Ranking of supplements for athletes – the best pills for physically active people

Professionally active sports people have a much greater need for nutrients than people with a calmer lifestyle. The pace of their biochemical and physiological changes is much faster, and the processes themselves run much more efficiently. By exercising regularly and intensively, the body makes the most of the nutrients provided with food, which is why supplementation is important in the case of athletes. Check which tablets are best for physically active people.

Ranking of supplements for athletes – B vitamins

B vitamins are needed for the proper course of the body’s energy changes. They are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous, circulatory and immune systems. In addition, they have a positive effect on the development and maintenance of normal bone tissue. Therefore, they are common ingredient of preparations for athletes.

B vitamins in dietary supplements they are also present because they influence the proper blood pressure, reduce muscle spasms and the feeling of tingling hands. They are also responsible for the metabolism as well as the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Importantly, the higher the energy expenditure, the more B vitamins we need.

During increased physical activity, it is worth reaching e.g. B-50 Complex from Puritan’s Pride. You can get this preparation on medonetmarket.pl.

Ranking of supplements for athletes – vitamin C

Athletes should also reach for preparations with vitamin C.. It is needed for the proper distribution of oxygen in the blood, and additionally improves the absorption of iron. Vitamin C also supports the absorption of protein from food and turns it into protein structures in the muscles. In addition, vitamin C strengthens our immunity. What most people do not know is that it is much more effective in preventing disease in athletes than in non-training people.

It also has a strong antioxidant effect that reduces the harmful effects of free radicals. This improves the rate and efficiency of tissue regeneration. In addition, it protects muscle tissue cells against damage and accelerates their growth. Vitamin C also has a huge impact on collagen synthesis. This vitamin not only increases the amount of collagen produced, but also the amount of its structures. This has a very beneficial effect on the work of the entire motor system, reducing the risk of injury.

At medonetmarket.pl you will now get Vitamin C1000 from SOLHERBS. This preparation is available in both powder and capsule form. One dose is as much as 1000 units of vitamin C.

Check it out: What does the athlete’s diet look like?

Ranking of supplements for athletes – vitamin A

Vitamin A is another ingredient that should be supplemented by people professionally practicing sports. This vitamin supports the production of new muscle cells and positively influences their proper functioning. In addition, it helps them recover after training, and may even have an impact on its greater intensity.

Vitamin A also positively influences the eyesight and the growth of various cells in the body. It has anti-cancer properties, supports the immune system, prevents infections by fighting bacteria and viruses. In addition, it also takes care of the good condition of hair, skin and nails and helps regenerate very dry skin.

Vitamin A comes from a variety of supplements. You can try, among others Vitamin A 10.000 IU from Swanson. The preparation can be found at medonetmarket.pl.

Ranking of supplements for athletes – vitamin E

Vitamin E in supplements for athletes reduces the breakdown of red blood cells and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the risk of contractions is reduced and cell regeneration is much faster. In addition, vitamin E also positively influences the production of testosterone. It is also important for athletes because it protects red blood cells while carrying oxygen to all parts of the body. Better oxygenation of cells ensures their better work, and therefore also the work of muscles.

Vitamin E is called the vitamin of youth because it has strong antioxidant properties and is effective in combating free radicals, as well as reducing the risk of their production. Thus, it slows down the aging process. In addition, in the case of joggers, vitamin E will positively affect the proper oxygenation of the body cells.

In addition, vitamin E has a positive effect on the oxidation of bad cholesterol and protects the body against the development of atherosclerosis and the production of atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, it should be used especially by people with cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin E is also good for the action of insulin and helps maintain normal blood glucose levels. You can find vitamin E in the Swanson offer. Go to medonetmarket.pl and check the offer.

Ranking of supplements for athletes – minerals

In addition to vitamins preparations for athletes they should also contain minerals. Among minerals that support the body during intense exercise are located:

  1. sodium and potassium – intense exercise causes our body to lose sodium and potassium along with sweat. For this reason, it is necessary to use preparations that will supplement the resulting deficiencies after training and competitions. Potassium comes mainly from vegetable and vegetable and fruit juices. Such cocktails should be drunk immediately after training. Bananas, tomatoes, spinach, beans and potatoes are also sources of potassium. The source of sodium while various salted products. Loss of minerals during training makes us feel tired and sore. Then it is enough to drink an isotonic drink, while after training, supplementing the intake of sodium and potassium promotes regeneration;
  2. calcium – is needed by athletes for many of the most important processes for them, such as muscle contraction and relaxation, conduction of nerve stimuli and blood clotting. It is one of the most important macronutrients for an athlete’s body. When deficiencies occur, they are compensated for with calcium in the bones. This leads to disturbances in their structure, which means a greater risk of injury and bone damage;
  3. magnesium – it is very important for the proper course of energy transformations. It has a great influence on increasing protein synthesis. Magnesium regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. It is of great importance to athletes;
  4. iron – it is very important for every athlete. The right level of iron has a great influence on the correct level of hemoglobin, myoglobin in the muscles, as well as the enzymes necessary for transport and oxygen metabolism. The lower the iron level, the less efficient our body is;
  5. zinc – has a positive effect on the synthesis of body proteins and the production of hormones, such as insulin and testosterone. It can help increase muscle mass and strength gains. In addition, zinc is responsible for maintaining an adequate level of vitamin A in the plasma. Hence, the proper level of zinc can be very essential to athletes.

When using dietary supplements, it should be remembered that an excess of nutrients may also have an adverse effect on the body. Therefore, before starting supplementation, it is worth consulting a doctor who will help you choose the right one preparations for people practicing sports.

If you want to support your body during intense workouts, try, for example, Flex All Complete 400 g. You can find the preparation on medonetmarket.pl.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health. Do you need a medical consultation or an e-prescription? Go to halodoctor.pl, where you will get online help – quickly, safely and without leaving your home.

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