutworm seeds are used as a savory spice during cooking and when pickling vegetables. An excellent infusion of cutweed seeds is indicated for hemorrhoids, menstrual problems, hernia and choking. In addition, this remedy has a powerful diuretic effect.

Application of the wound cutter

An infusion of cuticle is prescribed for epilepsy and other nervous diseases. To get rid of cancerous tumors, it can be taken orally or make miraculous poultices. To prepare such a magnificent infusion, you need to take no more than 2 teaspoons of seeds and gradually pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. It should be noted that this remedy should be infused in a tightly closed container for at least one hour. It is recommended to use the infusion 2 tablespoons 3 or 4 times a day.

Healing poultices from the fresh roots of the plant are effective for severe toothache. To heal wounds, you need to grind the herb and mix it with a small amount of water. This slurry has a proven wound healing effect.

Contraindications to the use of the wound cutter

Certain contraindications to the use of the cutter have not been identified.

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