Range in Excel

A range in Excel is a set of two or more cells. This article provides an overview of some very important range operations.

Cells, rows, columns

Let’s start by selecting cells, rows and columns.

  1. To select a cell C3 click on the field at the intersection of the column C and lines 3.Range in Excel
  2. To select a column C, click on the column heading C.Range in Excel
  3. To select a line 3, click on the title of the term 3.Range in Excel

Range examples

A range is a collection of two or more cells.

  1. To select a range B2: C4 click on the bottom right corner of the cell V2 and drag the mouse to the cell C4.Range in Excel
  2. To select a range consisting of separate (nonadjacent) cells, hold down the key Ctrl and click on each cell you want to include in the range.Range in Excel

Range Fill

To fill in the range, follow the instructions below:

  1. Enter the value 2 in the cell B2.Range in Excel
  2. Highlight a cell V2, hold its lower right corner and drag it down to the cell V8.Range in Excel


    Range in Excel

    This dragging technique is very important and you will use it often in Excel. Here is another example:

  3. Enter the value 2 in the cell V2 and the value 4 into the cell B3.Range in Excel
  4. Select cells B2 и B3, pinch the bottom right corner of this range and drag it down.Range in Excel

    Excel automatically fills in the range based on a pattern of the first two values. Cool, isn’t it? Here is another example:

  5. Enter the date 13/6/2013 in the cell V2 and the date 16/6/2013 into a cell B3 (the figure shows American analogues of dates).Range in Excel
  6. Select cells B2 и B3, pinch the bottom right corner of this range and drag it down.Range in Excel

Range shift

To move a range, do the following:

  1. Select the range and click its border.Range in Excel
  2. Drag the range to a new location.Range in Excel

Copy/paste range

To copy and paste a range, do the following:

  1. Select the range, right-click on it and click Copy (Copy) or keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C.Range in Excel
  2. Select the cell where you want to place the first cell of the copied range, right-click and select command paste (Insert) in section Paste Options (Paste Options) or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V.Range in Excel

Insert row, column

To insert a line between the values ​​20 and 40, as in the figure below, do the following:

  1. Highlight a line 3.Range in Excel
  2. Right click on it and select command Insertion (Insert).Range in Excel


    Range in Excel

    Lines below the newline are shifted down. You can insert a column in the same way.

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