Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

The counters of shops and supermarkets of world states are teeming with tinted flavored liquid with a high content of carbon dioxide. The latter is also added to mineral water, which allegedly increases its value and improves gastronomic properties. The soda that modern factories produce has nothing to do with natural lemonade and healthy drinks like Tarragon and Baikal, as well as those options that the USSR offered according to GOST. In modern soda, apart from water and industrial sugar, there are practically no natural ingredients left, and the content of natural juice in some versions, as a rule, does not exceed 10%.

And instead of benefit, we get a whole range of chemical additives that poison our body. Corn syrup, molasses and beet sugar are simple carbohydrates, making the drink very high in calories, “heavy” and, of course, dangerous for people with impaired glucose tolerance. A high proportion of sugar leads to the development of obesity, and phosphoric acid leads to a weakening of the bone tissue, which increases the risk of fractures and cracks, destroys the enamel and dentin of the teeth. Carbon dioxide increases the acidity of the stomach, corroding the walls of the mucosa and increasing the risk of gastritis, enterocolitis, and ulcers. Do not forget that the citro also contains a lot of sweeteners, colors, flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, and in some versions also antibiotics and antiemetic components. Indeed, such a “shock” dose of sugar would simply not be tolerated by taste buds, against which the drink would be rejected by the digestive tract.

Nevertheless, soda has been, is and, unfortunately, will be popular in developed countries, where people are used to spending a minimum of time preparing meals and drinks. Let’s take a look at the TOP 10 countries ranked by the degree of soda consumption.

10 Bolivia

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

The population of this country uses carbonated water less than others, however, an average of 89 liters per inhabitant per year. Not surprising, because Bolivia is considered the leading producer and exporter of sugar crops in the world, so the cost of the drink is moderate and affordable for many. Affiliates of multinational companies that are developing here are actively working on advertising and propaganda to increase the level of consumption of sitra among young Bolivians. But the state is actively fighting private business, developing measures that will reduce this indicator, which is dangerous for the country’s demography.

9. Saudi Arabia

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

In the country, the average level of soda drinking is equal to that of Bolivia. Such a high figure is due to a number of factors: a ban on drinking alcohol (fortunately, it deprives the population of an even more unhealthy alternative), high air temperature (increases thirst), and the affordable price of drinks. The government is trying to fight the popularity of soda and even asked the main exporters (Coca-Cola and Pepsi) to place warnings on their products for the public about the dangers of soda abuse.

8. Norway

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

The country is ahead of the previous two in the consumption of soda, and in recent years there has been a new round of popularity of such drinks among the population. One Norwegian has an average of 98 liters of harmful liquid per year. There is a good range of products on the market, but the undisputed annual leaders are the American multinationals Pepsi and Coca-Cola, whose goal is to undermine the gene pool of countries and lead to population decline due to deteriorating health indicators.

7. Germany

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

A German also consumes an average of 98 liters of carbonated drink per year. In addition to the “brands” listed above, there are other popular brands on the market: Delta, Mezzo, Fanta, Mix, Sprite and others. Statistics show that in recent years, the population of the country is increasingly consuming carbonated drinks with a high content of caffeine, including energy drinks. The government has even begun to consider measures that would help reduce the consumption of harmful soda in one of the most developed countries.

6. Belgium

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

In recent years, there has been a real “boom” in the popularity of carbonated drinks of transnational corporations in this country. The level of consumption by one inhabitant has already reached 109 liters per year, which is why degenerative processes of the general health of the nation are observed. The most vulnerable and unprotected segment of the population, of course, are children, for whom parents wholeheartedly buy harmful tinted soda. As a result, preschool children and adolescents develop serious problems with metabolism, disruption of the endocrine glands, obesity, deterioration of teeth and bones. The government has ordered producers to produce a special line of products with a reduced sugar content, however, soda is still not harmless, as it contains other harmful impurities. The state is also considering developing and implementing a tax on soda, which will reduce the export of harmful products by multinational companies. It is also planned to use the proceeds to support medical companies.

5. Uruguay

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

In this country, a resident consumes 5 liters more annually than a Belgian. Dangerous 113 liters per person led to the fact that the health of the nation has deteriorated significantly against the background of the stabilization of the economy and the general standard of living. That is, receiving additional finances and benefits, an ordinary Uruguayan does not switch to a healthy diet, does not sign up for sports clubs and does not raise the level of morality at the city’s cultural events, while the consumption of semi-finished products and synthetic sitra increases.

4. Mexico

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

Soda consumption per Mexican per year has reached 137 liters. If we look at the numbers and statistics, then this country has the highest growth rate in the consumption of sweet liquids per year. Official medicine sounds the alarm, as a lot of patients are treated with obesity, pancreatic dysfunction, diabetes mellitus and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The government was forced to increase subsidies to the health sector and impose a tax on the import of soda from abroad.

3. Chile

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

Chileans “surpassed” Mexico in terms of consumption – 1 citizen of the country accounts for 141 liters annually. This is facilitated by low unemployment, a stable economy and, as a result, a higher purchasing power of the population. There are various concerns on the market, but the notorious Coca-Cola is the leader in consumption.

2. USA

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

States are testing products not only in competing countries on the world stage, but also in their own regions. Moreover, the delivery of harmful Cola and Pepsi drinks costs an order of magnitude less, which makes the soda affordable for any ordinary American. In this regard, the latter drinks an average of 154 liters per year per year – and this is approximately 1 can of 0,33 daily! Not surprisingly, the country’s pediatric wards are filled with children with gastritis, obesity, and impaired glucose tolerance. Yes, dentists also thrive on human misfortunes, because Cola and similar drinks corrode the enamel very quickly and lead to dental pathologies. Reports say that a fifth of Americans drink soda daily.

1. Argentina

Ranking of countries by the degree of consumption of carbonated drinks

The country has become a leader, where there are about 1 liters per 155 inhabitant per year. The reason for the increased consumption: hot climate that provokes thirst, high average income and low cost of drinks.

The statistics of Western countries is really frightening and makes you wonder how we are poisoning ourselves and our children. Russia has not yet entered the dangerous rating of soda abuse, and thanks to the combined efforts of the inhabitants, it may never be.

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